Location in the document
Text in the current document.
Suggested text for errata. You might add this, but I don't think, it is necessary. (Omit me too, if you like.)
Status of the document, first ol, first li
First list item is missing a "." at the end.
Status of the document, to the end of the section
There is a more complete list of changes
There is a complete list of changes /or/ There is a list that describes more changes
If something is complete, it can not be more complete, otherwise it wouldn't have been complete before, so either it is a complete list, if all changes are covered, or it is a "longer" list if it is not complete/exhaustive.
3.2 Triples, first sentence
The first is the subject of the triple, and is what we are making our statements about.
The first is the subject of the triple, and is what we are making our statement about.
The texts speaks about THE triple, so it is only one statement, I would use the singular.
3.3 IRI references, last paragraph, last sentence
<dfn title="iri-reference" id="T-iri-reference">IRI references.</dfn>
<dfn title="iri-reference" id="T-iri-reference">IRI references</dfn>.
The '.' at the end is inside of the dfn
tag. On the
other hand, the definition for IRI is not made in this document. Maybe use a different way
to emphasize/mark up.
4.2 RDFa Host Language Conformance, first li
item, note
4.2 und 4.3
(W ... ).
(W ... .)
Full stop before ')', full sentence in (), so full stop inside (... .)
5.0 Attributes and Syntax, definition vocab
an IRI
The 'a' or 'an' is in small letters elsewhere in the document.
7.3 Chaining, last paragraph before 7.4
The subject for the 'German Empire' would remain Albert Einstein (and that would, of course, be an error).
The subject for 'the German Empire' would remain Albert Einstein (and that would, of course, be an error).
The subject for (the object) 'German Empire' ist Albert Einstein, the predicate is given via property="dbp:birhtplace". Wrong would be, if Albert Einstein would be the subject for the object 'the German Empire' with the property="dbp:conventionalLongName". I think, the apostroph needs to be shifted.
Actually there is only 'German_Empire' and 'the German Empire' in the example, so it should be precisely used like in the example to avoid confusion. The confusion starts in an example further above, where 'German Empire' is used for http://dbpedia.org/resource/German_Empire, so the reader might walk into this trap. Maybe it would be better to use dbr:German_Empire and dbr:Switzerland in all the explanations for the examples instead of the commonly associated names like German Empire and Switzerland and so on.
7.4.2, in the examples
... an author might do this ... they would do this ... The author could ...
... an author might do this ... the author would do this ... The author could ...
First example uses author, second example refers to the autor in first example, but uses they. I would keep it simple and either use author or authors throughout the document. Author is nice for translations, please, never change it to publisher like in other specs.
7.5 Sequence, first note
... bnode' It is ...
... bnode'. It is ...
Missing '.'
7.6.1, third paragraph
... allow the developer, if they would ...
... allow the developers, if they would ...
Similar like above with author.
7.6.1, last paragraph
An web service ...
A web service ...
An to A
7.6.1, last paragraph
... allow the caller to specify if they ...
1. ... allow the caller to specify if he/she ...
2. ... allow the callers to specify if they ...
Similar like above., header for last example
which should generate the following triples:
which should generate the following triple:
Only one triple generated.
the first group are set to refer to the @about that contains them:
the statements in the first group refer to the (attribute) @about that contains them:
a group is, statements are. See next item also.
whilst the second group refer to the @resource that contains them:
whilst the statements of the second group refer to ...
Similar like above, a group refers, statements refer.
8.2, to the end of the section
The entire set of triples that an RDFa Processor should generate are as follows:
The entire set of triples that an RDFa Processor should generate is as follows:
The entire set ... is, the 'are' problably derives from triples, in that case you could write something like: All triples that an RDFa processor should generate are as follows:
8.3, last paragraph
A IRI resource object
An IRI resource object
A change to An XML Literals
an empty @datatype value can be used create a plain literal
an empty @datatype value can be used 'to' create a plain literal
'to' missing XML Literals
Although the rendering of this page has highlighted the term the user searched for, setting @datatype to nothing ensures that the data is interpreted as a plain literal, giving the following triples:
1. 'Rendering of this ...searched for. Setting ... *Skip 'Although', make two sentences.*
2. setting @datatype to 'an empty string'
3. ... giving the following 'triple'. *Only one triple in the example.*
<span class="aref">@typeof</span>
The other attributes have the class 'aref', looks like it got lost here, so it has a different appearance in the document.
foaf IRI
FOAF is otherwise used throughout the spec.
Location in the document
Text in the current document.
Suggested text for errata. You might add this, but I don't think, it is necessary. (Omit me too, if you like.)
... enabling structured search and sharing.
... enabling structured search and sharing with the described RDFa information.
I was not sure if "structured" refers to sharing too. Structured sharing would mean to share things with the structure behind? I just cannot connect to "structured sharing". If structure is only referring to search, I would emphasize that it is sharing the picture with the RDFa information.
2. Syntax Overview, last NOTE
In some of the examples below we have used IRIs with fragment identifiers that are local to the document containing the RDFa fragment identifiers shown (e.g., 'about="#me"').
In some of the examples below we have used IRIs with 'local' fragment identifiers (that point to items/fragments inside of the same document) (e.g., 'about="#me"').
From my point of view, the expanation of a local fragment identifier in the current version of the sentence makes more confusion than just saying, 'local' fragment indentifiers are used. That's it. The rest of the sentence is saying the same, but makes it confusing.
RDFa has complete support for internationalized characters. This includes internationalized characters in the subject, property and object location.
RDFa supports (all) internationalized characters for the subject, the 'predicate' and the object.
I would make the sentence short. Additionally use 'predicate' instead of 'property' to use one term throughout the spec only. The note above says, that property is suggested to replace predicate, but at present, predicate is the used term.
3.6, last paragraph
in reality
reality? any other word? actual processing? real processing environment? Any native english speaker please.
4.2 RDFa Host Language Conformance
All of the facilities required ...
All requirements of this specification have to be included ...
This is just a translator request, facilities can mean anything and is horrible to translate.
4.2, note
... that are commonly used througout the Host Language.
... that are commonly used throughout documents written in the Host Language.
6. CURIE Syntax Definition
Otherwise, if a CURIE consists of a non-empty prefix
and reference
Otherwise, if a CURIE consists of a non-empty prefix
and a reference
In the first li
, there is an a, in this one not,
it could mean, that the reference is also not-empty. Might be better to keep it
consistent with the first li
6., note, The production safe curie ...
must not
Is this cannot used in the meaning of 'should not' or 'must not'?
7.2 and maybe other sections
during the course of processing
during/while processing
during or while already say it is between the start and the end of processing. This 'course' is 'extra' and it complicates the translation (just a little bit).
7.2, first list, last list item
a value to use as the prefix IRI when an undefined term
unprefixed term
although the evaluation context used 'for each set of rules' will be based on previous rules that may have been applied.
'every cycle/run through the set of rules'
(an evaluation context based on the resulting evaluation context
from the last run will be used)
I would prefer, if it is clearer, that the processing rules are applied again and again for each element, and that the evaluation context normally changes after each run. My suggestion surely needs some proper english, I put that on you. :-)
7.5, Rule 9, first blue box
If the element contains both the @inlist and the @rel attributes: ...
I would suggest a line break after the colon. Then indent the next line.
I think, that would make it easier to follow.
7.5 source code of the steps
There is an HTML comment in the source code for almost every step, so you can find the steps faster, that stops after step 10.
Nice editing feature to have for all steps up to 14. Sorry for bringing in smallest things you can't even see in the browser view.
An web service RDFa Processor is defined as any RDFa Processor that is capable of processing a document 'by performing an HTTP GET, POST or similar action on an RDFa Processor IRI'.
no suggestion yet
What is an RDFa Processor IRI?
1. The IRI where the RDFa Processor is located? Or
2. the IRI that the Processor should look up and process?
I wouldn't call the second IRI 'RDFa Processor IRI' it is more an 'RDFa document IRI'.
I would say, an RDF processor is reachable under an 'RDFa Processor IRI'.
For my translation, it would be nice if I get a response to this issue.
And a typo: An web server to A web server
8.2, one of the examples
To illustrate, to indicate that Spinoza influenced
Sugestion 1: To indicate that Spinoza influenced
Suggestion 2: The following markup illustrates, how to indicate, that Spinoza ... .
1: Remove 'To illustrate'. This is an example, examples are anyway 'to illustrate'. 'To illustrate, to indicate' makes the text less readable and more difficult
to translate. Or better:
2: merge the illustrate with markup from the end and have a nice
flow of words.
A literal object can be set by using @property to express a predicate, and then using either @content, or the inline text of the element that @property is on.
A literal object can be set by @content or the inline text of the element, if @property is used to express a predicate.
'Using @content' is not precise, say what @content and the inline text do:
they provide the literal.
Little brainstorming:
In the actual version I just read 'a literal object can be set by using @property', I
just ignore the rest, and my mind is fixed, that @property will set my literal. Ups.
So if you bring it ito some other order, it is easier to understand.
I think in the suggestion it is clear, that it is the element, that @property is on,
that provides the literal (either through @content or inline text). So no
need to explicitly say that (and make the sentence more complicated to understand).
8.3, last paragraph
Alternatively, the @property can also be used to define an IRI resource, in the presence of an @href, @resource, or @src and in the absence ... .
Alternatively, @property can be used to define an IRI resource; this requires the presence of ... and requires the absence of ... .
This would give the sentence a sharper edge.
Skip 'the' before property, otherwise write it in full 'the attribute'.
Skip 'also', alternatively says that already.
Another idea would be to repeat, that @resource, @href, or @src are resource attributes
(to burn it into the readers mind):
... in the presence of one the resource attributes @resource, @href, or @src ... ; and
keep this order like it is in section 5.1 for into-brain-burning. Typed Literals
The triples that this markup generates include the datatype ...
The triple that this markup generates includes the datatype ...
Just one triple is created in the example below. XML Literals
RDFa therefore supports the use of normal markup to express XML literals
What is normal markup? Could be more precise.
8.4, before second example
RDF has a set of predefined predicates that have an agreed-upon semantics of order.
... that follow (a) defined/given semantic(s?) of order.
1. an ... semantics, either a semantic or just semantics, where I think singular is fine.
2. agreed-upon, after you agreed upon that, you might have defined it, so it is given now? Make it easy to translate, please. :-)
3. Do you really say semantics of order?
8.4 List Generation
the list is used with the common predicate with the common subject
the list is used with the common predicate and subject
If the suggestion is not fine, maybe an 'and' between 'with the common predicate (and) with the common subject'
9, last note
entire note
a nice list would make it better readable
Last paragraph ist not enclosed in p tag
Enclose it in a paragraph.
1. RDFa-Vokabular-Entailment considers only the entailment on individuals
2. not on the relationships that can be deduced on the properties or the classes themselves
1. Individuals, what is that? Is there any precise RDFish term, that could be used?
2. deduce on? Sorry, I don't understand, please help me translate. :-)
Location in the document
For each IRI being the object of a triple in the output graph with the subject being the current document (base) IRI and the property being rdfa:usesVocabulary, that IRI is dereferenced.
If there are one or more triples in the output graph, that contain a subject being the current document (base), the property (better: predicate?) rdfa:usesVocabulary, and an object being an IRI, the IRI of each triple is dereferenced.
From my point of view it is written a bit confusing, from the context it is clear, but the structure of the sentence doesn't support, that the subject and property are 'in the triple'. In the suggestion, the flow of the sentence brings up a triple, inside a subject, property (what could be also referred to as predicate to keep the spec in one voice), and object. Plain structure.
Note that if, in the second step, a particular vocabulary is serialized in RDFa, that particular graph is not expected to undergo any vocabulary expansion on its own.
1. graph replace with vocabulary graph
2. see comment
How can a graph undergo something on its own, a graph is a file, not a processor, is there any detailed description with precise words for this whole sentence?
Location in the document
Text in the current document.
Suggested text for errata. You might add this, but I don't think, it is necessary. (Omit me too, if you like.)
Throughout the doc
production vs. definition
In some parts of the document, production is used for
'term ::= NCNameStartChar termChar*'
In 7.4.3 'definition' is used in a note for the same 'thing'. Is there anything, that would force the use of the term 'production' for this? Production is not nice to translate, and if it is in deed a definition, it would be nice to just call it definition. I'd like to see that in an editors guideline for the use of terms in all W3C specs. :-) Is there anything like that?
Throughout the doc
no idea
Entailment is a pretty tough word, it can be used in different ways, the translation into German is a mess. Is there any other nice english word, that would do, is more precise and is expected to have a nice translation?
Throughout the examples
Sometimes there are '.' in the examples, after that the next sentence starts with a capital letter, sometimes no '.' and captital letters, sometimes small letters.
Try to keep it consistent. Either no '.' or put it everywhere.