Mail Archives

Public Mailing list of the RDFa Working Group
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March 2015by threadby authorby subject9
February 2015by threadby authorby subject1
January 2015by threadby authorby subject3
December 2014by threadby authorby subject17
November 2014by threadby authorby subject9
September 2014by threadby authorby subject1
August 2014by threadby authorby subject3
July 2014by threadby authorby subject9
June 2014by threadby authorby subject5
April 2014by threadby authorby subject1
January 2014by threadby authorby subject9
November 2013by threadby authorby subject1
October 2013by threadby authorby subject9
September 2013by threadby authorby subject1
August 2013by threadby authorby subject7
July 2013by threadby authorby subject8
June 2013by threadby authorby subject22
May 2013by threadby authorby subject80
April 2013by threadby authorby subject26
March 2013by threadby authorby subject56
February 2013by threadby authorby subject28
January 2013by threadby authorby subject119
December 2012by threadby authorby subject90
November 2012by threadby authorby subject40
October 2012by threadby authorby subject16
September 2012by threadby authorby subject18
August 2012by threadby authorby subject18
July 2012by threadby authorby subject1
June 2012by threadby authorby subject28
May 2012by threadby authorby subject144
April 2012by threadby authorby subject183
March 2012by threadby authorby subject145
February 2012by threadby authorby subject86
January 2012by threadby authorby subject111
December 2011by threadby authorby subject60
November 2011by threadby authorby subject191
October 2011by threadby authorby subject142
September 2011by threadby authorby subject104
August 2011by threadby authorby subject96
July 2011by threadby authorby subject65
June 2011by threadby authorby subject71
May 2011by threadby authorby subject108
April 2011by threadby authorby subject187
March 2011by threadby authorby subject139
February 2011by threadby authorby subject185
January 2011by threadby authorby subject162
December 2010by threadby authorby subject78
November 2010by threadby authorby subject128
October 2010by threadby authorby subject360
September 2010by threadby authorby subject159
August 2010by threadby authorby subject182
July 2010by threadby authorby subject168
June 2010by threadby authorby subject104
May 2010by threadby authorby subject163
April 2010by threadby authorby subject198
March 2010by threadby authorby subject289
February 2010by threadby authorby subject100
January 2010by threadby authorby subject2