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RDF-star Semantics Task Force

Enrico Franconi

Andy Seaborne, Antoine Zimmermann, Dörthe Arndt, Gregg Kellogg, Niklas Lindström, Peter Patel-Schneider, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Ted Thibodeau

★ W3C TPAC 2023, Seville, 11–15 September ★


  1. Scope of the Task Force
  2. Community Group Cases
  3. Some additional Cases
  4. A catalogue of Behaviours
  5. Current Proposals
  6. Conclusions

Scope of the Task Force

Community Group Cases

Opaque IRIs and Literals, transparent BNodes, and opaque properties:

<< dbr:Linköping dbo:populationTotal "104232"^^xsd::nonNegativeInteger >>
   :type rdf-star:triple ;
   :source <https://dbpedia.org/data/Linköping.ttl> .

Transparent IRIs, Literals, and BNodes, and opaque properties:

:measuredOn rdf:type rdf-star:TransparencyEnablingProperty .
 << dbr:Linköping dbo:populationTotal "104232"^^xsd::nonNegativeInteger >>
   :type rdf-star:statement ;
   :measuredOn "2010-12-31"^^xsd:date .

Some additional Cases

Transparent IRIs, Literals, and BNodes, and transparent properties:

:measuredOn rdf:type rdf-star:TransparencyEnablingProperty .
 << :john :teaches :cs101 >>
   rdf:type rdf-star:event ;
   rdf:type :teaching ;
   dct:Location dbr:Stanford_University .

Locally opaque IRIs, Literals, and BNodes, and locally opaque properties:

 :paul :believes << :tim owl:same-as :george >>
 :paul :believes << :mary :loves :george >>
 :john :believes << :mary :loves :tim >>
⊨ :paul :believes << :mary :loves :george >>
⊭ :john :believes << :mary :loves :george >>


A catalogue of Behaviours

IRIs, literals, BNodes, and properties in quoted triples can be:

A use cases should identify which combination of the above supports.

Current Proposals

IRIs, literals, BNodes, and properties in quoted triples can be:

A detailed comparison is being initiated now.
