See also: IRC log
<ericP> hhalpin: type a summary
<ericP> ... and continue like this
<hhalpin> scribenick: boris
<hhalpin> ACTION: hhalpin to re-do scribelist to accurately reflect working group composition [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-64 - Re-do scribelist to accurately reflect working group composition [on Harry Halpin - due 2010-06-22].
<hhalpin> scribe: boris
Ashok: I will be co-chair for the next few months
Ashok:Approval of minutes
<hhalpin> PROPOSAL: Approve minutes from 8th of June
<hhalpin> +1
<juansequeda> +1
<hhalpin> RESOLUTION: Minutes from 8th of June approved.
<hhalpin> ericP, richard, dan, juan, souri, ashok
<Ashok> Harry will not be there
<LeeF> I will be there as well.
<hhalpin> now earlier I had a slightly different list
<LeeF> When is the panel?
<juansequeda> Wednesday
<hhalpin> earlier we had:
<LeeF> When on Wednesday? :)
<hhalpin> souri, leeF, daniel, Juna, Eric, Orri
ashok semtech Topic
<hhalpin> so I guess what I'm trying to figure out is....ashok, you're definitely not there?
<hhalpin> Orri?
<hhalpin> Souri, your definitely there.
hhalpin who will be there¿
<hhalpin> correct?
<LeeF> 11:30am on Wednesday?
<MacTed> unknown attendance... hopeful
<hhalpin> orri not on phone?
<hhalpin> ivan is moderating.
<LeeF> I will be there.
<hhalpin> Orri is the only real unknown.
<Souri> :-)
hhalpin: will send the semtech people the update
<hhalpin> ACTION: Send SemTech people an update once I hear Orri. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Send
<hhalpin> ACTION: hhalpin to send SemTech people an update once I hear Orri. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-65 - Send SemTech people an update once I hear Orri. [on Harry Halpin - due 2010-06-22].
hhalpin: do you want to brainstorm this here?
<LeeF> If I were in the audience, I think I'd want to hear about (a) use cases (b) practical experiences (c) potential different approaches (d) why a standard? (e) timing (f) open questions
<hhalpin> I was hoping to get some tech feelings from the audience
<hhalpin> such as do people want SQL to SPARQL mappings
<hhalpin> 1) SQL to SPARQL mappings
<Angela> (sorry I can not call in on the UK or FR bridge!)
<LeeF> I think the audience would be perfectly happy to know about implementations, whether open source or commercial -- I think it's pretty safe that it won't turn into a product pitch session
eric: representative of those companies (implementors?), he will appreaciate that ...
<hhalpin> 2) XML or more turtle like language
<Souri> audience will be wondering about the benefits and feasibility
<hhalpin> 3) SPARQL CONSTRUCT, SQL Views, RIF for interoperability
eric: we will probably hear some from openlink
<LeeF> hhalpin, i'm skeptical that most of the audience will be swapped in to give informed feedback on that level of technical question
hhalpin: need the exact number of
... some technical questions, sparql-sql-r2rml
<hhalpin> glad to have your opinion orri!
<hhalpin> I was just thinking that we should ask the audience if they have any preference.
hhalpin: if people have
questions, send email to me ... before friday
... put them on the wiki
<hhalpin> everyone should put questions for ivan for panel on wiki
<hhalpin> I'll make the wiki page now.
ashok: let's hear eric about the logistitcs
eric: a room no pay for, ascreen, network may cost some money, a small number of people, is this sufficient?,
ashok: Room at Hilton, where?
eric: do not need anything for network
ashok: would you be able to send an email today with the details?
<Souri> Hilton Union Square: Room#? Time? 8-5pm? (with some breaks)
ashok: starting time?
... next topic A direct mapping of Relational data to RDF
... having this valuavle F2F we will have progress
<Souri> +1 to ashok about detailed discussion about the two main approaches
<Souri> sure
ashok: one question, souri and juan are ok with sql approach
<Souri> I will be glad (actually eager) to speak
ashok: what about the other approach?
eric: he can do it
ashok: sql based approach, rdf
based approach and direct mapping, what else?
... I will send a tentative agenda
hhalpin: next F2F in lyon
... TPAC or ISWC?
ashok: when is the iswc?
<hhalpin> Nov 7-11
<hhalpin> TPAC Lyon France 1-5th Nov.
<hhalpin> ISWC is Shanghai
<hhalpin> Li Ma can make it...
<LeeF> In the SPARQL WG, we've had a lot of success with 2-location f2f meetings linked with video conferencing software
juan: where most the people are located?
<hhalpin> I think it's mostly USA based, with a significant Europe minority.
<LeeF> they are *almost* as good as having everyone in one place, and a lot easier to setup
<hhalpin> Planning to TPAC 2010?
<ericP> +tpac -iswc
<Souri> we should emulate SPARQL f2f
<Ashok> Who is going to be at TPA?C?
<hhalpin> +1
<Ashok> +!
<juansequeda> -tpac +iswc
<LeeF> I don't expect to be at TPAC, but there's a slim chance.
<Souri> as Lee said
<Ashok> +!
<Ashok> +1
<hhalpin> ISWC 2010?
<juansequeda> +1
<Angela> +1
<LeeF> I don't expect to be at ISWC, but there's a slim chance. :-)
<Souri> I still favor the sparql group's 2-location solution for f2f
ashok: Angela, where you going to be? iswc?
<Zakim> hhalpin, you wanted to ask about TPAC 2010 vs ISWC for next f2f
<nunolopes> +1 ISWC, hopefully :)
<LeeF> "share the pain" :-)
<LeeF> We started 7am at our first f2f
ashok: what did you do for the video connection?
leef: no technical details, standard video protocols, sound goes well, it was a lot easy to organize
ashok: do we have a videoconference room at oracle?
juansequeda: maybe at UT
<hhalpin> I'm happy with a small face-to-face at ISWC 2010 and then a USA video conf - how about that?
<Zakim> confirm, you wanted to comment on ISWC with video conferencing
ashok: let's talk about during august
hhalpin: ok, during august
<LeeF> ...except the SPARQL WG isn't currently planning to meet at TPAC :)
<Ashok> Richard recommended set theoretic approach
eric: volunteer juan
<Ashok> ... as editor
thanks ashok
ashok: published as a working draft
eric: yes,
juan: is not confortable at the
moment, logic is not right, syntax does not make sense
... is preparing the same thing that eric is doing, juan finish
these rules today
... this is not juan system, is a logically corrected
... not rush on this, let's discus this in F2F
... why 2 documents?
eric: one the rdf, the other the
schema that describes the rdf
... different audiences ...
juan: they are semantically the same, why one doc with 2 sections
eric: how having the schema help us define the language?
juan: the schema is also a graph ...
eric: a graph that describes
another graph
... for instance sparql wg split the documents as well, he is
just following that
<Zakim> hhalpin, you wanted to ask re confirming and to ask about direct mapping requirement
hhalpin: put an action before we publish ...
<hhalpin> 1) Just e-mail Perez and Marcelo to check semantics also before we hit FPWD
<hhalpin> although yes, of course we really need to publish more often.
<Ashok> +1
<hhalpin> 2) Also, we do have a direct mapping
juansequeda: again, do not rush on this
marcelo: agree with check the semantics
eric: datalog or set theoric for this?
<Souri> let us discuss this at F2F (if time permits)
<hhalpin> trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/direcrt/direct/ Succeeded: s/wokring/working/ Found ScribeNick: boris Found Scribe: boris Inferring ScribeNick: boris Default Present: +1.617.553.aaaa, LeeF, Ashok_Malhotra, Seema, MacTed, Souri, +1.562.249.aabb, hhalpin, juansequeda, alexdeleon, +35385271aacc, nunolopes Present: LeeF Ashok Harry_Halpin Seema_Sundara Kingsley_Idehan Souri Alex Juan Boris EricP Orri Dan WARNING: No meeting title found! You should specify the meeting title like this: <dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Got date from IRC log name: 15 Jun 2010 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: hhalpin send WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]