See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 28 April 2011
<pgroth> scribe: pgroth
<sandro> trackbot, start
<trackbot> Sorry, sandro, I don't understand 'trackbot, start'. Please refer to for help
sandro: introducing himself
luc: discussing membership
... 25 members as of now, invited experts decided by next week
... going over the agenda
luc: telecon times
... try for 60 minutes, but 90 minutes blocked
... F2F meetings
... initial charter said only one F2F meeting
... think that 2 a year are needed
... poll July 6-7 identified for the first meeting
... slight preference for boston
<sandro> sandro: f2f2 probably either at ISWC or TPAC
<smiles> Yes
<jcheney> Boston OK
<Satya> +1 for Boston
<rpi-lebo> boston meeting: good!
<jorn> -1 boston
<YolandaGil> I cannot make a meeting in July, sorry
<DanielGarijo> i won't be able to attend in July :(
<SamCoppens> +1 Boston
<iker> -1 boston
<sandro> PROPOSED: Have F2F1 near Boston on July 6-7
<JimMcCusker> +1 Boston
<jun> I cannot make in July, sorry
<Luc_> +1
<smiles> +1
<rpi-lebo> +1
<LarsG> I won't be able to attend neither Boston, nor Southampton
<jcheney> 0
<sandro> 0
<Lena> +1
<olaf> -1
<frew> +0 Boston
paulo: +1
eric: +1
<sandro> iker: I'd rather it be in soton
<sandro> pgroth: would you ever be able to travel to the US, maybe in winter
<sandro> iker: yes, maybe later
<sandro> Luc: could you join by telecon, as a backup.
<sandro> iker: Yes
<sandro> olaf: i do not think I can go to the US (at any point), but can join by teleconference.
<Ed-UOA> Edoardo Pignotti and David Corsar from Aberdeen University, we are not sure we will be able to attend face-to-face meeting in Boston
<sandro> pgroth: sounds like consensus, lots of +1s, and the people who can't make it can join by teleconf.
<JimM> I've developed a conflict July 6-7 - may be able to dial in for bits
<paulo> +1.915.603.aamm is paulo
RESOLUTION: Have F2F1 near Boston on July 6-7
<sandro> (with dialin available)
<sandro> sandro: Yes, I'll host it at MIT.
sandro: introducing irc notes
... all logs are public
... mailing list, you are automatically joined when you join the working group
... wiki, the same password as joining the working group
... document preparation, will discuss later the various options
... discussing the speaker queue
\me thanks olaf
<JimM> JimM is 518-276
<stephanzednik> StephanZednik is on via skype
<simoninireland> I'm on a SIP connection
<stephanzednik> StephanZednik is also from RPI
<paulo> paulo is aamm
luc: asking people to introduce themselves on the mailing list
... you can also edit your wiki page at the W3C
carl: carl reed, chief technology officer of the open geospatial consortium
carlOGC: provenance is a huge issue in geospatial info
thanks carl
carlOGC: a number of different working groups of the consortium
danielgarijo: phd student, involved in the provenance incubator group and the dublin core group
... interested in provenance for news and how this group integrates with dublin core
Ed-UOA: research fellow at University of Aberdeen
<iker> sorry, but i'm having problems with the sound, ask me and I will introduce through IRC
Ed-UOA: interested of provenance related to digital social research and linked open data
David Corser: also from aberdeen,
frew: James Frew professor from UCSB, transparent acquisition of provenance and use in earth sciences
iker: working on semantic web technologies, applying these technologies to health care and life sciences
jcheney: james cheney at University of Edinburgh, provenance and databases and integrating this research into larger applications. most likely to be involved in formal semantics
JimM: Jim Myers - supercomputing center at RPI, interested in provenance with respect to e-science
JimMcCusker: phd student at RPI, biomedical domain, integrating domain specific provenance models
jorn: J?rn Hees phd student at DFKI, interested in provenance related to linked data, and licensing issues
jun: postdoctoral fellow at Oxford, working on provenance for 8 years in the areas of e-science, life science, data quality on the web. take a pragmatic approach to provenance
khalidbelhajjame: researcher at the university of manchester, interested in the use of provenance, applications of provenance
LarsG: from german national library, provenance with respect to library and provenance data
Lena: Helena Deus, postdoctoral fellow at deri, from a biology background, also part of the HCLS working group
olaf: Olaf Hartig phd student at Humbolt University, main research topic is execution of queries over the Web of Data, provenance is a critical part of assessing trust
paulo: professor at University of El Paso, help scientists to benefit provenance especially related to human systems
rpi-lebo: phd student at RPI looking at provenance from aggregated government data sources
SamCoppens: focused on long term preservation, research at IBBT
Satya: assistant professor at case western,
simoninireland: simon dobson, professor at st. andrews in scotland, interested in sensor networks, making sure that information is correctly processed
smiles: Simon Miles - lecturer at Kings College, looking at provenance with respect to health care
yogesh: looking at provenance from streaming data, at USC
YolandaGil: at USC/ISI, interested in how you make trust judgements based on provenance, capturing data provenance for scientific workflows (a number of domains), integrating this work with scientific articles. Chaired the provenance incubator group. Interested in connections to the W3C hcls group
zednik: Stefan Zednik researcher at RPI, explaining processing based on provenance
<JimMcCusker> Cynthia Chang (RPI) is not on IRC but on the call
<Satya> Satya: interested in e-science, biomedical informatics with focus on translational research, involved in provenance representation and query performance
Erik Stephan: from Pacific Northwest National Labratory, using provenance for science especially at large scales
Sandro: staff contact, involved in a number of working groups, is very interested in interchange of data
luc: not going to go through the whole charter
... the first working draft after 6 months
... after 9 months mechanisms to access/query provenance
... very close succession of deliverables
... reason is because of the W3C approval process
... aware that there is a lot of work towards the beginning of the working group activity
... questions about the timetable?
<Luc_> Scribe: Luc_
Paul: organize work in 4 task forces
... introduction, and then see who is interested in what
... 1. model task force
... 2. provenance access and query task force
... 3. Connection task force
... how to reach to other communities
... 4. Implementation and test cases task force
... need two implementations, how do we know we've got it right? (test cases)
... People can be part of many task forces
<DanielGarijo> +q
Daniel: how are task forces going to communicate?
Paul: all communications on same mailing list, same wiki, same weekly teleconference
<DanielGarijo> -q
Jun: are task forces going to run in parallel?
Paul: yes
... they will work on different things
<jcheney> +q
James: there is a lot of work that was compiled in the incubator, we should put a link to that
... we need more concrete things to do
... making sure that everybody is on the same page
<jorn> ?
<scribe> ACTION: pgroth to make link to incubator group work [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-1 - Make link to incubator group work [on Paul Groth - due 2011-05-05].
Paulo: how can we work in parallel without having a model yet?
... do we have full agreement on terms?
Paul: that's the work of the model task force
<DanielGarijo> didn't we compile a set of terms to "start with" for the model force?
Paul: we want to get this discussion going asap
Paulo: start model TF first, others after
<DanielGarijo> +1
Paul: reaching out to other communities can also start immediately
Paulo: great if we can enumerate things that can go in parallel
Satya: breakdown in tasks would also be desirable
Jim McCusker: start with a base vocabulary, which is not model, but can help express queries
Simon: have you mapped deliverables to TF?
Paul: fairly direct mapping, but not final yet
... can you indicate (non binding) what you are interest in?
<pgroth> 1. Model Task Force
<JimMcCusker> -q
<Satya> +1
<zednik> +1
<JimM> +1
<jcheney> +1
<simoninireland> +1
<DanielGarijo> +1
<jorn> +1
<JimMcCusker> +1
<CarlOGC> +1
<rpi-lebo> 0
<Ed-UOA> +1
<pgroth> Access Task Force
<SamCoppens> +1
<olaf> +1
<frew> +1
<DanielGarijo> +1
<Satya> +1
<khalidbelhajjame> +1
<jun> +1
<Yogesh> +1
<jorn> +1
<Lena> +1
<rpi-lebo> +1
<zednik> +1
<iker> +1
<pgroth> Connection Task Force
<YolandaGil> +1
<Satya> 0
<smiles> +1
<pgroth> eric +1
EricStephan: +1
<paulo> +1
<paulo> +1 (for model)
<pgroth> Implementation and Test Case Task Force
<frew> +1
<zednik> +1
<Yogesh> +1
<Lena> +1
<rpi-lebo> +1
<smiles> +1
<simoninireland> +1
<jun> +1
<Ed-UOA> +1
<iker> +1
<jcheney> +1
<SamCoppens> +1
Paul: looks fairly evenly spread
<scribe> ACTION: Luc_ to define task forces on wiki [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - Luc_
<scribe> ACTION: Luc to define task forces on wiki [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2 - Define task forces on wiki [on Luc Moreau - due 2011-05-05].
<CarlOGC> quit
<pgroth> trackbot, end meeting