WAI-ARIA User Agent Implementation Guide

Section 1.2

Comment 1: This section needs to elaborate that removing an object from the accessibility hierarchy does not mean removing all of its descendants. Only the object is elided, and its children appear as children of its parent. In particular, we think the following sentence is wrong: "Objects that should be removed from the accessible hierarchy (including their descendants):" since this would imply that none of the contents of a layout (presentation) table would be exposed to AT.

Section 2.1

Comment 2: Why is item 3 SHOULD instead of MUST? "The focus and blur methods should be added to the HTMLElement interface (available to script for every type of element)."

Comment 3: This section includes several references to the HTML5 Spec, which is still evolving. Is that a problem?

Comment 4: The last paragraph lists several references to tabindex documentation for different browsers. Do they all agree? Are they consistent with the requirements of this section? How is a user agent implementor expected to use this information?

Section 2.2

Comment 5: We don't understand the parenthetical remark on item 2 "(iow don't use the states FOCUSED or FOCUSABLE)"

Section 3.1

Comment 6: Paragraph 2 says "Conversely, assistive technology notification of property changes depends on the method by which an assistive technology communicates with the user agent." The following examples then talk about the expected frequency of changes to property vs changes to state. How does this relate the way that AT communicates with the user agent, and does the relative infrequency mean that user agents should not notify AT if a property does change?

Section 3.4

Comment 7: If dynamic role changes are considered errors, why list the events that would be associated with changing a role? And if they are listed, it would be helpful to state explicitly that these are the events triggered by a role change. This ought to be combined with, or reference, Section 6.5, where this is discussed in more helpful detail.

Section 4.2

Comment 8: How do you determine if an element has a registered CLICK handler? It may be registered on an ancestor node in the dom, but whether CLICK handlers on ancestors handle actions of an element depends upon the coding of the handler.