Test Suite How-To Guide
There are three parts to the test suite:
1. Conformance testing for HTML & XML
This conformance testing is used to determine whether ITS 2.0 implementations meet the ITS 2.0 specification standard. The test suite has a set of test documents for both XML and HTML which are then used to validate the different ITS 2.0 constructs available for each data category. There are a total of 225 test files spread across all 19 data categories for both HTML and XML.
1.1 How to use the test suite?
Figure 1: Testsuite processing Input to Output
The validation of the input files is done through processing the input file so that it outputs a file to match a corresponding gold standard output file. The gold standard was develop to be easy to understand and implement for conformance testers. The gold standard output format was developed by the ITS 2.0 working group. Figure 1 above describes the test suite files process.
1.2 Gold Standard output specifications details:
The gold standard output files have the following characteristics:
/html/body[1]/p[1]/span[2] annotatorsRef="text-analysis|http://enrycher.ijs.si" taConfidence="0.5" taIdent="301467919" taSource="Wordnet3.0"
//html/body[1]/p[1]/span[2] annotatorsRef="text-analysis|http://enrycher.ijs.si" taConfidence="0.5" taIdent="301467919" taSource="Wordnet3.0"
/doc/para[1]/issue[2] locQualityIssueTypePointer=“misspelling“ locQualityIssuesRefPointer="#l1234“
/doc/para[1]/issue[2] locQualityIssueType=“misspelling“ locQualityIssuesRef="#l1235"
/doc/p[1] its-loc-quality-issue-type=“misspelling“ locQualityIssuesRef="#l1235“
/doc/p[1] locQualityIssueType=“misspelling“ locQualityIssuesRef="#l1235"
1.3 How gold standard output is compared to implementors output?
The output of the implementors is located in the folder ITS-2.0-Testsuite/its2.0/outputimplementors which can be tested against the gold standard output files located in the ITS-2.0-Testsuite/its2.0/expected folder. This can be done simply through doing a diff of the implementors output files and the corresponding gold standard output files. To automate this process for implementors a test suite dashboard was created which did the following tasks :
1.4 Validating Output Test Files
To validate the implementors output files the testsuite dashboard has to be compiled so that a diff across all files in the ITS-2.0-Testsuite/its2.0/outputimplementors folder can be done against the corresponding files in the gold standard output ITS-2.0-Testsuite/ITS2.0/expected folder. The test suite dashboard can be compiled by doing the following:
The files for the test suite dashboard are as follows:
2. Conformance testing for NIF
This part of the conformance testing is used to determine whether ITS 2.0 implementations of NIF 2.0 meet the ITS 2.0 specification standard for NIF usage. The NIF test suite has a set of test documents for HTML for the Localisation Quality Issue data category which are then used to validate the different aspects of ITS 2.0 and NIF against various constructs available to the Localisation Quality Issue data category. There are a total of 11 files only for HTML in the Localisation Quality Issue data category. The input files are located in the ITS-2.0-Testsuite/its2.0/nif-conversion/input folder.
The validation of the input files is done through processing the input file so that it outputs a file to match a gold standard output file. The gold standard for NIF is RDF output using the ITS 2.0 ontology. The gold standard output for NIF can be reached by following the NIF conversion algorithm discussed in the ITS 2.0 specification located here.
2.1 How gold standard NIF output is compared to implementors output?
The NIF output files are compared via the use of SPARQL queries done over the implementers RDF/NIF output files (.ttl). If the SPARQL queries are successful then the NIF output files are correct and meet the gold standard. The implementer’s NIF test output files are located in the ITS-2.0-Testsuite/its2.0/nif-conversion/expected folder.
2.2 Validating NIF output files
Prerequisites: Java and Unix Shell
Explanations of output:
3. Input file Validation
This part of the test suite is vital and it is the testing of the HTML and XML input files to see if they are valid in accordance to the ITS 2.0 schema specification for XML and HTML. More information about this validator can be found here and also here.
3.1 Validating Input Test Files
The following sections detail how to validate the test suite input files both HTML and XML.
3.1.1 Validating XML test files
3.1.2 Validating HTML test files
3.1.3 Validating all test files
4. Xliff Sample
In addition to conformance testing and validation of XML and HTML files it provides XLIFF samples. These are not used in conformance testing, but demonstrate the representation of ITS 2.0. metadata in XLIFF. These XLIFF files are located in ITS-2.0-Testsuite/its2.0/xliffsamples folder of the github.