Internationalization support on the Web


3 All needs covered, or - Not applicable
2 Basic needs covered, but work needed for advance publishing
1 Can create interoperable web pages, but work still needed for basic features
0 Something prevents interoperable or effective use of the language in webpages

* next to a language name indicates a tentative score, pending validation by experts


Number of languages listed:

may be Ok, based on what information we have for them

need work for advanced publishing

need work for basic features

don't work on the Web

? of cells still need investigation.

If a language has a link, click on any cell in that row to see more detail about why the cell was scored that way.

A question mark indicates that we don't yet have a reasonable degree of confidence about level of the support for this aspect of the language. There may not be an issue, or there may be something that needs fixing which we are as yet unaware of.

script language Level
Font styles
Glyph control
Cursive text
Char transforms
Numbers & digits
Boundaries & selection
Inter-char spacing
Text decoration
Emphasis & highlight
Bidi text
Other inline
Line breaking
Justification & alignment
Lists, counters
Initial letter style
Baselines, inline align
Other paragraph
Bidi layout
Vertical text
Notes, footnotes
Page numbers, running heads
Other pagination

Total number of languages in the table:  


The chart is arranged by script. Note that some languages use more than one script, and so appear in more than one place in the chart. For each script, a list of languages appears in order the highest to lowest number of speakers.


The list currently targets some of the more common languages, or scripts that have important implications for general support. It is expected that the list will grow as data becomes available, and we welcome contributions for other languages from local experts.


The colours indicate what needs work, and whether the work is needed to bring the language to the next level. If no work is needed for a language, either because it is fully supported, or because that feature is not applicable, the dark green colour is used to indicate that no work is needed.


The asterisk next to the language name indicates that these are tentative scores, ie. our best guess pending thorough analysis and validation by experts representing the language user community.


When a language name has a link, you can follow that link to find a draft report that gives details about work needed. That also needs validation and prioritization by experts if the language name has an asterisk.


Click on top row feature groups to get an idea of what kind of features are included in that group. You are taken to the typography index document. From there you can follow links to current requirements, requests for information, spec wording, and issues related to that group of features.


What qualifies a cell for a score of 3 (OK)? A cell can be scored as OK if the feature in question is specified in an appropriate specification, and is supported by user agents. For the latter, a specification that is in CR or later and has two implementations in 'major' browsers will count. This means that the feature may not be supported in all browsers yet. (At some point in the future we may try to distinguish, visually, whether support is available in a specification but still pending in browsers.)


The colour of the third column from the left is the lowest score of any of the cells to its right, and represents the level for the language as a whole. The numeric score in that column is a non-scientific way of hinting at the amount of work to be done to get the language level to OK. (We may change the algorithm used for that at some future point.)


Raise an issue or see the source code.