THIS GOES INTO I-025 (from Takao)
Scenario A: Sender sends a request to a Receiver and wants a specific locale and uses its identifier for that. The Receiver is on another platform and doesn't produce the same result as the sender expects. (Solaris -> Java) [can't quite agree on id semantics]
Scenario A+: Sender sends a request to a Receiver and wants a specific locale. The Receiver has a locale with the same ID, but the specific operation is slightly different than the sender's implementation and the results don't quite match (collation, date format a good example here).
Scenario A++: Sender requests a specific locale. Receiver's fallback produces wildly different results (zh-Hant -> zh which represents Simplified)
Scenario B: Senders sends a request to a Receiver and wants a specific locale and uses its identifer for that. The receiver is on an incompatible platform and cannot interpret the request (LCID -> Java). [completely don't agree]
Scenario C: Sender wants a specific format or set of processing rules for a specific item or set of items. The receiver (Java SHORT date format, but .NET service, so the "short" isn't the one you expect) [can't interpret specific rule identically]
Scenario D: Sender wants a specific format and sends a picture string or other very specific identifier. The receiver and sender must agree on picture string semantics (what the picture string symbols stand for) and possibly data sets (what is the abbreviation for a month name in French?) [can't interpret request identically]
Scendario E: Sender wants a specific locale and the receiver doesn't support it. This isn't fatal to the receiving process, which returns data in an unexpected format or with unexpected results. [got the wrong result]
Scenario F: Scenario E, except that it is fatal to the service. May be difficult to interpret why the service failed? [didn't get a result]
Scenario G: