GEO Task Force
Education and Outreach Goals


During the November 23, 2002 GEO Task Force conference call, it was decided that a summary of Education and Outreach goals be developed as a starting point for further discussion and evaluation. This document provides that summary.

(NOTE: It was suggested that I refer to the WAI short and long term goal list, however, I could not find such a list on the various WAI pages.)


Efforts for education and outreach may cross over and merge at various points. However, for the purpose of this document, I will use the two terms as described below.


Refers to efforts focused on delivering W3C I18N WG knowledge to interested audiences. Education efforts could include development of delivery mechanisms for specific audiences, involvement with institutes of higher education to promote inclusion of W3C I18N work products in curriculum, educational presentations in seminars or industry conferences, etc.

Question: Should this be for Guidelines specifically, or for W3C I18N more broadly? I assume the latter.


Refers to efforts focused on raising awareness about W3C I18N initiatives and tools. Outreach efforts could include PR in the form of magazine and newsletter articles, introductory level seminars at software industry conferences, press releases related to accomplishments and milestones, participation in industry advisory boards, etc.

Question: Should this be for Guidelines specifically, or for W3C I18N more broadly? I assume the latter.


Academic Initiatives (Long Term)

It would be desirable to get universities and other academic institutions to begin incorporating W3C I18N materials and information into their computing and information systems programs.

Actions required for increasing W3c I18N awareness within university programs are described below.

Identify Venues

  1. Identify colleges and universities currently offering I18N related coursework.
  2. Identify colleges and universities with prominent IT programs but which don't currently offer I18N related coursework.
  3. Identify non-college training venues held live (seminars etc.).
  4. Identify online training venues.

Develop Delivery Plan

  1. Prioritize venues.
  2. Identify contact people for high priority venues.
  3. Develop a timeline for approaching high priority venues (and lower priority venues as appropriate).
  4. Develop proposals for high priority venues, including syllabuses (see below).
  5. Deliver proposals.

Develop Syllabuses

  1. Develop a syllabus appropriate to college course format.
  2. Develop a syllabus appropriate for seminar format.
  3. Develop a syllabus outline appropriate for online training.

Support Rollout

  1. Develop Curriculum or Support Curriculum Development by venue staff.
  2. Provide ongoing input as W3C I18N offerings evolve.

Academic Initiatives (Short Term)

Non-Academic Initiatives

In addition to academic efforts, the group discussed a few ideas for helping people understand W3C I18N WG initiatives.

Quick Tips Card

The WAI WG created a wallet-sized card containing information related to accessibility features. Creating a similar card for the I18N WG was raised as a possibility. Discussion took place about whether the approach on a card like this would be "what to think about" versus "what to do". Given the limited amount of space in this format, the approach selected would be critical to the card's usefulness.

(NOTE: It is Suzanne Topping's opinion that this format would allow only the level of information which could be relatively easily remembered, and therefore may not be a terribly useful tool for either education or outreach/PR. A better format might be a brochure which could contain a more useful and reusable level of detail.)

Guideline Content

During the November call, there was a great deal of discussion about the type of content to be included in the guidelines, given the variety of information needs of the various audiences. Progress in development of content has been significant since that meeting, however this section describes some of the content issues discussed.

I18N Information vs. W3C Specifics

Given the crossover of subject matter between internationalization generally and W3C I18N specifically, it may be difficult in some cases to determine the degree of specificity to include. It was concluded that the GEO guidelines would -not- include general i18N content, but would refer readers to other resources where appropriate.

Browser Support Information

Given the degree of change over the past years for Unicode and internationalization support within various browser versions, discussion took place about what level of information should be included in GEO guidelines. It was concluded that providing browser support information would be nice to have, and could be added to over time. However, it was not seen as a high-priority short-term goal.

Benefits List

Discussion took place about whether a table of benefits for following W3C I18N guidelines would be useful. It was concluded that such a table would be useful, and could roughly follow the pattern established by Tex Texin's Benefits of the Unicode Standard table.

Suzanne Topping proposes the following approach for a benefits table:

Benefit of Generic Internationalization Approach
Specific Benefit of Using W3C Approach
Price Paid if not Followed

It was suggested that a gallery of successful and unsuccessful sites be included to illustrate and support the benefits table entries. It was concluded that it might be hard to find webmasters willing to have their sites included as negative examples, so we might have to create our own.

Business Plan Benefits

The concept of developing information which could be incorporated in business or project plans was discussed, as an attempt to make easier the task of convincing management to fund web internationalization efforts.

Legal Requirements

It was suggested that the guidelines include a section on legal requirements, and it was concluded that if such a section was developed it should clearly state that the section is not intended to be a comprehensive listing of legal concerns.


During the November meeting, Outreach was discussed to a lesser degree than Education. Suzanne Topping's Proposed Outreach Activities document was reviewed.

Suzanne Topping is willing to co-ordinate Outreach activities if desired, and can make use of BizWonk staff to accomplish some of the Outreach goals.

Activities to be considered include:

  1. Develop press list with a special focus on venues not previously used (mainstream software development journals etc.)
  2. Develop press plan with proposed dates (perhaps quarterly) for announcements and status updates.
  3. Identify venues for establishing a presence in non-traditional conference venues (web development conferences etc.)
  4. Begin researching which seminar venues would allow a free or low cost presence for either materials or presentations.
  5. Approach MultiLingual Computing and Technology magazine about inclusion of regular (perhaps quarterly) status updates.

Submitted by S. Topping, BizWonk Inc., April 8, 2003