Mail Archives

Public discussion list of the Internationalization Core Working Group

The I18n Core WG reminds participants of their obligation to comply with patent disclosure obligations as set out in Section 6 of the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. While the I18n Core WG does not produce Recommendation-track documents, when I18n Core WG participants review Recommendation-track specifications from Working Groups, the patent disclosure obligations do apply.

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period re-sorted messages
January to March 2025by threadby authorby subject84
October to December 2024by threadby authorby subject99
July to September 2024by threadby authorby subject123
April to June 2024by threadby authorby subject117
January to March 2024by threadby authorby subject123
October to December 2023by threadby authorby subject114
July to September 2023by threadby authorby subject157
April to June 2023by threadby authorby subject153
January to March 2023by threadby authorby subject145
October to December 2022by threadby authorby subject110
July to September 2022by threadby authorby subject176
April to June 2022by threadby authorby subject154
January to March 2022by threadby authorby subject118
October to December 2021by threadby authorby subject100
July to September 2021by threadby authorby subject123
April to June 2021by threadby authorby subject96
January to March 2021by threadby authorby subject118
October to December 2020by threadby authorby subject94
July to September 2020by threadby authorby subject104
April to June 2020by threadby authorby subject132
January to March 2020by threadby authorby subject121
October to December 2019by threadby authorby subject94
July to September 2019by threadby authorby subject101
April to June 2019by threadby authorby subject98
January to March 2019by threadby authorby subject76
October to December 2018by threadby authorby subject72
July to September 2018by threadby authorby subject89
April to June 2018by threadby authorby subject79
January to March 2018by threadby authorby subject63
October to December 2017by threadby authorby subject82
July to September 2017by threadby authorby subject102
April to June 2017by threadby authorby subject83
January to March 2017by threadby authorby subject109
October to December 2016by threadby authorby subject119
July to September 2016by threadby authorby subject98
April to June 2016by threadby authorby subject96
January to March 2016by threadby authorby subject47
October to December 2015by threadby authorby subject72
July to September 2015by threadby authorby subject68
April to June 2015by threadby authorby subject102
January to March 2015by threadby authorby subject172
October to December 2014by threadby authorby subject77
July to September 2014by threadby authorby subject72
April to June 2014by threadby authorby subject22
January to March 2014by threadby authorby subject110
October to December 2013by threadby authorby subject34
July to September 2013by threadby authorby subject56
April to June 2013by threadby authorby subject20
January to March 2013by threadby authorby subject39
October to December 2012by threadby authorby subject62
July to September 2012by threadby authorby subject182
April to June 2012by threadby authorby subject123
January to March 2012by threadby authorby subject119
October to December 2011by threadby authorby subject101
July to September 2011by threadby authorby subject337
April to June 2011by threadby authorby subject166
January to March 2011by threadby authorby subject134
October to December 2010by threadby authorby subject128
July to September 2010by threadby authorby subject145
April to June 2010by threadby authorby subject165
January to March 2010by threadby authorby subject117
October to December 2009by threadby authorby subject138
July to September 2009by threadby authorby subject111
April to June 2009by threadby authorby subject78
January to March 2009by threadby authorby subject322
October to December 2008by threadby authorby subject155
July to September 2008by threadby authorby subject109
April to June 2008by threadby authorby subject96
January to March 2008by threadby authorby subject115
October to December 2007by threadby authorby subject246
July to September 2007by threadby authorby subject136
April to June 2007by threadby authorby subject191
January to March 2007by threadby authorby subject79
October to December 2006by threadby authorby subject60
July to September 2006by threadby authorby subject175
April to June 2006by threadby authorby subject137
January to March 2006by threadby authorby subject303
October to December 2005by threadby authorby subject69
July to September 2005by threadby authorby subject121
April to June 2005by threadby authorby subject111
January to March 2005by threadby authorby subject109