Mail Archives

Administrativia list for the HTML Working Group
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May 2016by threadby authorby subject1
April 2016by threadby authorby subject3
March 2016by threadby authorby subject1
February 2016by threadby authorby subject5
January 2016by threadby authorby subject1
December 2015by threadby authorby subject4
November 2015by threadby authorby subject1
October 2015by threadby authorby subject5
September 2015by threadby authorby subject31
August 2015by threadby authorby subject18
July 2015by threadby authorby subject16
June 2015by threadby authorby subject26
May 2015by threadby authorby subject40
April 2015by threadby authorby subject53
March 2015by threadby authorby subject101
February 2015by threadby authorby subject31
January 2015by threadby authorby subject35
December 2014by threadby authorby subject30
November 2014by threadby authorby subject64
October 2014by threadby authorby subject113
September 2014by threadby authorby subject57
August 2014by threadby authorby subject53
July 2014by threadby authorby subject60
June 2014by threadby authorby subject73
May 2014by threadby authorby subject68
April 2014by threadby authorby subject40
March 2014by threadby authorby subject42
February 2014by threadby authorby subject106
January 2014by threadby authorby subject80
December 2013by threadby authorby subject61
November 2013by threadby authorby subject44
October 2013by threadby authorby subject111
September 2013by threadby authorby subject137
August 2013by threadby authorby subject68
July 2013by threadby authorby subject74
June 2013by threadby authorby subject85
May 2013by threadby authorby subject168
April 2013by threadby authorby subject94
March 2013by threadby authorby subject43
February 2013by threadby authorby subject285
January 2013by threadby authorby subject235
December 2012by threadby authorby subject88