Test Config
Product: Chiba-Web-3.0.0b2-SNAPSHOT
Useragent: Windows Vista64 Firefox 3.0
Chapter(s): all
Result Summary for Reference Platform: Windows Vista64 Firefox 3.0
Chapter XForms Full Normative XForms Basic Normative XForms Non Normative
Total Passed Failed Unkown Total Passed Failed Unknown Total Passed Failed Unknown
2. Introduction to XForms 4 4
2 2
0 0
3. Document Structure 35 32
35 32
3 2
4. Processing Model 64 51
64 51
3 1
5. Datatypes 15 8
4 2
0 0
6. Model Item Properties 11 11
9 9
1 1
7. XPath Expressions in XForms 61 60
61 60
1 1
8. Core Form Controls 57 33
53 33
2 0
9. Container Form Controls 19 15
19 15
2 1
10. XForms Actions 70 55
70 55
0 0
11. The XForms Submission Module 67 64
67 64
18 12
B. Insert and Delete Action Patterns for Data Mutations 15 15
15 15
0 0
G. XForms and Styling 0 0
0 0
9 1
H. Complete XForms Examples 0 0
0 0
3 1
Totals 418 348 (83%) 70 (17%) 0 (0%) 399 338 (85%) 61 (15%) 0 (0%) 42 20 (48%) 16 (38%) 6 (14%)
Totals (Overall) 460 368 (80%) 86 (19%) 6 (1%)

Introduction to XForms
Test Case2 Description Spec Link Normative Basic Normative Full Win-Vista64-FF-3.0
2.1.a Introductory Example No. 1 2.1 true true 2009-02-13
2.2.a Example: Encapsulation of Instance Data 2.2 true true 2009-02-13
2.3.a Example: Value Constraints 2.3 false true 2009-02-13
2.4.a Example: Multiple Forms 2.4 false true 2009-02-13
Document Structure
Test Case2 Description Spec Link Normative Basic Normative Full Win-Vista64-FF-3.0
3.1.a XForms namespace 3.1 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.1.a id attribute 3.2.1 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.1.b foreign attributes 3.2.1 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.2.a src attribute 3.2.2 false false 2009-02-13
3.2.3.a single-node binding - ref attribute 3.2.3 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.3.b single-node binding - model attribute 3.2.3 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.3.c single-node binding - bind attribute 3.2.3 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.3.d single-node binding - bind attribute overrides ref and model 3.2.3 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.3.e single-node binding - invalid bind IDREF 3.2.3 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.3.f single-node binding - invalid model IDREF 3.2.3 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.3.g first node rule 3.2.3 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.4.a node-set binding - nodeset attribute and bind attribute override 3.2.4 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.4.b node-set binding - model attribute of itemset element 3.2.4 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.4.c node-set binding - bind attribute of itemset element 3.2.4 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.4.d node-set binding - bind attribute overrides model attribute 3.2.4 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.4.e node-set binding - invalid model IDREF 3.2.4 true true 2009-02-13
3.2.4.f node-set binding - invalid bind IDREF 3.2.4 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.a processor must ignore unrecognized foreign-namespaced attributes 3.3 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.1.a1 50 models created 3.3.1 true true 2009-02-28
3.3.1.a2 no models created 3.3.1 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.1.b invalid function 3.3.1 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.1.c1 valid schema 3.3.1 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.1.c2 invalid schema 3.3.1 true true 2009-02-28
3.3.1.c3 multiple schemas in a single namespace 3.3.1 true true 2009-02-28
3.3.1.d1 version attribute 3.3.1 true true 2009-03-01
3.3.1.d2 version attribute negative test 1 3.3.1 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.1.d3 version attribute negative test 2 3.3.1 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.2.a model with no instance 3.3.2 true true 2009-02-28
3.3.2.b instance with inline data 3.3.2 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.2.c instance with resource attribute 3.3.2 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.2.d instance with invalid resource link 3.3.2 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.2.e instance with inline data and resource attribute 3.3.2 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.2.f instance with inline data, resource attribute, and src attribute 3.3.2 false false 2009-02-13
3.3.2.g inline content has two top-level nodes in instance element 3.3.2 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.2.h invalid instance causes exception with resource-uri 3.3.2 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.4.a nodeset attribute of bind element 3.3.4 true true 2009-02-13
3.3.4.b more bind element examples 3.3.4 true true 2009-02-13
3.4.1.a extension element 3.4.1 false false 2009-02-13
Processing Model
Test Case2 Description Spec Link Normative Basic Normative Full Win-Vista64-FF-3.0
4.2.1.a xforms-model-construct event 4.2.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.2.1.b1 schemas loaded sucessfully 4.2.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.2.1.b2 schemas loaded with an xforms-link-exception 4.2.1 true true 2009-03-01
4.2.1.c1 initial instance defined in external source 4.2.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.2.1.c2 external source takes precedence over inline source for initial instance data 4.2.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.2.1.c3 initial instance defined in invalid external source 4.2.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.2.1.d xforms-model-construct-done event is dispatched for each model 4.2.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.2.2.a xforms-model-construct and xforms-model-construct-done events 4.2.2 true true 2009-02-14
4.2.2.b xforms-model-construct-done 4.2.2 true true 2009-02-14
4.2.2.c1 form control referenced instance that did not exist yet 4.2.2 true true 2009-02-14
4.2.2.c2 invalid QNAME causes xforms-binding-exception 4.2.2 true true 2009-03-01
4.2.3.a xforms-model-construct-done and xforms-ready events 4.2.3 true true 2009-02-14
4.2.4.a xforms-model-destruct dispatched after form submission 4.2.4 true true 2009-02-14
4.3.1.a xforms-rebuild event 4.3.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.3.2.a xforms-recalculate event 4.3.2 true true 2009-02-14
4.3.3.a xforms-revalidate event 4.3.3 true true 2009-02-14
4.3.4.a xforms-refresh event 4.3.4 true true 2009-02-14
4.3.5.a xforms-reset event 4.3.5 true true 2009-02-14
4.3.6.a xforms-previous and xforms-next 4.3.6 true true 2009-02-14
4.3.6.b navigation sequence with navindex 4.3.6 false false 2009-02-14
4.3.7.a xforms-focus event 4.3.7 true true 2009-02-14
4.3.8.a xforms-help and xforms-hint events 4.3.8 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.1.a xforms-insert event 4.4.1 true true 2009-03-01
4.4.2.a xforms-delete action 4.4.2 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.3.a xforms-value-changed event 4.4.3 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.4.a xforms-valid event 4.4.4 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.5.a xforms-invalid event 4.4.5 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.6.a xforms-readonly event 4.4.6 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.7.a xforms-readwrite event 4.4.7 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.8.a xforms-required event 4.4.8 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.9.a xforms-optional event 4.4.9 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.10.a xforms-enabled event 4.4.10 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.11.a xforms-disabled event 4.4.11 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.12.a DOMActivate event 4.4.12 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.13.a DOMFocusIn event 4.4.13 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.14.a DOMFocusOut event 4.4.14 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.15.a xforms-select and xforms-deselect events 4.4.15 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.16.a xforms-in-range event 4.4.16 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.17.a xforms-out-of-range event 4.4.17 true true 2009-02-14
4.4.18.a xforms-scroll-first and xforms-scroll-last events 4.4.18 true true 2009-02-14
4.5.1.a1 xforms-binding-exception, invalid model attribute 4.5.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.5.1.a2 xforms-binding-exception, invalid bind attribute 4.5.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.5.1.a3 xforms-binding-exception, invalid submission attribute 4.5.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.5.1.a4 xforms-binding-exception, invalid instance attribute of submission attribute 4.5.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.5.1.a5 xforms-binding-exception, illegal binding expression 4.5.1 true true 2009-03-01
4.5.2.a xforms-compute-exception 4.5.2 true true 2009-03-01
4.5.4.a xforms-link-exception 4.5.4 true true 2009-03-01
4.5.5.a xforms-output-error event 4.5.5 true true 2009-02-14
4.5.7.a xforms-version-exception 4.5.7 true true 2009-03-01
4.6.1.a1 event sequencing for input, secret, textarea controls 4.6.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.6.1.a2 event sequenceing for range and upload controls 4.6.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.6.1.b1 event sequencing for input, secret, textarea controls - focus change with value change 4.6.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.6.1.b2 event sequenceing for range and upload controls - focus change with value change 4.6.1 true true 2009-02-14
4.6.3.a event sequencing for select/select1 controls with incremental="true" 4.6.3 true true 2009-02-14
4.6.3.b event sequencing for select/select1 controls without incremental="true" 4.6.3 true true 2009-02-14
4.6.3.c event sequencing for select/select1 controls (focus changes) 4.6.3 true true 2009-02-14
4.6.4.a event sequencing for trigger controls 4.6.4 true true 2009-02-14
4.6.5.a event sequencing for submit controls 4.6.5 true true 2009-02-14
4.7.a invalid ID references that terminate with no effect 4.7 true true 2009-02-28
4.7.b xforms-submit event not dispatched 4.7 true true 2009-02-14
4.7.c null result of IDREF search by index() function 4.7 true true 2009-02-21
4.7.d null result of IDREF search by instance() function 4.7 true true 2009-02-14
4.7.e1 null search for bind causes exception 4.7 true true 2009-02-14
4.7.e2 null search for model causes exception 4.7 true true 2009-02-14
4.7.e3 null search for instance causes exception 4.7 true true 2009-02-14
4.8.1.a getInstanceDocument() method 4.8.1 false false 2009-02-14
4.8.1.b getInstanceDocument() throws a DOMException 4.8.1 false false 2009-02-14
Test Case2 Description Spec Link Normative Basic Normative Full Win-Vista64-FF-3.0
5.1.a built-in primitive types 5.1 false true 2009-02-14
5.1.b built-in derived types 5.1 false true 2009-02-14
5.1.c supported primitive XML schema types in basic processors 5.1 true true 2009-02-14
5.1.d supported derived XML schema types in basic processors 5.1 true true 2009-02-15
5.1.e built-in primitive type via xsi:type 5.1 true true 2009-02-15
5.2.1.a XForms datatypes to allow empty content - built-in primitive types 5.2.1 false true 2009-02-14
5.2.1.b XForms datatypes to allow empty content - built-in derived types 5.2.1 false true 2009-02-14
5.2.1.c built-in data types which allow empty content for basic processors 5.2.1 true true 2009-02-14
5.2.2.a listItem datatype 5.2.2 false true 2009-02-14
5.2.3.a listItems datatype 5.2.3 false true 2009-02-14
5.2.4.a dayTimeDuration datatype 5.2.4 false true 2009-02-14
5.2.5.a yearMonthDuration datatype 5.2.5 false true 2009-02-14
5.2.6.a email datatype 5.2.6 false true 2009-02-14
5.2.7.a card-number datatype 5.2.7 false true 2009-02-14
5.2.7.b card-number datatype - credit card example 5.2.7 false true 2009-02-14
Model Item Properties
Test Case2 Description Spec Link Normative Basic Normative Full Win-Vista64-FF-3.0
6.1.1.a type property 6.1.1 true true 2009-02-14
6.1.2.a readonly property 6.1.2 true true 2009-02-14
6.1.2.b inheritance rules of readonly property 6.1.2 true true 2009-02-14
6.1.3.a required property 6.1.3 true true 2009-02-14
6.1.3.b required property with xsi:nil 6.1.3 false true 2009-02-14
6.1.4.a inheritance rules for relevant property 6.1.4 true true 2009-02-14
6.1.4.b relevant property 6.1.4 true true 2009-02-14
6.1.4.c relevant property inheritance to attributes 6.1.4 true true 2009-02-14
6.1.5.a calculate property 6.1.5 true true 2009-02-14
6.1.6.a constraint property 6.1.6 true true 2009-02-14
6.1.7.a p3ptype property 6.1.7 false false 2009-02-14
6.2.1.a atomic datatype 6.2.1 false true 2009-02-14
XPath Expressions in XForms
Test Case2 Description Spec Link Normative Basic Normative Full Win-Vista64-FF-3.0
7.2.a evaluation context for the outermost binding elements 7.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.2.b evaluation context for the non-outermost binding elements 7.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.2.c context node always resides within the context model 7.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.2.d context node for the computed expression is the node currently being processed 7.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.2.e context size and position 7.2 true true 2009-02-13
7.2.f namespace declarations in scope for the attribute are applied to the expression 7.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.4.6.a binding examples 7.4.6 true true 2009-02-05
7.5.a error in modal item property causes an xforms-compute-exception 7.5 true true 2009-02-14
7.5.b error not in modal item property causes an xforms-binding-exception 7.5 true true 2009-03-01
7.6.1.a boolean-from-string() function 7.6.1 true true 2009-02-05
7.6.2.a is-card-number() function 7.6.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.7.1.a avg() function 7.7.1 true true 2009-02-05
7.7.1.b avg() function negative test 7.7.1 true true 2009-02-05
7.7.2.a min() function 7.7.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.7.2.b min() function negative test 7.7.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.7.3.a max() function 7.7.3 true true 2009-02-05
7.7.3.b max() function negative test 7.7.3 true true 2009-02-05
7.7.4.a count-non-empty() function 7.7.4 true true 2009-02-05
7.7.5.a index() function 7.7.5 true true 2009-02-05
7.7.5.b index() function negative test 7.7.5 true true 2009-02-05
7.7.6.a power() function 7.7.6 true true 2009-02-05
7.7.7.a random() function 7.7.7 true true 2009-02-05
7.7.8.a compare() function 7.7.8 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.1.a if() function 7.8.1 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.2.a property() function with version property 7.8.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.2.b property() function with conformance-level property 7.8.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.2.c property() function with invalid NCNAME property 7.8.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.2.d property() function with invalid QNamebutnotNCNAME property 7.8.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.3.a digest() function using sha1, md5, and sha256 7.8.3 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.3.b digest() function using sha384 and sha512 7.8.3 false false 2009-02-05
7.8.3.c digest() function negative test with invalid NCNAME property 7.8.3 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.3.d digest() function negative test with a QNameButNotNCNAME 7.8.3 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.3.e digest() function with invalid encoding method 7.8.3 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.3.f digest() function default encoding base64 7.8.3 true true 2009-02-15
7.8.4.a hmac() function using sha1, md5, and sha256 7.8.4 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.4.b hmac() function using sha384 and sha512 7.8.4 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.4.c hmac() function with invalid NCNAME property 7.8.4 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.4.d hmac() function with invalid QNameButNotNCNAME 7.8.4 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.4.e hmac() function with invalid encoding method 7.8.4 true true 2009-02-05
7.8.4.f hmac() function using default encoding base64 7.8.4 true true 2009-02-15
7.9.1.a local-date() function 7.9.1 true true 2009-02-05
7.9.2.a local-dateTime() function 7.9.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.9.3.a now() function 7.9.3 true true 2009-02-05
7.9.4.a days-from-date() function 7.9.4 true true 2009-02-05
7.9.4.b days-from-date() function ignores hours, minutes, and seconds components 7.9.4 true true 2009-02-05
7.9.4.c days-from-date() function negative test 7.9.4 true true 2009-02-05
7.9.5.a days-to-date() function 7.9.5 true true 2009-02-05
7.9.6.a seconds-from-dateTime() function 7.9.6 true true 2009-02-05
7.9.7.a seconds-to-dateTime() function 7.9.7 true true 2009-02-05
7.9.8.a adjust-dateTime-to-timezone() function 7.9.8 true true 2009-02-05
7.9.9.a seconds() function 7.9.9 true true 2009-02-05
7.9.10.a months() function 7.9.10 true true 2009-02-05
7.10.1.a instance() function 7.10.1 true true 2009-02-05
7.10.2.a current() function example 1 7.10.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.10.2.b current() function example 2 7.10.2 true true 2009-02-05
7.10.3.a id() function 7.10.3 true true 2009-02-16
7.10.3.b id() function with xml:id 7.10.3 true true 2009-02-16
7.10.3.c id() function with xsi:type 7.10.3 true true 2009-02-16
7.10.4.a context() function 7.10.4 true true 2009-02-05
7.11.1.a choose() function 7.11.1 true true 2009-02-05
7.11.2.a event() function with binding property 7.11.2 true true 2009-02-21
7.12.a invalid functions attribute in model element 7.12 true true 2009-02-05
Core Form Controls
Test Case2 Description Spec Link Normative Basic Normative Full Win-Vista64-FF-3.0
8.1.a navindex and accesskey 8.1 false false 2009-02-14
8.1.1.a form control violates data binding restriction 8.1.1 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.1.b non-relevant form control becoming relevant 8.1.1 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.1.c relevant form control becoming non-relevant 8.1.1 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.2.a incremental attribute for input element 8.1.2 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.2.b data binding restrictions for input element 8.1.2 false true 2009-02-14
8.1.2.c datatype bound to input element 8.1.2 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.3.a incremental attribute of secret element 8.1.3 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.3.b data binding restrictions for secret element 8.1.3 false true 2009-02-14
8.1.4.a incremental attribute of textarea element 8.1.4 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.4.b data binding restrictions for textarea element 8.1.4 true true 2009-02-28
8.1.5.a appearance attribute of output element 8.1.5 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.5.b value attribute of output element 8.1.5 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.5.c UI Common added to output element 8.1.5 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.5.d mediatype attribute of output element 8.1.5 true true 2009-02-14 mediatype element true true 2009-02-14
8.1.6.a mediatype attribute for upload element 8.1.6 false false 2009-02-14
8.1.6.b incremental attribute for upload element 8.1.6 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.6.c filename and mediatype elements for upload element 8.1.6 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.6.d data binding restrictions for upload element 8.1.6 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.6.e upload element 8.1.6 false true 2009-02-14 filename element true true 2009-02-14 mediatype element true true 2009-02-14
8.1.7.a start attribute of range element 8.1.7 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.7.b end attribute of range element 8.1.7 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.7.c step attribute of range element 8.1.7 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.7.d incremental attribute of range element 8.1.7 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.7.e example of range element 8.1.7 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.7.f data binding restrictions on range element 8.1.7 false true 2009-02-14
8.1.7.g data binding restrictions on range element for basic processors 8.1.7 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.8.a trigger element 8.1.8 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.8.b trigger element with appearance attribute 8.1.8 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.9.a submit element 8.1.9 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.9.b submit element with appearance attribute 8.1.9 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.10.a selection attribute of select element 8.1.10 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.10.b incremental attribute of select element 8.1.10 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.10.c appearance attribute of select element 8.1.10 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.10.d value out of range of a select element 8.1.10 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.11.a selection attribute of select1 element 8.1.11 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.11.b incremental attribute of select1 element 8.1.11 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.11.c appearance attribute of select1 element 8.1.11 true true 2009-02-14
8.1.11.d value out of range of a select1 element 8.1.11 true true 2009-02-14
8.2.1.a label element references instance data 8.2.1 true true 2009-02-14
8.2.1.b label element uses inline text 8.2.1 true true 2009-02-14
8.2.1.c label element has binding precedence 8.2.1 true true 2009-02-14
8.2.2.a help element references instance data 8.2.2 true true 2009-02-28
8.2.2.b help element uses inline text 8.2.2 true true 2009-02-28
8.2.2.c bind precedence for help element 8.2.2 true true 2009-02-28
8.2.3.a hint element references instance data 8.2.3 true true 2009-02-14
8.2.3.b hint element uses inline text 8.2.3 true true 2009-02-14
8.2.3.c bind precedence for hint element 8.2.3 true true 2009-02-14
8.2.4.a alert element references instance data 8.2.4 true true 2009-02-14
8.2.4.b alert element uses inline text 8.2.4 true true 2009-02-14
8.2.4.c bind precedence for alert element 8.2.4 true true 2009-02-14
8.3.1.a choices element 8.3.1 true true 2009-02-14
8.3.2.a item element 8.3.2 true true 2009-02-14
8.3.3.a data binding restrictions on value element 8.3.3 true true 2009-02-14
8.3.3.b precedence for value element 8.3.3 true true 2009-02-14
8.3.3.c value element with inline content 8.3.3 true true 2009-02-14
Container Form Controls
Test Case2 Description Spec Link Normative Basic Normative Full Win-Vista64-FF-3.0
9.1.1.a1 precedence of group element 9.1.1 true true 2009-02-14
9.1.1.a2 group element inside case element of a switch 9.1.1 true true 2009-02-14
9.1.1.b label element in a group element 9.1.1 true true 2009-02-14
9.1.1.c focus set to group element 9.1.1 true true 2009-02-14
9.2.1.a1 switch element 9.2.1 true true 2009-02-14
9.2.1.a2 switch element receives events 9.2.1 true true 2009-02-14
9.2.1.b switch element example 9.2.1 true true 2009-02-14
9.2.2.a case element 9.2.2 true true 2009-02-14
9.2.2.b case element with selected attribute 9.2.2 true true 2009-02-14
9.2.2.c case element with multiple selected attributes 9.2.2 true true 2009-02-14
9.3.1.a repeat element 9.3.1 true true 2009-02-14
9.3.1.b startindex attribute of repeat element 9.3.1 true true 2009-03-01
9.3.1.c number attribute of repeat element 9.3.1 false false 2009-02-14
9.3.1.d unrolling the repeat element 9.3.1 true true 2009-02-14
9.3.1.e repeat element example 9.3.1 true true 2009-02-14
9.3.1.f switch element within repeat element 9.3.1 true true 2009-02-14
9.3.4.a switch element inside a repeat element 9.3.4 true true 2009-02-14
9.3.5.a repeating structures via attributes 9.3.5 false false 2009-02-14
9.3.6.a itemset element example 9.3.6 true true 2009-02-14
9.3.7.a copy element 9.3.7 true true 2009-02-14
9.3.7.b copy element has xforms-binding-exception event 9.3.7 true true 2009-02-14
XForms Actions
Test Case2 Description Spec Link Normative Basic Normative Full Win-Vista64-FF-3.0
10.a action syntax example 10 true true 2009-02-13
10.b rebuild in action element 10 true true 2009-02-13
10.c recalculate in action element 10 true true 2009-02-13
10.d revalidate in action element 10 true true 2009-02-13
10.e refresh in action element 10 true true 2009-02-13
10.f insert in action element 10 true true 2009-02-13
10.g delete in action element 10 true true 2009-02-13
10.h setvalue in action element 10 true true 2009-02-10
10.i reset in action element 10 true true 2009-02-13
10.1.a action element 10.1 true true 2009-02-13
10.2.a setvalue elements with expression or literal 10.2 true true 2009-02-10
10.2.b setvalue element with expression and literal, element with neither 10.2 true true 2009-02-10
10.3.a insert action using context attribute 10.3 true true 2009-02-10
10.3.b insert action with bind and model attributes 10.3 true true 2009-02-10
10.3.c insert action using origin attribute 10.3 true true 2009-02-28
10.3.d insert action using at attribute 10.3 true true 2009-02-10
10.3.e insert action using position attribute 10.3 true true 2009-02-10
10.3.f insert action in repeat bound to collection 10.3 true true 2009-02-10
10.3.g insert action - nodeset indicates root element 10.3 true true 2009-02-10
10.3.h insert action and repeat element 10.3 true true 2009-02-10
10.3.i insert action - xforms-insert event 10.3 true true 2009-02-10
10.3.j insert action - copying an attribute 10.3 true true 2009-02-13
10.4.a delete action using context attribute 10.4 true true 2009-02-13
10.4.b delete action using context and bind attributes 10.4 true true 2009-02-13
10.4.c delete action using context attribute terminates with no effect 10.4 true true 2009-02-13
10.4.d delete action using at attribute 10.4 true true 2009-02-13
10.4.e delete element rules 10.4 true true 2009-02-13
10.4.f delete action and repeat element 10.4 true true 2009-02-13
10.4.g delete action with xforms-delete event 10.4 true true 2009-02-13
10.5.a setindex element rules 10.5 true true 2009-02-13
10.6.a events dispatched by toggle element 10.6 true true 2009-02-13
10.6.1.a case element child of the toggle element 10.6.1 true true 2009-02-05
10.6.1.b case element child of the toggle element precedence testing 10.6.1 true true 2009-02-13
10.7.a setfocus element 10.7 true true 2009-02-13
10.7.1.a setfocus element with value child element 10.7.1 true true 2009-02-13
10.7.1.b control element precedence tests 10.7.1 true true 2009-02-13
10.8.a dispatch element dispatches predefined event 10.8 true true 2009-02-13
10.8.b dispatch element dispatches custom event 10.8 true true 2009-02-13
10.8.c dispatch element with delay attribute 10.8 true true 2009-02-13
10.8.d dispatch element dispatches custom event that bubbles 10.8 true true 2009-02-13
10.8.e dispatch element dispatches cancelled custom event 10.8 true true 2009-02-13
10.8.f dispatch element dispatches cancelled predefined event 10.8 true true 2009-02-13
10.8.1.a dispatch element with name child element 10.8.1 true true 2009-02-15
10.8.1.b name element has precedence over attribute 10.8.1 true true 2009-02-15
10.8.1.c value attribute has precedence in name element 10.8.1 true true 2009-02-15
10.8.2.a dispatch element with target child element 10.8.2 true true 2009-02-15
10.8.2.b target element has precedence over attribute 10.8.2 true true 2009-02-15
10.8.2.c value attribute has precedence in target element 10.8.2 true true 2009-02-15
10.8.3.a dispatch element with delay child element 10.8.3 true true 2009-02-13
10.8.3.b delay element has precedence over attribute 10.8.3 true true 2009-02-13
10.8.3.c value attribute has precedence in delay element 10.8.3 true true 2009-02-13
10.13.a reset element 10.13 true true 2009-02-13
10.13.b reset element with model attribute 10.13 true true 2009-02-13
10.14.a load element attributes 10.14 true true 2009-02-13
10.14.b show attribute of load element 10.14 true true 2009-02-13
10.14.1.a load element with resource child element 10.14.1 true true 2009-02-15
10.14.1.b value attribute has precedence in load element 10.14.1 true true 2009-02-15
10.15.a send element 10.15 true true 2009-02-13
10.16.a message element using single node binding 10.16 true true 2009-02-13
10.16.b level attribute of message element 10.16 true true 2009-02-13
10.16.c message element interface created at run time 10.16 true true 2009-02-13
10.17.a conditional execution of XForms actions 10.17 true true 2009-02-13
10.17.b conditional execution of XForms actions using action element 10.17 true true 2009-02-28
10.17.c conditional execution of XForms actions - Automatic Focus Advancement example 10.17 true true 2009-02-13
10.17.d conditional execution of XForms actions - Handling Focus for Empty Repeats example 10.17 true true 2009-02-13
10.18.a iteration of XForms actions 10.18 true true 2009-02-13
10.18.b iteration of XForms actions using action element 10.18 true true 2009-02-13
10.18.c iteration executed zero times 10.18 true true 2009-02-13
10.18.d XForms actions with if and while attributes 10.18 true true 2009-02-13
10.18.e iteration of XForms actions - Summing Selected Results example 10.18 true true 2009-02-13
The XForms Submission Module
Test Case2 Description Spec Link Normative Basic Normative Full Win-Vista64-FF-3.0
11.1.a ref attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.b bind attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.c resource attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-28
11.1.d action attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.e mode attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.f method attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.h validate attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.i relevant attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.j serialization attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.k version attribute of submission element 11.1 false false 2009-02-14
11.1.l indent attribute of submission element 11.1 false false 2009-03-01
11.1.m mediatype attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.n encoding attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.o omit-xml-declaration attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-28
11.1.p standalone attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-28
11.1.q cdata-section-elements attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-28
11.1.r replace attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.s1 instance attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.s2 invalid instance attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.t target attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.u separator attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.1.v includenamespaceprefixes attribute of submission element 11.1 true true 2009-02-14
11.2.a only one concurrent submit per submission element 11.2 true true 2009-02-14
11.2.b non-relevant nodes are not serialized 11.2 true true 2009-02-14
11.2.c xforms-submit with empty instance data 11.2 true true 2009-02-14
11.2.d xforms-submit with empty instance data and required attribute 11.2 true true 2009-02-14
11.2.e xforms-submit stops with invalid instance data 11.2 true true 2009-02-14
11.3.a xforms-submit-serialize event 11.3 true true 2009-03-01
11.3.b xforms-submit-serialize event with submission-body property 11.3 true true 2009-03-01
11.4.a xforms-submit-done event 11.4 true true 2009-02-28
11.4.b accessing context information for xforms-submit-done event 11.4 true true 2009-02-14
11.5.a xforms-submit-error event 11.5 true true 2009-02-14
11.5.b accessing context information for xforms-submit-error event 11.5 true true 2009-02-14
11.6.1.a resource element 11.6.1 false false 2009-02-21
11.6.1.b resource element with value attribute 11.6.1 false false 2009-02-21
11.7.1.a method element with value attribute 11.7.1 true true 2009-02-15
11.8.a header element of submission element 11.8 true true 2009-02-14
11.8.b header element with nodeset attribute 11.8 true true 2009-02-15
11.8.c header element of submission element 11.8 true true 2009-02-15
11.8.1.a name element with value attribute 11.8.1 true true 2009-02-15
11.8.1.b name element with empty value attribute 11.8.1 true true 2009-02-15
11.8.2.a value element with value attribute 11.8.2 true true 2009-02-15
11.9.a HTTP Post as a submission option 11.9 true true 2009-02-15
11.9.b HTTP Get as a submission option 11.9 true true 2009-02-15
11.9.c HTTP Put as a submission option 11.9 true true 2009-02-15
11.9.d HTTP multipart-post as a submission option 11.9 true true 2009-03-01
11.9.e HTTP form-data-post as a submission option 11.9 true true 2009-02-15
11.9.f HTTP urlencoded-posts as a submission option 11.9 true true 2009-02-15
11.9.g HTTPS Post as a submission option 11.9 false false 2009-02-15
11.9.h HTTPS Get as a submission option 11.9 false false 2009-02-15
11.9.i HTTPS Put as a submission option 11.9 false false 2009-02-15
11.9.j HTTPS multipart-post as a submission option 11.9 false false 2009-03-01
11.9.k HTTPS form-data-post as a submission option 11.9 false false 2009-02-15
11.9.l HTTPS urlencoded-posts as a submission option 11.9 false false 2009-02-15
11.9.m mailto Post as a submission option 11.9 false false 2009-02-15
11.9.n File Get as a submission option 11.9 false false 2009-02-15
11.9.o File Put as a submission option 11.9 false false 2009-02-15
11.9.p mailto multipart-post as a submission option 11.9 false false 2009-02-15
11.9.q mailto form-data-post as a submission option 11.9 false false 2009-02-15
11.9.r mailto urlencoded-posts as a submission option 11.9 false false 2009-02-15
11.9.1.a get submission method 11.9.1 true true 2009-02-15
11.9.2.a post submission method 11.9.2 true true 2009-02-15
11.9.2.b multipart-post submission method 11.9.2 true true 2009-03-01
11.9.2.c form-data-post submission method 11.9.2 true true 2009-03-01
11.9.2.d urlencoded-post submission method 11.9.2 true true 2009-02-15
11.9.3.a put submission method 11.9.3 true true 2009-02-15
11.9.3.b put submission method to local file 11.9.3 false false 2009-03-01
11.9.4.a delete submission method 11.9.4 true true 2009-03-01
11.9.4.b delete submission method deletes a file 11.9.4 false false 2009-02-15
11.9.5.a serialization as application/xml 11.9.5 true true 2009-02-15
11.9.6.a serialization as multipart/related 11.9.6 true true 2009-03-01
11.9.7.a serialization as multipart/form-data 11.9.7 true true 2009-02-15
11.9.8.a serialization as application/x-www-form-urlencoded 11.9.8 true true 2009-02-15
11.10.a submission response with invalid target 11.10 true true 2009-02-15
11.10.b submission response with target receiving text 11.10 true true 2009-02-15
11.10.c submission response with target receiving instance 11.10 true true 2009-02-15
11.11.1.a representation of SOAP envelope 11.11.1 true true 2009-02-15
11.11.2.a indicating a SOAP submission 11.11.2 true true 2009-02-15
11.11.3.a SOAP HTTP binding with get method 11.11.3 true true 2009-02-15
11.11.3.b SOAP HTTP binding with post method 11.11.3 true true 2009-02-15
11.11.3.c SOAP HTTP binding 11.11.3 true true 2009-02-28
11.11.3.d SOAP HTTP binding with get method and encoding attribute 11.11.3 true true 2009-02-15
11.11.3.e SOAP HTTP binding with post method and encoding attribute 11.11.3 true true 2009-02-15
11.11.4.a handling SOAP failure response 11.11.4 true true 2009-02-15
11.11.4.b handling SOAP success response 11.11.4 true true 2009-02-15
Insert and Delete Action Patterns for Data Mutations
Test Case2 Description Spec Link Normative Basic Normative Full Win-Vista64-FF-3.0
B.1.a Prepend Element Copy B.1 true true 2009-02-13
B.2.a Append Element Copy B.2 true true 2009-02-13
B.3.a Duplicate Element B.3 true true 2009-02-13
B.4.a Set Attribute B.4 true true 2009-02-15
B.5.a Remove Element B.5 true true 2009-02-15
B.6.a Remove Attribute B.6 true true 2009-02-15
B.7.a Remove Nodeset B.7 true true 2009-02-13
B.8.a Copy Nodeset B.8 true true 2009-02-13
B.9.a Copy Attribute List B.9 true true 2009-02-13
B.10.a Replace Element B.10 true true 2009-02-15
B.11.a Replace Attribute B.11 true true 2009-02-15
B.12.a Replace Instance with Insert B.12 true true 2009-02-15
B.13.a Move Element B.13 true true 2009-02-15
B.14.a Move Attribute B.14 true true 2009-02-15
B.15.a Insert Element into Non-Contiguous, Heterogeneous Nodeset B.15 true true 2009-02-13
XForms and Styling
Test Case2 Description Spec Link Normative Basic Normative Full Win-Vista64-FF-3.0
G.1.a enabled and disabled pseudo-classes G.1 false false 2009-02-13
G.1.b required and optional pseudo-classes G.1 false false 2009-02-13
G.1.c valid and invalid pseudo-classes G.1 false false 2009-02-13
G.1.d read-only and read-write pseudo-classes G.1 false false 2009-01-15
G.1.e out-of-range and in-range pseudo-classes G.1 false false 2009-01-15
G.2.a value pseudo-element G.2 false false 2009-01-15
G.2.b repeat-item pseudo-element G.2 false false 2009-01-15
G.2.c repeat-index pseudo-element G.2 false false 2009-01-15
G.2.d repeat-index precedence over repeat-item G.2 false false 2009-01-15
Complete XForms Examples
Test Case2 Description Spec Link Normative Basic Normative Full Win-Vista64-FF-3.0
H.1 XForms in XHTML H.1 false false 2009-02-14
H.2 Editing Hierarchical Bookmarks Using XForms H.2 false false 2009-02-14
H.3 Survey Using XForms and SVG H.3 false false 2009-02-14