Erik Bruchez, Orbeon
Nick van den Bleeken, Inventive Designers
John Boyer, IBM (Chair)
Steven Pemberton, CWI/W3C
Charlie Wiecha, IBM
Leigh Klotz, Xerox (minutes>
John Boyer: The next conference is
July 1. I'd like to be able to take the holiday.
Leigh Klotz: I won't be here
John Boyer: Maybe we could move the
July 2nd date out to July 9th.
Charlie Wiecha: That would be
Nick van: Yes.
Erik Bruchez: Sure, no problem.
John Boyer: OK so we will skip the
July 1st teleconference.
Resolution 2009-06-24.1: We cancel the July 1st, 2009 teleconference.
John Boyer: So maybe can push this
out for July 8th or July 9th?
Nick van: for me July 9 fits better
Leigh Klotz: I can't attend at
Charlie Wiecha: I have a meeting the
whole day of July 9th.
John Boyer: Maybe August? We end up
losing someone ever week. We have custom actions and XPath and
other customizations to discuss. XPath function, actions, MIPs, UI
controls, and review of drafts (if we get that far).
John Boyer: [checking calendar]
John Boyer: We'll have our long
telecon tomorrow, and so we move July 2nd to September 3rd. We can
adjust the agenda.
Action 2009-06-24.1: John Boyer to move July 2nd vFtF meeting to September 3rd.
John Boyer: I'm out these dates;
July 15th looks scarcely attended.
Charlie Wiecha: I can chair or minute
the July 15th.
Steven Pemberton: How about if you
chair Charlie, and I minute?
John Boyer: And July 22? Break?
Resolution 2009-06-24.2: We cancel the July 22nd, 2009 teleconference.
John Boyer: We don't specify it
becuase we want to allow flexibility. We don't specify when the
data is committed to the instance. We don't say "on every
character" on purpose. So how should we respond?
Nick van: In 4.6.1 it says that when
you activate the control the data is placed in the instance, and
when you lose focus it is placed in the instance. With
@incremental=true it's an implementation-dependent interval.
John Boyer: [reads]
Nick van: In the second bullet says no events are required, so it hints that it is not
sent to the instance either.
John Boyer: The third bullet point
says "when the user activates the control" but we don't define
that. It might be, for a single-line input, hitting enter. Or maybe
a right click menu. We don't sepcify.
Steven Pemberton: Why doesn't the
fourth point in 4.6.1 cover this?
John Boyer: Right, for focus
Nick van: He's asking for the case
when the data isn't updated by the user.
John Boyer: This looks easy to answer,
in the bullet points in 4.6.1.
Erik Bruchez: I don't know if I
understand well, but he asks if "@incremental is only used to
inform other controls that the bound node has changed". I don't
think that's correct.
John Boyer: Yes, that's no. There is a
schedule of updates from the form control to model, and the model
informs other controls that a change of data has happened, and
there is no direct linkage to other form controls.
John Boyer: Can someone respond?
Nick van: I can try, but I'm not sure
if I understand all the questions.
Action 2009-06-24.2: Nick van den Bleeken to respond to by explaining how works.
John Boyer: Stven, thank you for
sending it out. What's the next step.
Steven Pemberton: We may or may not
have to have a transition call. Then we organize a questionnaire
for a W3C vote to go from PR to REC.
John Boyer: So when would this
Steven Pemberton: Within a week; if
not we should ask.
John Boyer: Erik's phone has
Nick van: Erik points out you can't
activate an alert.
John Boyer: So these are tests
Nick van: The alert element.
John Boyer: How are they testing
Nick van:
<xforms:trigger> <nick> <xforms:label>Dispatch Alert Message</xforms:label> <nick> <xforms:alert ev:event="DOMActivate" ref="/msg"></xforms:alert> <nick> </xforms:trigger>