W3C Forms teleconference July 29, 2009

* Present

Erik Bruchez, Orbeon
John Boyer, IBM (chair)
Leigh Klotz, Xerox (minute)
Charlie Wiecha, IBM
Nick van den Bleeken, Inventive Designers

* Agenda


* Previous Minutes

* PR Transition Request progress

John Boyer: Steven is out, but we could still have the call as I am the main document contact. We still don't have a transition call.
Charlie Wiecha: Steven had no news in the last meeting.
John Boyer: There may be no blackout period looming, but we should get underway. I'll make some phone calls.

* Finishing actions on updating test suite


* Ramifications of deprecating DOMActivate/DOMFocusIn/DOMFocusOut


John Boyer: Do we think there is an affect on us?
Nick van: I've sent two messages, one that we're using DOMActivate. For DOMFocusIn and DOMFocusOut, we're using them too. They want to replace it with click. I asked if there was a difference, because a double click can give two click events but one DOMActivate.
Charlie Wiecha: And you or someone else pointed out the difference in bubbling behavior.
Nick van: Yes, focusing.
John Boyer: I think the mail is going on but people thinking it's the same. They're asking us to update "our spec" but it's not from us.
Nick van: Doug Scheppers asked if we could keep using our events as abstract events, but my response was that we'd need to deprecate or dispatch all those events again and we'd have more events. The DOM Level 3 ones provide good integration, and they don't need to be dispatched twice.
John Boyer: I think Maciej S provided a reference to quirksmode.org saying they wanted to deprecate them because of the support issue. If you look into the reference, the focusin focusout and activate events they want to use aren't supported by anyone other than IE.
Nick van: ??? wants to go with blur, focus and click but they don't bubble.
Charlie Wiecha: That's the current proposal?
Nick van: That's DOM Level 1. Steven would know, but I think they added DOMActivate for A11Y reasons. Also DOMFocusIn and DOMFocusOut. Now they're saying that they aren't necessary for A11Y any more.
John Boyer: I think it was for DI, with "click."
Nick van: If you read the draft for DOM Level 3, its says "click" is activated when sent by voice. So they're trying to make it more generic.
John Boyer: Another interpretation for DOMActivate we had was that you could have an input receive DOMActivate if someone hit the enter key. Is that true?
Nick van: We've implemented it like that. But I think there's something in DOM Level 3 like that.
Charlie Wiecha: Click would not be allowed on an input field?
Leigh Klotz: What happens when you click on an input field?
Charlie Wiecha: Do you get focus? Is it already focused?
John Boyer: It seems like clicking on it might be a different operation.
Charlie Wiecha: I'm not so concerned about the name, but double click and bubbling differences are an issue. I'm not sure the name change is an issue between voice and GUI.
John Boyer: I wonder if we should send another message in the thread with another subject, DOMFocusIn != focus, DOMFocusOut != blur, etc.
Nick van: Someone sent email about the difference in bubbling in the thread.
John Boyer: Maybe someone needs to reply and point out the email which says they are different.

Erik Bruchez: [IRC] I committed a change to 11.11.1.a on May 8...
John Boyer: [IRC] thanks Erik.

Nick van: I will look for that note this evening.
John Boyer: I wonder what the status of the decision is, given that they have pointed out something that's different. It doesn't say anything about DOMActivate.
Nick van: I believe Anne said it was only supported by one browser and so shouldn't be in the spec.
John Boyer: I thought they would be supporting IE because other browsers might follow.
Nick van: You can implement it in IE.
John Boyer: As Ubiquity does.
Leigh Klotz: So maybe it's worth pointing that out.
John Boyer: Anybody wants to send email about where they're going with this? Any objections?
Nick van: It can be a WG response.
John Boyer: I can see an email as an individual. A WG response we should work on more. I'd ask where they're going and point out we've implemented it in IE.
Nick van: I found the focusin vs DOMFocusIn e-mail: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2009Jul/0017.html
John Boyer: So it's bubbling and whether it gets focus before or after.
Nick van: So we'd need to re-dispatch events in all implementations that implement DOM Level 3, and then click vs DOMActivate. (Double click).
John Boyer: This email only talks about focus in and focus out.
John Boyer: ... other than spelling do we care?
John Boyer: Also there's no event context. If we go to DOM Level 3, we'll adopt XML Events 2, which would have to be based on DOM Level 3.
Leigh Klotz: So we'll have to fix it ourselves in XML Events 2.
John Boyer: Whenever DOM Level 3 settles down. Anything else?

Charlie Wiecha: What's the system interpretation for having two events? Are there ways to query focus? Or do we not care?
John Boyer: That's what I was alluding to before. There may be some other API to query. If the event itself identifies the target element, you could ask it using some alternative API.
Charlie Wiecha: So is there a global API sense of focus, or is it only an end user concept?
John Boyer: It seems fuzzy.
Charlie Wiecha: I'll poke around.
John Boyer: You can imagine a screen reader wanting to read information, and when something new gets focus, it would read information on the thing that just got focus. It could use the target element in the event itself for something that could "soon be getting" focus.
Charlie Wiecha: I've found something about not finding a current focused element.
John Boyer: Screen readers tend to be separate processes, sophisticated, and using Windows APIs. They're doing this stuff already anyway. It reduces to interpretation of activate.
Charlie Wiecha: keyboard.focusedelement, a system static property.

* The option of using XPath 2.0

John Boyer: Nick?
Nick van: I still need to make some changes from the vF2F.
John Boyer: We'd talked about indicating which syntax authors want in expressions. We'd need to describe each function (invocation, behavior) in XPath 1.0 and XPath 2.0. It seems like a good transition strategy. For XPath 2.0 we'd say you're enabled to use it (optional or recommended).
Nick van: I was writing that an implementation could choose: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/XPath_2.0
Nick van: There are some XPath 2.0 mapping issues for our processing model.
John Boyer: What changes do you need to do?
Nick van: I still need to do the default namespace for functions. Also there are a couple of functions in XPath 2.0 that we need to drop from our namespaces. I will try to do it this week.

* Dialogs and Relevance


Nick van: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/Dialog
Nick van: ...
John Boyer: Do we need SNB on dialog?
Nick van: People asked for it at the vF2F.
John Boyer: And that brings relevance. Or it could be in a group.
Nick van: Or we could make it a top-level element. It makes it easier and I don't have to worry about what happens when the node the dialog is bound to becomes non-relevant.
Leigh Klotz: So it could go anywhere in a host document but not in a group?
Nick van: Or case, or repeat.
John Boyer: So you can't do a repeat to get multiple dialogs.
Leigh Klotz: It sounds like separating dialog from components isn't quite working as we still have use-mention problems with just one instantiation of the dialog.
John Boyer: If you're in the dialog and you type the first name and that goes into the data model and that commit causes a relevance rule to fire.
Nick van: You have the same with switch and the switch can become non-relevant. That's why I'm not firing xforms-dialog-open and close, because for switch we have select and unselect events and they only fire when the switch is relevant and non-relevant.
John Boyer: So in other words, it's another instance of the author can shoot themselves in the foot.
Leigh Klotz: It's just something you could do. Is it a problem?
John Boyer: If it's modal and closed, it's still open.
Nick van: Or we could say it's non-modal when non-relevant.
John Boyer: Isn't that the same as closing it? We have "steps a, b, c are taken and then handlers are disabled." So we could just close it.
Nick van: I tried that but the problem (?) was that close is cancelable, so someone can cancel the close event, and the dialog wouldn't close. But for non-relevance, the dialog will be closed and non-relevant.
John Boyer: The close event default processing releases the modality?
Nick van: It closes the dialog. When the node becomes relevant again, the dialog pops up again. The state isn't changed to closed.
John Boyer: Maybe it would be better to have the state be non-cancelable. Something might need to be valid before the dialog closes.
Nick van: ...
John Boyer: If the dialog becomes non-relevant, it is still open and it releases its modality.
Leigh Klotz: Where is that state stored?
Nick van: Like switch, somewhere secret. A secret instance. An xpath function can access it. Same as for repeat index.
John Boyer: OK. Any problems as written?
John Boyer: Any context information the open and close events should have?
Nick van: You should already know the target.
John Boyer: Our event function doesn't specify how to get the common event info. That's a weakness of our event function. Erik?
Erik Bruchez: We offer it in the event function. Type, Target, Bubbles, Cancelable, ... We put those values as qnames. That's actually not DOM compatible but it's what we did. http://www.orbeon.com/ops/doc/reference-xforms-extensions#event-context
Erik Bruchez: In DOM 2 the context information cannot be a qname because of the IDL for the events. In DOM 3 they have two attributes, one for name and one for URI:
John Boyer: The event function is our function and you defined an extension, in xxforms.
Erik Bruchez: If we did this in XForms 1.2 we don't need the namespace anyway.
Nick van: We use the names that are in the IDL. http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Events/idl-definitions.html

 readonly attribute DOMString        type;     
 readonly attribute EventTarget      target;     
 readonly attribute EventTarget      currentTarget;     
 readonly attribute unsigned short   eventPhase;     
 readonly attribute boolean          bubbles;     
 readonly attribute boolean          cancelable;     
 readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp     timeStamp; 

John Boyer: We should have an action item for XForms 1.2 to do this.
Erik Bruchez: It's very useful.

Action 2009-07-29.1: Erik Bruchez to create XForms 1.2 wiki page about event context info using http://www.orbeon.com/ops/doc/reference-xforms-extensions#event-context and http://www.orbeon.com/ops/doc/reference-xforms-extensions#event-context ending with four dashes, newline, left bracket dquote CategoryXForms12 dquote right bracket.

John Boyer: You exposed type, target, bubbles, cancelable. There's also currentTarget, eventPhase, and timeStamp. Do we need those?
Nick van: I added target in Chiba.
John Boyer: What's currentTarget?
Nick van: The id vs the node. It only works because Chiba and probably Orbeon gives an id to every element.
John Boyer: What's the difference between target and currentTarget?
Nick van: Not sure...retarget?
John Boyer: They are readonly.
Nick van: It's not the target of the event, but the element currently processing the event.
John Boyer: It seems like we'd want that one as well. We could return a string in phase instead of unsigned short. Then timestamp? Maybe return it as a string?
John Boyer: Erik is that OK to add the few more things?
Erik Bruchez: We return an id for the target.
Nick van: I return the real DOM in Chiba. But that cannot be demanded because we don't require DOM.
Erik Bruchez: That's why we return identifiers. So it's a possible difference.
John Boyer: ID or empty string?
Erik Bruchez: Or the actual element if there is a DOM. We didn't want people to start doing stuff with that DOM so we used the id.
Nick van: It's readonly.
John Boyer: The node can be readonly but it can get interesting...
Erik Bruchez: It's OK for us. But what do we do now?
John Boyer: ID. String, boolean, number, or XPath node. What's the author likely to ask for anyway?
Nick van: I needed an attribute on the element.
John Boyer: Not the ID?
Nick van: It's not a big problem that it is an extension.
John Boyer: So we can call it targetID?
Nick van: It's ok.
Leigh Klotz: Any change to the action item?
Nick van: Erik knows he needs to rename the target.

* Dialog (continued)

John Boyer: Why is the @visible attribute needed?
Nick van: Whether to display on page load, for modeless dialogs.
John Boyer: Probably xforms-ready. Does it come up a lot?
Nick van: Orbeon has it. I dropped some attributes but not this one. It's more declarative than a handler on xforms-ready.
Erik Bruchez: It's like case/@selected.

Nick van: ...
John Boyer: We can add a note in the thin spec to say that the processing of the @visible attribute occurs as part of UI construction during xforms-model-construct-done processing.

John Boyer: And @draggable?
Nick van: It's probably not that good for non-graphical browsers.
John Boyer: It could be a hint.
Leigh Klotz: Is there some way to say this in CSS?
John Boyer: It's something you send for the call itself in these JS libraries. Treat it like appearance.

* IRC Log


* Meeting Ends