5.2.1.c built-in data types which allow empty content for basic processors non-empty-content non-empty-content non-empty-content non-empty-content non-empty-content non-empty-content non-empty-content non-empty-content non-empty-content non-empty-content non-empty-content non-empty-content non empty content non empty content non empty content non empty content non empty content non empty content non empty content non empty content non empty content non empty content non empty content non empty content non empty content non empty content 5.2.1.c built-in data types which allow empty content for basic processors When the form first displays you should not see any valid or invalid messages. If an implementation fires validity events on form initialization (incorrectly) then you may see XFORMS-INVALID output for all types (except string) below. This is not being tested but is an error. When you activate the Run Test trigger below you must see an 'xforms-valid' output for all the data types. If the data type does not accept empty content you will see an 'XFORMS-INVALID' output. An 'XFORMS-INVALID' output is a failure for this test case. Run Test Result: dateTime XFORMS-INVALID (dateTime) xforms-valid (dateTime) time XFORMS-INVALID (time) xforms-valid (time) date XFORMS-INVALID (date) xforms-valid (date) gYearMonth XFORMS-INVALID (gYearMonth) xforms-valid (gYearMonth) gYear XFORMS-INVALID (gYear) xforms-valid (gYear) gMonthDay XFORMS-INVALID (gMonthDay) xforms-valid (gMonthDay) gDay XFORMS-INVALID (gDay) xforms-valid (gDay) gMonth XFORMS-INVALID (gMonth) xforms-valid (gMonth) string XFORMS-INVALID (string) xforms-valid (string) boolean XFORMS-INVALID (boolean) xforms-valid (boolean) base64Binary XFORMS-INVALID (base64Binary) xforms-valid (base64Binary) decimal XFORMS-INVALID (decimal) xforms-valid (decimal) anyURI XFORMS-INVALID (anyURI) xforms-valid (anyURI) integer XFORMS-INVALID (integer) xforms-valid (integer) nonPositiveInteger XFORMS-INVALID (nonPositiveInteger) xforms-valid (nonPositiveInteger) negativeInteger XFORMS-INVALID (negativeInteger) xforms-valid(negativeInteger) long XFORMS-INVALID (long) xforms-valid (long) int XFORMS-INVALID (int) xforms-valid (int) short XFORMS-INVALID (short) xforms-valid (short) byte XFORMS-INVALID (byte) xforms-valid (byte) nonNegativeInteger XFORMS-INVALID (nonNegativeInteger) xforms-valid (nonNegativeInteger) unsignedLong XFORMS-INVALID (unsignedLong) xforms-valid (unsignedLong) unsignedInt XFORMS-INVALID (unsignedInt) xforms-valid (unsignedInt) unsignedShort XFORMS-INVALID (unsignedShort) xforms-valid (unsignedShort) unsignedByte XFORMS-INVALID (unsignedByte) xforms-valid (unsignedByte) positiveInteger XFORMS-INVALID (positiveInteger) xforms-valid event (positiveInteger)