W3C Forms teleconference August 5, 2009

* Present

Nick van den Bleeken, Inventive Designers
Erik Bruchez, Orbeon [left early]
Leigh Klotz, Xerox (minutes)
John Boyer, IBM (chair)
Uli Lissé, DreamLabs

* Agenda


* Previous minutes

* XForms 1.1 PR Transition Request progress

John Boyer: I've got heard back from Chris Lilly and I hope the call will be this week.

John Boyer: In the XForms 1.1 document, I made 3 changes:

John Boyer: For the important changes list, one important change was the Combine attribute, and I wanted to tweak the wording. http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/specs/XForms1.1/index-diff.html#submit-header
John Boyer: Leigh, most of this is your wording but I added the word "implementation."
Leigh Klotz: Sounds fine.
John Boyer: Aaron Reed needed to configure this, but in JavaScript it may not be possible.
John Boyer: I also added "if supported by the protocol implementation" under the combine attribute.
Leigh Klotz: What did we decide about not setting it?
John Boyer: I recall discussion about this but we had not added the text. If implementations don't allow it, they don't. This seems to be easy to implement. It's done in Ubiquity, though we don't have test suites for it. The merging with the user agent we can't do. All we can do is provide headers to the submission protcol implementation. We can't specify the combine value then, but we process combine for the "custom" headers.
Leigh Klotz: Why not split it into two sentences then?
John Boyer: And use the word "may" on the second. I'll do that.
Nick van: [irc] that is also what I did for Chiba
John Boyer: We have this for Ubiquity and Chiba now. We don't have tests because append, prepend, and replace are easy to understand. We also have the Firefox implementation, which proposed the change.
Leigh Klotz: Aaron implemented this?
John Boyer: No, but he implemented a specific setting for combination=append in the Firefox internal API. His API may be subject ot limitations. I asked if he would consider an upgraded implementation.

Action 2009-08-5.1: John Boyer to split combine attribute optional part into separate sentence in http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/specs/XForms1.1/index-diff.html#submit-header

* Finishing actions on updating test suite


John Boyer: I thought Erik had one completed action but the minutes are different.
Erik Bruchez: Yes, I said I had done it.
John Boyer: Please send a note to Nick saying it is done.

* Event context info

http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2009Jul/0046.html http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2009Jul/0048.html

Erik Bruchez: I went through the DOM2 attributes and proposed them for every event dispatched, and types for DOM2 IDL and XPath 2.0 types. I talked with Nick about the types for the properties. The time doesn't specify the epoch so we use a number (integer or long). For XPath 1.0 types it matters less. Also there were questions on naming and I used camelCase as in DOM2. I added an id using camelCase. It's not spec-ready.
John Boyer: Event phase? Is that common to be a number? We have names "capture" and "bubble" in XML Events. For number, you sometimes get non-integer integers.
Erik Bruchez: I think 1, 2, and 3 are OK in floating point. It is a mapping to the DOM2 value. We could use a string.
John Boyer: The claim was that XML Events had capture and bubble and you couldn't get AT_TARGET under DOM2 events, and yet here it is.
Erik Bruchez: Yes, here it is in DOM2.
John Boyer: We can get it here then, if XML Events doesn't have it.
Erik Bruchez: Is there talk about us talking on XML Events 2?
John Boyer: After 2009.
John Boyer: We can use the longer names for now and put in as an editor's note that they might change in XML Events 2.
Nick van: or use capture, atTarget, and bubble
John Boyer: Or force the discussion about the ugly names fix in XML Events 2. We should wind up with better names.

Nick van: http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Core/core.html#Core-DOMTimeStamp typedef unsigned long long DOMTimeStamp;
Erik Bruchez: XML Schemas has int as well. Let me find the list of types.
Erik Bruchez: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#built-in-datatypes
Erik Bruchez: They are a hierarchy.
Nick van: int is good then.
John Boyer: Are there places where we have non-integer numbers?
Nick van: ...
Nick van: We should use a general rule instead of specifying each one by one in our spec.
John Boyer: Probably so. XPath 2.0 type for a timestamp should be xs:long.
Nick van: No, xs:integer holds more than long.
John Boyer: So no action there.
Leigh Klotz: What will Erik change for the capture and bubble strings?

Action 2009-08-5.2: Erik Bruchez to change http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/EventContextInfo event phase property to use capture, bubble, at_target to string with names from DOM2, but an editors note to coordinate with XML Events 2.

John Boyer: No change on id. camelCase looks good.

* Removing visible from dialog

http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2009Jul/0052.html (additional thought: if kept, what about reset action)

John Boyer: I propose just getting rid of it the attribute.
John Boyer: And we don't have a reset action.
Nick van: We don't have reset for switch.
John Boyer: ...
Erik Bruchez: [leaves]
Nick van: Will it reset repeat and switch as well?
John Boyer: I suppose it will now because it is implicit instance data.
John Boyer: "visible" is a bad name. It looks static. For switch, "selected" was a good name originally.
Nick van: Maybe we can discuss draggable as well. It's UI centric.
John Boyer: Anybody object to removing visible? We have the option of doing show.
Leigh Klotz: What does Erik think?
Nick van: He's left already.
John Boyer: It could be put in under a different name.
Leigh Klotz: Why do this now?
John Boyer: If we remove those we can do a thin-spec FPWD now.
Leigh Klotz: OK
John Boyer: OK, no objectios.

Resolution 2009-08-5.1: We remove @visible and @draggable from dialog for FPWD for XForms 1.2.

* XForms 1.1 RelaxNG RNC

Leigh Klotz: I am getting ready to test with RNC with jing and with nXML, both from James Clark.
John Boyer: What are the advantages to you?
Leigh Klotz: Tools integration for authoring, more readable Schema, and Sam Ruby's point about validator.nu which requires RNG.

* IRC Log


* Meeting Ends