Forms F2F Cannes Virtual Day 2 October 16, 2008

* Present

Charlie Wiecha, IBM
John Boyer, IBM (chair)
Nick van den Bleeken, Inventive Designers
Steven Pemberton, CWI/W3C
Uli Lissé, DreamLabs
Leigh Klotz, Xerox
Keith Wells, IBM

* Agenda

* Break

Continue after lunch.

* Partial Minutes

These are partial minutes; minutes before (and after) this point are at

* Administration

John Boyer: It looks like I will not be able to get to the TP. I would like to postpone the XML Security group meeting and post comments in lieu of meeting.

* Bind Module

John Boyer: Nick, are you comfortable with the new information on bind?
Nick van: I may come back with questions later.
John Boyer: Next week?
Nick van: No, I will not work on it tomorrow.

* Calculate Module

John Boyer: I assume it will insert itself within the bind module. We will define the recalculate action, the xforms-recalculate event for the model, the basic recalculation behavior, the master dependency graph on rebuild, and the pertinent dependency subgraph on recalculate. This module is a consumer of the changelist from the model. It will contribute to the changelist. The results so far have clarified what needs to go there. Anyone else?
Leigh Klotz: We should make sure we think it can't be used outside of bind.
John Boyer: We would attach directly to UI controls in the simplified syntax. I see your point: it is defining an attribute, but not necessarily what element that attribute is being applied to.
Leigh Klotz: It sounds like we have to decide how calculate gets added to bind.
John Boyer: And the others, too.
Leigh Klotz: The MIPs, but not the other attributes ref and bind.
John Boyer: I wish we'd called type datatype since HTML already has a type attribute. Datatype is an exceptionally good name since we've whittled downt the type to Schema "datatypes."
Steven Pemberton: [irc] RDFa already has @datatype.
Leigh Klotz: [irc] Mark said that was OK.
Steven Pemberton: I don't know how that will work.
John Boyer: I think he said he'd take it back to RDFa; as far as he could tell it was the same thing. Since it fuels processing for us and RDFa derives metadata it's ok.
Steven Pemberton: As long as they don't happen on the same element. If you want to put the RDFa datatype on and ours.
John Boyer: I think that was OK because it's two processors reading one attribute for two reasons but the attribute was OK for both operations.
Leigh Klotz: The question is are the value spaces the same?
John Boyer: Are they? If not, that's a real problem. I think we ended with the fact that they were the same, but I could be mistaken. All of this is in the non-namespaced world.
Steven Pemberton: You agree that you could put them on the input element?
John Boyer: And not namespace-qualified. If I say a datatype is a date and RDFa says it's a date, and in Forms we take the date to cause us to use a calendar picker and in to generate a data node validated against the data type of date, and RDFa does what it does...
Steven Pemberton: In RDFa it talks about the content attribute and in Forms it talks about the ref attribute.
Steven Pemberton: <input ref="n" property="event:start" datatype="xsd:date" content="2008-10-16">
John Boyer: The content attribute is like the value attribute. In XForms datatype is about the stored node.
Steven Pemberton: It's the generalization of HTML meta. The content attribute overrides the element if present.
John Boyer: I could see a form processor in which the content of the node referenced by ref is placed into the content attribute.
Steven Pemberton: I could see that cooperation.
John Boyer: In which case having the datatype there doesn't seem to cause any harm.
Steven Pemberton: My only real problem is that RDFa is often automatically generated so you don't necessarily know when you're composing your page what attributes end up on the elements. For example, Drupal, which is a content-management system, is now seriously adding RDFa. My worry is that you might author an element with a ref and a datatype and the CMS adds a content attribute and a datatype and now you've got two.
John Boyer: Then that's broken code.
Steven Pemberton: It's still a conflict. Someone is processing a pre-authored form and changing the datatype. It doesn't make sense for the control to say that for XForms I'm one type and for RDFa, another. Mark may have seen some way.
John Boyer: It sounds like it's misnamed.
Steven Pemberton: It makes a statement about the content of the element. For exampl
Leigh Klotz: From

<span property="cal:dtstart" content="2007-09-16T16:00:00-05:00" datatype="xsd:dateTime">September 16th at 4pm</span>

John Boyer: It's consistent; I see that it's avout manipulating content.
Steven Pemberton: If we consider that the ref produces the contents of the element, then we're safe. We'd have to explicitly state that. The problem is that ref produces dynamic input and RDFa is about scanning the document and not running it.
John Boyer: If you find an element with no content perhaps you should resolve the ref, just like resolving the src in other contexts.
Steven Pemberton: Only by running it.
John Boyer: Only by executing that XPath or UI binding. They can decide they don't support that level of indirection. If someone has typed something in does it get serialized again? Form controls are for interaction.
Steven Pemberton: There are hreftype, srctype, etc. It might be worth calling it reftype.
John Boyer: Or data-type. This is a Webforms-A diversion; it's still type in XForms.
Leigh Klotz: If we don't have on inputs in XForms 1.2 then we don't need data-type in XForms 1.2, just in WebForms-A.
John Boyer: Right, it's not part of XForms modularization.
Leigh Klotz: So the discussion we just had is on WebForms-A and has no bearing on XForms 1.2?
John Boyer: Right. Well, it does have some bearing because of the question you asked a while ago: do MIP modules have to know about bind. We ended with the answer that potentially the driver would apply calculate to bind, or to UI controls. Likewise, the type attribute is applied elsewhere. And that's where we run into trouble.
Leigh Klotz: Perhaps WebForms A will need glue anyway, and can't just use the calculate module.
John Boyer: The glue woudl at least be context=.. and could rename type.
Leigh Klotz: I'm happy enough for now on that.

* Validation

John Boyer: There are three modules. The first defines constraint, required, and type, has picked up the revalidate action and the revalidate event for the model.

John Boyer: The XML Schema Validation module injects the model attribute and Schema element into the model. That module also appears to be the module that processes xsi:type. If you're not doing XML Schema validation, they'd be ignored. Then there's full schema validation (see bullet points), or structural validity information for submission. We haven't talked about submission yet.
Uli Lissé: I have a question about the schema attribute. We might want to add other Schema languages such as Relax NG. Would we define a module for this?
Leigh Klotz: describes a better way of pairing than the schema attribute string pairs of namespaces and schemas.
Uli Lissé: Where would we put the rules document?
John Boyer: In the body of the model, just like xs:schema.
Leigh Klotz: So when we get to multi-schema routing I would recommend we use this.
John Boyer: So we don't need to move the schema attribute out of the schema module.

John Boyer: We split this into three so we can have XForms datatypes (xsd union with empty string) available even when someone doesn't want XML Schema validation.

John Boyer: So do we need the types separate from the constraints and validations?
Uli Lissé: I think so since it can cause an input to render a calendar control.
John Boyer: Unless you have the type MIPs.
Leigh Klotz: Isn't the type lib just an XML Schema file? Can't someone else use it on server-side validation?
John Boyer: We're modularizing for web authors to incrementally consume pieces. Do we really need a separate spec? It could just be the last chapter in the validation spec. It makes the type MIP easier to consume.
Leigh Klotz: It doesn't have many implications on other things it we publish it stand-alone or not. I think the choice is for its own sake.
John Boyer: I like them together; is anybody opposed?
Leigh Klotz: My point is it's not on the dependency graph, so we can do it however we want today and change it later and there's no effect.
John Boyer: Somebody has to write it real soon now.

* XML Schema Validation

John Boyer: Is there any confusion about this? It contributes to the behavior of the validation module. I think it doesn't contribute to the submission module any more. We put required-but-empty back into validity so submission can just use what revalidate-event does. So we can talk in terms of the XML Schema validation module in terms of how it contributes to the core validation module, and submission module inherits that. We already fixed that.
John Boyer: It's a little funny that we define instance node validity in an event whose default processing is to insure validity of all nodes. Just in terms of a spec that talks about validation. If you look at the xforms-revalidate event in Section 4.3.3 in XForms 1.1 Editor's Draft...

* Scribe change

These are partial minutes; minutes after this point are again at scribe Charlie Wiecha