Copyright Page
Title Page
- The Angelic Letters
- The Spectacles
- Doxology
- A Pilgrimage from Narnia
- Apprentice gods
- Singularity
- Amazing Providence
- Archdruid of Canterbury Visits Orthodox Patriarch
- Plato: The Allegory of the... Flickering Screen?
- A Comparison Between the Mere Monk and the Highest Bishop
- Farewell to Gandhi: The Saint and the Activist
- How Shall I Tell an Alchemist?
- Akathist to St. Philaret the Merciful
- Silence: Organic Food for the Soul
- Rules of Engagement
- Technonomicon: Technology, Nature, Ascesis
- Within the Steel Orb
- An Author's Musing Memoirs: Retrospective Reflections, Retracings, and Retractions
- A Pet Owner's Rules
- The Damned Backswing
- 'Physics'
- The Commentary
- Two Decisive Moments
- Exotic Golden Ages and Restoring Harmony with Nature: Anatomy of a Passion
- The Arena
- The Treasure of Humility and the Royal Race
- Money
- The Luddite's Guide to Technology
- The Sign of the Grail
- The Best Things in Life Are Free
- Hymn to the Creator of Heaven and Earth
- Book Review: A New Face on an Old Ecumenism (The Orthodox Dilemma Second Edition : Personal Reflections on Global Pan-Orthodox Christian Conciliar Unity)
- An Open Letter to Catholics on Orthodoxy and Ecumenism
- Pope Makes Historic Ecumenical Bid to Woo Eastern Rite Catholics
- An Orthodox Looks at a Calvinist Looking at Orthodoxy
- Stephanos
- God the Game Changer
- God the Spiritual Father
- Death
- Open
- Do We Have Rights?
- Knights and Ladies
- Where Is the Good of Women? Feminism Is Called the Women's Movement. But Is It?
- Belabored Inclusive Language and Naturally Inclusive Language
- Inclusive Language Greek Manuscript Discovered
- A Strange Picture
- Unashamed
- Un-Man's Tales: C.S. Lewis's Perelandra, Fairy Tales, and Feminism
- Veni, Vidi, Vomi: A Look at 'Do You Want to Date My Avatar?'
- Dark Patterns / Anti-Patterns and Cultural Context Study of Scriptural Texts: A Case Study in Craig Keener's Paul, Women, and Wives: Marriage and Women's Ministry in the Letters of Paul
- Orthodoxy, Contraception, and Spin Doctoring: A Look at an Influential but Disturbing Article
- A Wonderful Life
- 'Social Antibodies' Needed: A Request of Orthodox Clergy
- Desire
- The Transcendent God Who Approaches Us Through Our Neighbor
- About the Author
- An Interview with the Author
- Friendly, Win-Win Negotiation: Interest-Based Negotiation and Getting to Yes
- Theory of Alien Minds: A UX Copernican Shift
- What Makes Me Uneasy about Fr. Seraphim (Rose) and His Followers
- Dastardly Duo Considered Harmful: Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives and Wounded By Love
- 'Religion and Science' Is Not Just Intelligent Design vs. Evolution
- QUICK! What Is Your Opinion about Chemistry?
- Creation and Holy Orthodoxy: Fundamentalism Is Not Enough
- Note to Orthodox Evolutionists: Stop Trying to Retroactively
Shanghai Recruit the Fathers to Your Camp!
- Game Review: Meatspace
- The Grinch Who Stole Christmas
- Lesser Icons: Reflections on Faith, Icons, and Art
- 1054 and All That
- Does God Suffer?
- Monasticism for Protestants
- The Eighth Sacrament
- A Dream of Light
- A Picture of Evil
- Religion within the Bounds of Amusement
- Refutatio Omnium Haeresium
- A Shaft of Grace
- Why This Waste?
- Yonder
- The Most Politically Incorrect Sermon in History: A Commentary on the Sermon on the Mount
- Closeness Spaces: Elementary Explorations Into Generalized Metric Spaces, and Ordered Fields Derived From Them
- AI as an Arena for Magical Thinking Among Skeptics
- Does Augustine Return to the Interpersonal Image of Love as Representing the Trinity, or Does He Abandon This in Favour of the Psychological Image?
- Espiriticthus: Cultures of a Fantasy World Not Touched by Evil
- Janra Ball: The Headache
- Profoundly Gifted Magazine Interviews Maximos Planos
- Profoundly Gifted Survival Guide
- The Wagon, the Blackbird, and the Saab
- Your Fast Track to Becoming a Bishop!
- Eight-Year-Old Boy Diagnosed With Machiavellian Syndrome By Proxy (MSBP)
- Evangelical Converts Striving to be Orthodox
- Jobs for Theologians
- The Modern Baccalaureate
- Firestorm 2034
- The Monastery
- Repentance, Heaven's Best-Kept Secret
- Oops: Could the Western Rite Please Try Again?
- A Glimpse Through a Crystal
- Looking at Stranger in a Strange Land as a Modern Christological Heresy
- An Open Letter From a Customer: I Don't Want to Abuse Your Employees and Be Rewarded for Gaming the System
- The Steel Orb
- Treasure
- Can You Smoke Without Inhaling? Martial Arts and the Orthodox Christian
- An Open Letter to Other Link Prospectors
- An Open Letter to Spam Patrons
- Character Sheet
- Macs are now Super.Computer.s running 'IRIX,' a Super.Computer. OS!
- The Voyage
- Hayward's Unabridged Dictionary
- The Watch
- A Disruptive Take on (Un-)Branding
- The Mindstorm
- Unvera Announces New Kool-Aid Line