Chairs let the group know that we were acting our outreach plan developed at October's face to face meeting. To help document and perhaps amplify the messaging around EO and WAI resources, we are asking EO contributors to post to the outreach wiki page or drop a line ot the planning group about any outreach that you do yourself or any mentions that you find "in the wild." Stéphane confirmed that internal use of WAI resources for training or advocacy was useful to note as well. Norah suggested we develop a calendar for "Feature of the Month" so we can coordinate and all be singing the same tune. We will take some time at the March face to face to do that. Next Shawn shared a table she has made of current contributions by EO participants. The purpose is to acknowledge work by so many and invite addiitonal participation by keeping everyone posted about what is in queue and coming up. All are invited to review and let staff know if changes/updates are needed. Also contact chairs to participate in work on areas of interest. Sharron will lead a samll group to update QuickRef tags related to new 2.1 SCs. Please step up to help if you have interest and time. Undoc team has shipped batches 1 and 2 to AG and nearly ready to ship batch 3. Develping a productive weekly cadence. Brent wrapped up with a reminder to check the work for the week and again, thanks for all you do.
Brent: There is a link in the agenda to the mention page of the wiki.
We are trying to be more diligent about how to track the outreach, how to pick the most important resources to promote. We spoke in Lyon about this.
Brent: The plan is to post any mention we come across, any time WAI resources are mentioned elsewhere. The idea is that it will help us have some ideas about what is effective.
<shadi> +1 to Sharron
<shawn> Sharron: At an recent accessibility meetup on accessibility, attendees were people with interest and some experince in accessiiblity and all but about 3 had not seen the new site and knew very little about our resources.
Brent: The next bullet is a mention of the Overview seen somewhere in the wild. So if you see anything mentioned, please add it to this list on the wiki and add a bullet.
<shawn> 2019 Mentions of EOWG & other WAI resources
Brent: when we know we can retweet, continue to drive the awareness.It will also remind us to come back and when we need to do more outreach.
Sharron: Or send to the list or directly to me if not comfortable on the wiki.
Shadi: Just to underline what Sharron said. Many people, even those who are part of Working Group are unaware of resources or new site. These are often key audiences who can be multipliers.
Shawn: Following up on this, a couple of weeks ago we talked about quotes "WAI has a resource for that..." I used that along with the video quotes and me saying that phrase. There were many questions that were not captured but the webinar itself went well. My question is do we want to settle for the recording of that webinar or do we want to do something more polished?
Sharron: What would that look like?
Shawn: We could record a more polished draft or do short Q&A on specific topics.
Sharron: Yes I like that!
Shawn: After we get the recording I will bring to the group and see what how we want to proceed. It was live captioned (I cleaned it up) and did audio description as I went along.
Brent: How many resources did you cover?
Shawn: Nearly all of them - one participant tweeted that she had trouble keeping up.
Lewis: I watched it with a bunch of my collegues and really really liked it. Some of my CATO group who are just learning were watching as well.
Shawn: I welcome any other comments.
Lewis: The video and audio of people aksing the questions was very engaging. Maybe the tag line use was a bit too much, could seem forced.
<Stéphane> I've added internal communication but from what I hear today's is it more a "spotted in the wild" section?
Shawn: So people know, I did manage to get people asking from a broad array of ages and ethnicities, it seemed to work.
<Stéphane> or is it ok to tell about everything?
Stéphane: Is it meant to be a
"spotted in the wild" section or is it OK to tell about
everything, even when we are the lead, etc?
... internal communication within organziations.
Sharron: Yes I think that is a good idea to capture as well
<Stéphane> Good, duly noted :)
Brent: Did Stéphane add to the wiki list?
<shawn> [ especially if you include any feedback that came from it :-)
Brent: Yes, it is the last bullet.
Shawn: Another reason to track the mentions is to have info for funders and management.
Brent: Thanks, any other comments? Well if anyone needs support in posting to the wiki, you can bookmark or let us know and we can post.
Brent: In the agenda, we have a
page for the planning team to track current work, a list of
what is in queue as well as what we are currently working on.
When we have the project up for implementation, we have a
column for gaps that need to be filled. EO contributors can
take a look and see what is of interest to jump in and help on.
We added a table for who is working on what.
... tried to list the activities that we are all involved in.
Who is leading, etc. The purpose is to distribute the work
equitably and also to match interest to the work itself. This
chart is a first pass, may not be entirely accurate. Invite
each of you to review and update if we got it wrong.
... another purpose is to acknowledge the work that is being
done. So pelase correct anything that is not accurate and
comment if anything is unclear. Any comments or questions?
<shawn> +1 to acknowledgement! thanks for all the work!
Sharron: Also invite response of seeing what we are doing and where people may want to jump into the development or updating of resources.
Howard: I noticed curricula was listed, is it active?
Brent: It is a Shadi project, is that right Shawn?
Shawn: Yes it is not yet active, but upcoming soon.
Shadi: Howard, we mentioned it at the Lyon face to face meeting and I would be delighted to talk with you about it off line. I hope to have something for the March F2F
Brent: Great, any other comments or questions.
KrisAnne: Do you want us to edit it ourselves or tell you about it?
<Chris_> in stereo :)
Brent: Let the planning team know and we will add it.
<Chris_> :D
Eric: Basically this is about how
the QuickRef filters searches according to tags. Since we have
released 2.1 we do not have tags for the new SCs. Would like to
tag for that, relatively easy to do. I have posted a preview
and instructions.We want contributors to look through the new
SCs and decide where they need to be filtered and tag
... we have four different categories of tags that need to be
... so that is the task to be taken up and we are looking for
interested folks to help.
Shawn: My recollection is that there was a small group who worked together via teleconference and agreed on tags that fell within the existing filtering criteria. So we are looking for a small group of people to work together on the phone to get throuh this.
Brent: How do we want people to step up to help? How many people do we want?
<Lewis> +1
<shawn> Sharron: Will manage this. I will post to the Work for the Week a summary & links to instructions. Give people a chance to decide if they want to give an hour a week for this. Think will work best to do some off line work and then get on the phone to coordinate.
Sharron: Let's put it on W4TW and
see who has interest and bandwidth to help.
... will coordinate with Eric
Brent: UnDoc group is completing
the third draft, Shipping the first and second to AG.
... we have the next few in queue and trying to get into a
weekly cadence and production.
Chris: How do you feel that the feedback loop will proceed with AG?
Brent: We will give them our
work, they can implement on their own, but we do not take it
back again.
... they can take it whole or in pieces.
<Brent> F2F in March:
Brent: Please look at the Work for this Week, no survey this week. Many interesting topics suggested for the March face to face. Please continue to add, looks like good attendence.
Norah: The first topic on
promoting WAI resources, I have been thinking that I would like
to have the "Resource of the Month" kind of feature. That way,
I could put our to a channel. I could just decide to do that on
my own but it occured to me that if we did that as a group, it
would have more impact.
... and to add that we are about to be finished with the new
LowVision SCs and that feels good. About to move on to
<Chris_> I like the featured resource idea
Sharron: Featured reseouce of the month +1
<shawn> [ Shawn adds to]
<Norah> +1 to resource of the month
Brent: Great idea to have that,
remember Chris mentioned that as well at Lyon.
... That was the whole idea of the Featured section
<Chris_> still no Twitter link, either ;)
Eric: Take some time at the F2f and make the list, line it up for the next several months, log them in and make it so
<Chris_> thx Shawn
<Lewis> 1
<Howard> 4
<Laura> 3
<yatil> weekly?!
<Vicki> 4
Sharron: How many times in a month do you look at W4TW
<Lewis> oops, month? 4
<Sylvie> 4
<Vicki> whenever brent sends the agenda :)
<Norah> when sent
<Chris_> 4
Shadi: Honestly, when I get an
email and it's more specific like we have added stuff, I need
something specific then it goes in my task list.
... if not, I won't look at it.
Sharron: people asked for a central list rather than an email.
Shadi: Does it have to be one or the other?
<Chris_> +1
KrisAnne: I appreciate the emails too Shadi, it is a good reminder.
<Chris_> I'm in the same boat
Eric: I just want to reiterate the usefulness of how W4TW often changes late in the week and when I get a whole list even when it some are optional, it can be too much. I have "look at W4TW" in my to do list.
Brent: The surveys used to be the
way we did this, appreciate the feedback.
... if there are any other suggestions, please do bring them
... we appreciate everyone's attention to the work. Have a
great weekend, talk again soon.