Meeting began with the news that a new effort to produce WAI Translations has launched and is ready for outreach. EO contributors are asked to promote, using promotion guidance from the wiki pages and/or write your own blog posts, newsletter articles, and other ways to spread the word about newly translated resources and the effort to add to them. Next we looked at the current plan to produce video-based resources. The plans and priorities have been updated based on previous input. Details and a continued opportunity to comment are included in the 29 March weekly survey. Resources listed in the agenda (above) were available for questions or comments. On the Cognitive landing page, Vicki suggested to either move the lead sentence to before the heading or modify it to read more postively. Reminders were given about upcoming face to face meeting this year - 13 and 14 May in Austin, Texas at AccessU and 16 and 17 September 2019 in Fukuoka, Japan during TPAC. The meeting wrapped up with reminders to complete open surveys (there are three), check work for this week and help with Translations outreach as you can. Howard reminded us that his grant to develop college curricula is extended and that AHG in November may be a good place to get input from smll groups of relevant stakeholders about the WAI curriculum project. Thanks all!
Shawn: Also sent email with specifics and we are ready for everyone to share the news. If it is a re-tweet, it's already documented, no need to add to the list. But if you send news about translations to an accessibility meet-up or dev group list, add to a newsletter, share as a blog post or such, please do add to wiki.
Shadi: Follow up from last week's call
Shadi: scroll down to deliverables ideas. Here you will find the current proposal based on last week's discussion and the survey results. There has been interest in small, short clips to introduce various resources. Begin with simple clips, no need for scripting, actors, etc. So we will work with people who are confident, comfortable in front of camera. The idea is to open up existing resources - for example evaluation resources and to tie them together with a story. Maybe a three minute video that talks about how tools can't do everything but are important.
Shawn: When thinking about this - is it more of an introduction to evaluation rather than an overview of the evaluation process?
Shadi: Maybe but I think it is
both. In all of these video clips want to build a bit of a
story. Trying to make the resources have a fairly long
lifetime. And I would expect most of these intros to be one to
two minutes, no longer than 3.
... Planning and Managing for example would address PMs and
team leaders and would want to target them as we build the
story about how to integrate accessiiblity into your
... same with Organizational Policy and the Business Case -
maybe less than a minute that raises the 4 main points.
... the common thread is to make stories that illustrate
accessibility as the new black, a cool design option. We can
think about several other resources as well, maybe as later
... reminder that this is work to be done over three years so
we may get to more of the resources but do need to
... Second deliverable suggested by Chris last week is that for
each SC, create a short, crisp (30/40 second) video explanation
of what the requirement actually is trying to achieve (example,
tablet secured to wheelcahir) to illustrate the essential
purpose. May eventually be part of Understanding Docs.
... some may be able to be done without people, just voice over with illustrations. But for several
would want to have people with disabilities illustrate the
issue. There could be casting challenges and if we do it, we should
think about it very closely aligned to third deliverable which
is How People With Disabilities Use the Web.
... can be thinking about both together and they could be
comprehensive and complementary.
... Finally is the updated version of the Before and After Demo
and create a video training guide.
... These are the 4 deliverables that are suggested, would like
to invite discussion. Starting with Deliverable 1, anyone like
to comment?
Vicki: I like very much how the
deliverables have been revised and the idea of linking them is
a good one. I like the approach of addressing specific problems
in short, focused clips.
... these are 4 deliverables that will all be done or are you
asking for priorities?
<shawn> [ Shawn think Vicki 's comment sounds a bit like overview of ARRM (which won't be done for a while)]
Shadi: This is the plan, and in the next few months if something changes we can adapt.
Howard: I think these will be really useful. I don't have suggestions for any different topics. One confusion - you have HPWDUW in both Deliverable 1 and 4 - what is the difference?
Shadi: The one in D1 would be high level very short. In D3 it wouold be in depth for the impact on a person's daily life.
Robert: This is all planned to be
very professionally produced like the Perspectives
... actors with disabilities who will play these roles? I like
that. You mentioned that some, esp D1 may be short clips that
do not need professional actors. Will we do screen casts or
what for those short ones?
... I see benefits in video showcasing of some resources right
away without the weight of professional production.
Shadi: Thanks, excellent
question. There are aspects of professional video beyond the
casting and production. So we will work with a video producer
for all of these. The scripting, storyboarding, etc require
... in terms of casting, we will use real people with
disabilities and mix with actors to tell stories and play the
part of the accessibility experts in the style of our
Robert: Yes that makes sense, I am just thinking of how we as EOWG could help. Maybe with quick,one-off screencasts that could be integrated into the final production.
<shawn> [ Shawn notes to Robert that there was an idea to do screen casts for Easy Checks (which might change with new analysis)]
Shadi: Yes that is how we did things in the Perspectives video - gave the production company a clear description or example of the goals and balance of what to say, good visuals, what to show.
<shadi> for robert:
Laura: I agree with Shadi that D1 is a good idea, could be done and be turned around more quickly.Would provide experience to inform D2-D4. I think it is a good idea.
Shadi: Any ideas about the 5 suggested clips that would be done under D1?
<Vicki> +1
<Howard> +1
<Lewis> +1
<shawn> +1
<Laura> +1
<rjolly> +1
Shawn: In the EO plan call, we
had suggested to put this on survey. Want to give people one
more chance to comment?
... maybe it is just a list of what was considered and what was
Shadi: OK will do. In the meantime looks like a tentative plan for D1. Now opening up to the others, remembering that these are the current plans, subject to change.
Shawn: The question of actors vs
non-actors, can we do the ones that do not require actors
... two batches would allow more content out sooner.
Shadi: Yes this will all need much more thought, prep and so it is a good suggestion and will consider 2 or maybe even 3 phases. For example, what if we have to integrate WCAG 2.2 in the process?
Howard: Wonder if we might want a more detailed video on using the tools for doing evaluation in greater depth?
Shadi: So we have the intro to
eval in D1 meant to be done by September. These are high level
- about evaluation, WCAG-EM, report tools.
... evaluation will appear again in the D4 review of the BAD.
Were you thinking of more detail than that?
Howard: If you had someone sit and go through and perform an evaluation, something that really showed what would be involved in the process of saying that a site is accessible.
Shadi: I will make a note to explore conformance itself.
Howard: Knowing how to do sampling, some of the testing activities.
Shadi: I had planned on a high level look but you are suggesting maybe a 30 minute step by step, sampling approaches, methods. So you are asking for an in-depth review, which one would be dropped.
Howard: No you just need to add another one.
Shadi: 3 years is a long time,
let's see what develops.
... Even if we don't get to all ideas, it is good to have them
on the record. Ideas for the future, things I would really like
to have, ideas to replace current planned deliverables with
others more compelling.
Shawn: Floor is open, put your
ideas forward, this is the time.
... will be on the weekly survey.
Shawn: Do people have comments on any/all of these resources listed on the agenda?
<Laura> no comment
<krisannekinney> no comments
<dboudreauq> no comment either
<Lewis> no comments
<rjolly> no comments
<Howard> no comments
Shawn: You can comment later on, and good job Robert.
Vicki: On cognitive accessibility page, the first sentence is a bit negative.I would either move it before the heading or modify it to read more postively.
Shawn: Background is that we want
to be more positive and as well it important for the message to
get out according to the cognitive advocates.
... can you submit a more positive version?
Any comments on any of this?
<Vicki> Suggestion for cognitive page: Section "Additional Support", combine the first 2 sentences as follows "Although some cognitive accessibility user needs are not addressed in existing W3C standars, W3C ...etc."
Shawn: Feel free to write up any comments as you review these resources.
Shawn: Confirmed for Austin May
13th and 14th, get your tickets, we're going to Texas.
... Next one is in September in Japan related to TPAC
<shawn> japan
Shawn: the Austin meeting page is
open, feel free to list ideas for topics
... One of the advantages of TPAC is the chanc to meet with
other groups. With the translations promotions, good to note
the Japanese TR translations are very active, they have
produced by far the most translated documents.
<shawn> Curricula survey - First Review of "People And Access Technology" - complete by Thursday 4 April
<shawn> Approval survey for Accessibility Principles 2.1 updates - complete by Tuesday 9 April
Shawn: Remember there are a few surveys open - approval to publish, curriculum survey, etc.
Shadi: Thanks to everyone for completing the curricula survey.Feel free to critique more, don't be afraid to be critical. Think about all the different situations, can university professors work with this? professional consultants? trainers? Please help make them better.
<krisannekinney> change trainer to instructor. :)
<shadi> :)
Laura: The Accessibility Principles links to GitHub not to the survey.
Shawn: It will link from there
when we update WFTW
... anything else?
Howard: Regarding Shadi's question there was a big survey done by U of Washington about who is teaching access in their course, what are challenges, etc. Look at these results perhaps, get feedback from them about how to fill teh gap they have identified.
Shadi: Is it published, can you
share it?
... I am in discussion with IAAP, UNESCO, etc to get feedback.
Several really bright minds created a curriculm for universal
design. So I am seeking broad input.
... thanks to everyone who commented so far.
<shawn> +1 for connecting with the audience at Accessing Higher Ground
KrisAnne: Would bringing this to AHG be a good place to get more feedback? Faculty surveys are not always productive, AHG may be a place to get what you need.
<Howard> link to article on faculty survey on who teaches accessibility:
Howard: Yes that is an activity that would be aligned with the conference, would be of interest and value.
<Howard> Speaker proposal form (for Shadi):
Shawn: Could be a place to gather input in small groups.
Howard: My grant was extended to the end of the year and we have a track this year to explore - could be a nice fit.
Shawn: Great - anything else for today? Thanks for all your input, ideas, perspectives to make EO resources better. Have a great weekend!