Data Privacy Vocabulary Version 0.1

W3C Community Group Draft 22 April 2019


Axel Polleres, Vienna University of Economics and Business


(In alphabetical order)

Bert Bos, W3C/ERCIM

Rob Brennan, Trinity College Dublin

Bud Bruegger, Unabhängige Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein

Fajar J. Ekaputra, Vienna University of Technology

Javier D. Fernández, Vienna University of Economics and Business

Ramisa Gachpaz Hamed, Trinity College Dublin

Elmar Kiesling, Vienna University of Technology

Mark Lizar, OpenConsent/Kantara Initiative

Harshvardhan Pandit, Trinity College Dublin

Eva Schlehan, Unabhängige Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein

Simon Steyskal, Siemens

Rigo Wenning, W3C/ERCIM


The Data Privacy Vocabulary provides terms and attributes[a] to annotate and categorize instances of legally compliant personal data handling according to the EU General Data Protection. This scope could be extended by later versions to other data and privacy protection regulations. The vocabulary provides terms to describe which personal data Categories are undergoing a specified kind of processing  by a specific data controller and/or transferred to some recipient for a particular purpose, based on a specific legal ground (e.g. consent, or other legal grounds such as legitimate interest, etc.), with specified technical and organisational measures and restrictions (e.g. storage locations and storage durations) in place.

Please Send Comments

This document was published by the Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group (DPVCG) as a first public working draft. If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to (archives). All comments are welcome.

Specifically, the DPVCG kindly requests proposals to extend its initial taxonomies by additional terms, where these are missing or need refinements in order to describe specific use cases of personal data handling. In order to propose/approve new terms, please include the following in your email:

Table of Contents



Base Vocabulary

Personal Data Categories


Processing Categories

Technical and Organisational Measures

Legal Grounds

Recipients, Data Controllers, Data Subjects


The Data Privacy Vocabulary provides terms and attributes[b] to annotate and categorize instances of legally compliant personal data handling. In particular, the vocabulary provides extensible taxonomies of terms to describe these components, namely:

These concepts and terms should be usable to annontate Legal Personal data Handling in a machine-readable fashion, in terms of which personal data Categories are undergoing a specified kind of processing  by a specific data controller and/or transferred to some recipient for a particular purpose, based on a specific legal ground (e.g. consent, or other legal grounds such as legitimate interest, etc.), with specified technical and organisational measures and restrictions (e.g. storage locations and storage durations) in place.

Descriptions and respective annotations of Legal Personal data Handling could be used for instance to:

  1. declare personal data handling policies,
  2. declare consent to such a personal data handling policy (by a specific consent action),
  3. transparently log/document specific personal data handling actions by a data controller, and finally
  4. to support automated checking of legal compliances of data handling ex ante (before data handling is actually performed), or ex post (i.e. check compliance to a certain policy and/or consent )

ISSUE-2 should we do something like SPECIAL


We use the following RDF namespace for all terms defined in the DPVCG community group:


Besides that, the present specification occasionally refers to the following external namespaces:


The normative W3C RDF vocabulary


The normative W3C RDFS vocabulary


The normative W3C OWL vocabulary


The normative W3C SKOS vocabulary


Dublin core terms


Namespace of the Open Digital Rights Language


SPECIAL Log vocabulary cf. SPECIAL Deliverable D2.5


Namespace for SPECIAL data categories


Namespace for SPECIAL purposes


Namespace for SPECIAL processing


Namespace for SPECIAL recipients


Namespace for SPECIAL locations


Namespace for SPECIAL durations


Auxiliary namespace for casting NACE codes as an RDFS hierarchy


Auxiliary namespace for referring explicitly to particular Articles and paragraphs in GDPR, e.g. the URI dpv-gdpr:A6-1-b refers to GDPR Article 6, paragraph 1(b).

Base Vocabulary

The base vocabulary to describe Legal Personal data Handling provides terms to connect the terms defined in the other sub-taxonomies.





Class: dpv:PersonalDataHandling

Top Class to describe a concrete instance of legal personal Data Handling of a defined class of Data Subjects, meaning that a personal Data Category is undergoing specified processing by a specific data controller and/or transferred to some recipient for a particular purpose, based on a specific legal ground, with specified security measures and restrictions (e.g. storage locations and storage durations).

Class: dpv:PersonalDataCategory

A category of personal data (as defined by GDPR article 4.1) from the personal data categories taxonomy, i.e. for instance denoting the category of an object/field or data item that is used for processing

Class: dpv:Processing

A type of processing from one of the processing categories in the processing Taxonomy

Class: dpv:Purpose

The purpose of Data Handling, from the purposes Taxonomy

Class: dpv:Recipient

The entities that can access the result of a data handling action/processing, any legal entity that is defined by article 4.9 of GDPR.

Class: dpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure

Technical and organisational measures, for instance security measure, storage restrictions etc. required/followed when processing data of the declared category

Class: dpv:LegalBasis

A particular legal Basis, which permits personal Data handling (e.g. Consent, etc.)

Class: dpv:DataSubject

The class of Data Subject that this particular data handling applies to, any legal entity that is defined by article 4.1 of GDPR.

Class: dpv:DataController

The class of Data Controllers that control this particular data handling, any legal entity that is defined by article 4.7 of GDPR.

Property: dpv:hasPersonalDataCategory

This property associates an instance of legal data handling with its affected personal data categories

Property: dpv:hasProcessing

This property associates an instance of legal data handling with its involved data processing categories.

Property: dpv:hasPurpose

This property associates an instance of legal data handling with its purpose

Property: dpv:hasRecipient

This property associates an instance of legal data handling with potential recipients

Property: dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure

This property associates an instance of legal data handling with required/followed technical and organisational measures

Property: dpv:hasLegalBasis

This property associates an instance of legal data handling with its underlying legal basis

Property: dpv:hasDataSubject

This property associates an instance of legal data handling with its affected data subject(s)

Property: dpv:hasDataController

This property associates an instance of legal data handling with its involved data controller(s)
dpv:PersonalDataHandling a rdfs:Class ; dct:description "Top Class to describe a concrete instance of legal personal Data Handling of a defined class of Data Subjects, meaning that a personal Data Category is undergoing specified processing by a specific data controller and/or transferred to some recipient for a particular purpose, based on a specific legal ground, with specified security measures and restrictions (e.g. storage locations and storage durations)." .
dpv:PersonalDataHandling dct:created "04.04.2019"^^xsd:date . dpv:PersonalDataHandling dct:creator "Axel Polleres, Javier Ferenandez" .

dpv:PersonalDataCategory a rdfs:Class ; dct:description "A category of personal data (as defined by GDPR article 4.1) from the personal data categories taxonomy, i.e. for instance denoting the category of an object/field or data item that is used for processing" .
dpv:PersonalDataCategory dct:created "04.04.2019"^^xsd:date . dpv:PersonalDataCategory dct:date-accepted "04.04.2019"^^xsd:date . dpv:PersonalDataCategory dct:creator "Harshvardhan Pandit, Axel Polleres" .

dpv:Processing a rdfs:Class ; dct:description "A type of processing from one of the processing categories in the processing Taxonomy" .
dpv:Processing dct:created "04.04.2019"^^xsd:date . dpv:Processing dct:creator "Axel Polleres, Javier Ferenandez" .

dpv:Purpose a rdfs:Class ; dct:description "The purpose of Data Handling, from the purposes Taxonomy" .
dpv:Purpose dct:created "04.04.2019"^^xsd:date . dpv:Purpose dct:creator "Axel Polleres, Javier Ferenandez" .

dpv:Recipient a rdfs:Class ; dct:description "The entities that can access the result of a data handling action/processing, any legal entity that is defined by article 4.9 of GDPR." .
dpv:Recipient dct:created "04.04.2019"^^xsd:date . dpv:Recipient dct:creator "Axel Polleres, Javier Ferenandez" .

dpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure a rdfs:Class ; dct:description "Technical and organisational measures, for instance security measure, storage restrictions etc. required/followed when processing data of the declared category" .
dpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure dct:created "04.04.2019"^^xsd:date . dpv:TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure dct:creator "Bud Bruegger" .

dpv:LegalBasis a rdfs:Class ; dct:description "A particular legal Basis, which permits personal Data handling (e.g. Consent, etc.)" .
dpv:LegalBasis dct:created "04.04.2019"^^xsd:date .

dpv:DataSubject a rdfs:Class ; dct:description "The class of Data Subject that this particular data handling applies to, any legal entity that is defined by article 4.1 of GDPR." .
dpv:DataSubject dct:created "04.04.2019"^^xsd:date . dpv:DataSubject dct:creator "Axel Polleres, Javier Ferenandez" .

dpv:DataController a rdfs:Class ; dct:description "The class of Data Controllers that control this particular data handling, any legal entity that is defined by article 4.7 of GDPR." .
dpv:DataController dct:created "04.04.2019"^^xsd:date . dpv:DataController dct:creator "Axel Polleres, Javier Ferenandez" .

dpv:hasPersonalDataCategory a rdfs:Property ; dct:description "This property associates an instance of legal data handling with its affected personal data categories " .
dpv:hasPersonalDataCategory rdfs:domain dpv:PersonalDataHandling .
dpv:hasPersonalDataCategory rdfs:range dpv:PersonalDataCategory .

dpv:hasProcessing a rdfs:Property ; dct:description "This property associates an instance of legal data handling with its involved data processing categories. " .
dpv:hasProcessing rdfs:domain dpv:PersonalDataHandling .
dpv:hasProcessing rdfs:range dpv:Processing .

dpv:hasPurpose a rdfs:Property ; dct:description "This property associates an instance of legal data handling with its purpose" .
dpv:hasPurpose rdfs:domain dpv:PersonalDataHandling .
dpv:hasPurpose rdfs:range dpv:Purpose .

dpv:hasRecipient a rdfs:Property ; dct:description "This property associates an instance of legal data handling with potential recipients" .
dpv:hasRecipient rdfs:domain dpv:PersonalDataHandling .
dpv:hasRecipient rdfs:range dpv:Recipient .

dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure a rdfs:Property ; dct:description "This property associates an instance of legal data handling with required/followed technical and organisational measures" .
dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure rdfs:domain dpv:PersonalDataHandling .
dpv:hasTechnicalOrganisationalMeasure rdfs:range dpv:SecurityMeasure .

dpv:hasLegalBasis a rdfs:Property ; dct:description "This property associates an instance of legal data handling with its underlying legal basis" .
dpv:hasLegalBasis rdfs:domain dpv:PersonalDataHandling .
dpv:hasLegalBasis rdfs:range dpv:LegalGround .

dpv:hasDataSubject a rdfs:Property ; dct:description "This property associates an instance of legal data handling with its affected data subject(s)" .
dpv:hasDataSubject rdfs:domain dpv:PersonalDataHandling .
dpv:hasDataSubject rdfs:range dpv:DataSubject .

dpv:hasDataController a rdfs:Property ; dct:description "This property associates an instance of legal data handling with its involved data controller(s)" .
dpv:hasDataController rdfs:domain dpv:PersonalDataHandling .
dpv:hasDataController rdfs:range dpv:Datacontroller .

Personal Data Categories

#import PersonalDataCategory.html


DPVCG at the moment defines a hierarchically organized set of generic categories of data handling purposes. Typical regulations such as GDPR require though that a specific purpose is declared in an understandable manner. We therefore suggest to declare the specific context as an instance of one or several DPV-Purpose categories and always declare the specific purpose in a human readable descriptrion (rdfs:comment).

dpv:Purpose rdfs:subClassOf [ onProperty rdfs:comment owl:someValuesFrom … ]  [c][d]


Moreover, purposes can be further restricted to  a specific context, for instance a specific business sector. At the moment, we recommend to specify this sector in terms of the EU NACE hierarchy, using the following URI-scheme.


For instance, … add example

Alternative hierarchies for defining business sectors include NAICS (US) and ISIC (UN)[e][f].

#import Purpose.html

Processing Categories

We understand the nature of processing as the "processing operation to likely result in a high risk”.

Start with the basic categories of (second diagram) and consider feedback of Bud regarding the high risk of Article 22:


Nature of Processing/Decision Making

monitoringDrivingBehaviour :hasProcessingType [

        :typeProcessing ;erasure;

        :isAutomatedDecM true;

        :isSystematicMonitoring true



                Procedure: fully-automated

                Transp: machine-learning

        :Context driving behavior


As for “derive” processing, we can have what we derive or just store in a different policy (that is, with data public life and processing derive, and in another policy we say collect sexual behavioral)

#import Processing.html

Technical and Organisational Measures

Taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, the controller and the processor shall implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk. These include:

(a) the pseudonymisation and encryption of personal data;

(b) the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services;

(c) the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services;

(d) a process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures for ensuring the security of the processing.

For any of the declared Technical and organisational measures defined below, we provide an ObjectProperty, and for the values of these attributes (with the exception of Storage), we either allow a blank node with a single rdfs:comment[h][i][j] to describe the measure, or a URI to a standard or best practice followed, i.e. a well-known identifier for that standard ot a URL where the respective document can describing the standard. In the future, we plan to provide a collection of URIs for identifying recommended standards and best practices.

In particular, in future versions of this document we might extend the vocabulary by an approved taxonomy of identifiers for such standards and best practices.

#import TechnicalOrganisationalMeasure.html

TODO: this needs to be moved to the spreadsheet:

Legal Grounds

TODO: add rationale

#import LegalBasis.html


TODO: add rationale

#import Consent.html

Recipients, Data Controllers, Data Subjects

TODO: add rationale

#import RecipientsDataControllersDataSubjects.html

[a]classes and properties?

[b]classes and properties?

[c]Not really expressible in OWL alone, SHACL?

[d]sure :D

[e]add references



[g]with  legal or similar  significant effect   [Bud: financial effects??]

[h]Why not create a property to specify this? Could be sub-property of rdfs:comment if semantics matter.

[i]I agree but I think it is not appropriate to subclass rdfs:comment as that is outside the logical model

[j]agreed, subclassing reserved vocabularies is evil :)

[k]Can be combined with Access Control as Securing Access to Data. PseudoAnonymisation and Encryption should be in separate categories.

[l]Is this distinct from pseudo-anonymisation?

[m]Difference between Standards and Design Standards?

[n]feel free to add references, Mark, Harsh?