The code below is an updated version of the one I posted a few hours ago. I have added a bit of colour to highlight places where key constants are used, and emphasise where the user of the API would encounter the public methods in typical use cases. This code has also been updated. A few minor bugs removed. Handlers for "missing data" added. Exceptions and exception handling. I have even added a "fast food" version to the initial illustration to show how Perl hackers might make the code even simpler. Scroll to the end to see the output of this program.

In a real implementation the packages would have propert hierarchy names and would be contained in their own modules. For simplicity, I have put everything into the one program. I have also avoided obscure Perl constructs so that this code is still somewhat readable by non-Perl programmers.

Several methods remain under construction.


# Perl binding to API given in
# (c) Rotan Hanrahan 2008
# This code is not guaranteed fit for any purpose whatsoever. Use at your own risk.

## Part 1                                                                      #
## This section shows how a Perl programmer would use the DDR Simple API       #
## Demonstrates:                                                               #
##   - Use of SimpleService methods to interact with DDR.                      #
##   - Getting single property value and collections of property values.       #
##   - Use of property term names and aspect names.                            #
##   - Catching exceptions thrown by the DDR.                                  #

# Instantiate new SimpleService
$ss = SimpleService->new();
$ss->initialize('DDRCoreVocabularyIRI'); # Todo : plugin classname for custom impl

# Populate new instance of Evidence
my $e = Evidence->new();
$e->put('User-Agent','Mozthing1.2e (X11; en-US; v12)');
$e->put('Accept','text/html, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*');

print "Evidence from the delivery context:\n";
print '  User-Agent: ' . $e->get('User-Agent') . "\n";
print '  Accept: '     . $e->get('Accept')     . "\n";

# Names of the aspects in which we are interested
my $softwareAspect = $ss->newAspectName('WebBrowser');
my $hardwareAspect = $ss->newAspectName('Device');

# Two browser display properties of interest: Height and Width
my $heightPropName = $ss->newPropertyName('displayHeight');
my $widthPropName = $ss->newPropertyName('displayWidth');
my $propArray = [$heightPropName,$widthPropName];

# Get the values for these properties in this aspect given this evidence
print "Getting specific software values for this context:\n";
my $spvsSW = $ss->getPropertyValues($e,$softwareAspect,$propArray);
print "  Browser Display Height : " . $spvsSW->getValue($heightPropName) . "\n";
print "  Browser Display Width  : " . $spvsSW->getValue($widthPropName) . "\n";

# Get the values for these properties in this aspect given this evidence
# This demonstrates exception catching for case where one or both properties are not available
eval {
  print "Getting specific hardware values for this context:\n";
  my $spvsHW = $ss->getPropertyValues($e,$hardwareAspect,$propArray);
  print "  Physical Display Height : " . $spvsHW->getValue($heightPropName) . "\n";
  print "  Physical Display Width  : " . $spvsHW->getValue($widthPropName) . "\n";
if ($@) {
  if ($@->isa('NameException')) {
    print " * * Caught NameException: " . $@->getMessage() . "\n";

# Get all known data
print "Getting all values for this context:\n";
my $spvsAll = $ss->getPropertyValues($e);
my @allProperties = @{$spvsAll->getAll()};
foreach my $spv (@allProperties) {
  print '  ' . $spv->getPropertyName() . ' is ' . $spv->getString() . "\n";

# Get image support information
print "Getting image format support for this context:\n";
my $imgFmtPropName = $ss->newPropertyName('imageFormatSupport');
my $spv = $ss->getPropertyValue($e,$imgFmtPropName);
my @supportedImageFormats = @{$spv->getEnumeration()};
foreach my $imgFmt (@supportedImageFormats) {
  print '  ' . $imgFmt . " is supported\n";

# All-in-one: get the physical height of the device
print "Getting information via a single complex line of code:\n";
print "  Device Height = " . $ss->getPropertyValue($e,$ss->newAspectName('Device'),$ss->newPropertyName('displayHeight'))->getString() . "\n";

## Part 2                                                                      #
## Shows how a typical Perl programmer might wrap the DDR Simple API to make   #
## use of the defaults, and pre-populate common parameters for re-use.         #
## Two subroutines are defined: convenienceInit() and getPropVal(e,a,p)        #

# The way Perl hackers might do this using convenience methods
print "Getting information via convenience methods:\n";
print "  Device Height = " . getPropVal($e,'Device','displayHeight')->getInteger() . "\n";
print "  Device Width = "  . getPropVal($e,'Device','displayWidth')->getInteger()  . "\n";
print "  Image formats = " . join(',',@{getPropVal($e,'WebBrowser','imageFormatSupport')->getEnumeration()}) . "\n";

exit 1;

# These convenience methods might be hidden away in a custom Perl module
sub convenienceInit {
  %DDRAspects = (
    'Device' => AspectName->new('Device'),
    'WebBrowser' => AspectName->new('WebBrowser')
  %DDRProps = (
    'displayWidth' => PropertyName->new('displayWidth'),
    'displayHeight' => PropertyName->new('displayHeight'),
    'imageFormatSupport' => PropertyName->new('imageFormatSupport')
  $ddrSrv = SimpleService->new();
  $DDRNullValue = SimplePropertyValue->new('NULL','000');
sub getPropVal {
  my ($ev,$a,$p) = @_;
  my $result;
  eval { $result = $ddrSrv->getPropertyValue($ev,$DDRAspects{$a},$DDRProps{$p}); };
  if ($@ || !$result->exists()) { return $DDRNullValue; }
  return $result;

# ==== END OF USER CODE ====

## Part 3                                                                      #
## This is a set of Perl packages that implement the DDR Simple API.           #
## Public methods are marked thus in comments: [DDR Simple API]                #


# ------------------------------------------------------------------
package SimpleService;

use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);

# Constructor is not part of SimpleAPI specification
sub new {
  my $pkg = shift;
  my $this = {};
  bless $this, $pkg;
  return $this;

# [DDR Simple API]  public void initialize(String defaultVocabularyIRI, Properties props) throws SystemException; // Vocabulary cannot be 'null'
sub initialize {
  my $this = shift;
  $this->{DEFAULTVOCABULARY} = shift;
  if (@_) {
    my $properties = shift; # In Perl, a Properties object is typically a hash
    $this->{PROPS} = \$properties;
  $this->{REPOSITORY} = CustomDDRImplementation->new();

# [DDR Simple API]  public SimplePropertyValues getPropertyValues(Evidence evidence) throws SystemException;
# [DDR Simple API]  public SimplePropertyValues getPropertyValues(Evidence evidence, PropertyName[] properties) throws NameException,SystemException;
# [DDR Simple API]  public SimplePropertyValues getPropertyValues(Evidence evidence, AspectName aspect) throws SystemException;
# [DDR Simple API]  public SimplePropertyValues getPropertyValues(Evidence evidence, AspectName aspect, PropertyName[] properties) throws NameException,SystemException;
sub getPropertyValues {
  my $this = shift;
  my $paramCount = @_;
  my ($p1,$p2,$p3) = @_;
  if ($paramCount == 1 && $p1->isa('Evidence')) {
    return _getPropertyValues_Evidence($this,$p1);
  if ($paramCount == 2) {
    if ($p1->isa('Evidence') && !blessed($p2) && ref($p2) == 'ARRAY') {
      return _getPropertyValues_Evidence_ARRAY($this,$p1,$p2);
    if ($p1->isa('Evidence') && $p2->isa('AspectName')) {
      return _getPropertyValues_Evidence_AspectName($this,$p1,$p2);
  if ($paramCount == 3 && $p1->isa('Evidence') && $p2->isa('AspectName') && !blessed($p3) && ref($p3) == 'ARRAY') {
    return _getPropertyValues_Evidence_AspectName_ARRAY($this,$p1,$p2,$p3);
  die('Method signature unknown');

sub _getPropertyValues_Evidence {
  my $this     = shift;
  my $evidence = shift;
  my $spvs = SimplePropertyValues->new();
  my @knownvocabularies = @{$this->{REPOSITORY}->getVocabularies()};
  foreach my $vocab (@knownvocabularies) {
    my @props = @{$this->{REPOSITORY}->getPropertyNames($vocab)};
    foreach my $prop (@props) {
      # As PropertyName objects don't know the aspect to which they apply,
      # this implementation will retrieve properties according to their
      # implementation-specific default aspects, where more than one applies.
      my $aspect = $this->{REPOSITORY}->getDefaultAspect($prop,$vocab);
      my $pn = $this->newPropertyName($prop);
      my $aspectName = $this->newAspectName($aspect);
      my $propertyValue = $this->{REPOSITORY}->getValue($evidence,$pn,$aspectName);
      if (defined $propertyValue) {
  return $spvs;

sub _getPropertyValues_Evidence_ARRAY {
  my $this              = shift;
  my $evidence          = shift;
  my $propertyNameARRAY = shift;
  die 'Not Implemented';
  # To Do

sub _getPropertyValues_Evidence_AspectName {
  my $this       = shift;
  my $evidence   = shift;
  my $aspectName = shift;
  die 'Not Implemented';
  # To Do

sub _getPropertyValues_Evidence_AspectName_ARRAY {
  my $this              = shift;
  my $evidence          = shift;
  my $aspectName        = shift;
  my $propertyNameARRAY = shift;
  my $spvs = SimplePropertyValues->new();
  foreach my $pn (@{$propertyNameARRAY}) {
    die SystemException->new('PropertyName[] contained a non-PropertyName element') if !$pn->isa('PropertyName');
    my $propertyValue = $this->{REPOSITORY}->getValue($evidence,$pn,$aspectName);
    if (defined $propertyValue) {
  return $spvs;

# [DDR Simple API]  public SimplePropertyValue getPropertyValue(Evidence evidence, PropertyName propertyName) throws NameException,SystemException;
# [DDR Simple API]  public SimplePropertyValue getPropertyValue(Evidence evidence, AspectName aspect,PropertyName propertyName) throws NameException,SystemException;
sub getPropertyValue {
  my $this = shift;
  my $paramCount = @_;
  my ($evidence,$p2,$p3) = @_;
  if ($paramCount == 2) {
    $p3 = $p2;
    $p2 = AspectName->new($this->{REPOSITORY}->getDefaultAspect($p3->getName(),$this->{DEFAULTVOCABULARY}));
    $paramCount = 3;
  if ($paramCount == 3) {
    my $propertyValue = $this->{REPOSITORY}->getValue($evidence,$p3,$p2);
    my $spv = SimplePropertyValue->new($p3->getName(),$propertyValue);
    return $spv;

# [DDR Simple API]  public PropertyName newPropertyName(String localPropertyName) throws NameException;
# [DDR Simple API]  public PropertyName newPropertyName(String vocabularyIRI, String localPropertyName) throws NameException;
sub newPropertyName {
  my $this = shift;
  my $paramCount = @_;
  my ($p1,$p2) = @_;
  if ($paramCount == 1) {
    return PropertyName->new($p1,$this->{DEFAULTVOCABULARY});
  if ($paramCount == 2) {
    return PropertyName->new($p1,$p2);
  return undef;

# [DDR Simple API]  public AspectName newAspectName(String aspectIRI) throws NameException;
sub newAspectName { shift; return AspectName->new(shift); }

# [DDR Simple API]  public AspectName[] listAspects() throws SystemException;
# [DDR Simple API]  public PropertyName[] listProperties(String vocabularyIRI) throws SystemException;
# [DDR Simple API]  public String[] listVocabularies() throws SystemException;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
package Evidence;

# public interface Evidence extends Map { }
# Constructor is not part of SimpleAPI specification
sub new {
  my $pkg = shift;
  my %map; # an empty hash map
  my $evidence = bless { 'map' => %map }, $pkg;
  return $evidence;

# "put" is an assumed method of Map
sub put {
  my ($evidence,$key,$val) = @_;
  my $map = \$evidence->{'map'};
  $map{$key} = $val;

# "get" is an assumed method of Map
sub get {
  my ($evidence,$key) = @_;
  my $map = \$evidence->{'map'};
  return $map{$key};

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
package AspectName;

# Constructor is not part of SimpleAPI specification
sub new {
  my $pkg = shift;
  my $name = shift;
  my $this = {};
  bless ($this, $pkg);
  $this->{NAME} = $name;
  return $this;

# [DDR Simple API]  public String getName();
sub getName {
  my $this = shift;
  return $this->{NAME};

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
package PropertyName;

# Constructor is not part of SimpleAPI specification
sub new {
  my $pkg = shift;
  my $name = shift;
  my $this = {};
  bless ($this, $pkg);
  $this->{NAME} = $name;
  if (@_) {
    my $namespace = shift;
    $this->{NAMESPACE} = $namespace;
  else {
    $this->{NAMESPACE} = 'DDRCoreVocabularyIRI'; # Seems reasonable, right?
  return $this;

# [DDR Simple API]  public String getName()
sub getName {
  my $this = shift;
  return $this->{NAME};

# [DDR Simple API]  public String getNamespace()
# Returns the IRI of the vocabulary to which this named property belongs
sub getNamespace {
  my $this = shift;
  return $this->{NAMESPACE};

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
package SimplePropertyValues;

# Constructor is not part of SimpleAPI specification
sub new {
  my $pkg = shift;
  my $name = shift;
  my $this = {};
  bless ($this, $pkg);
  return $this;

# [DDR Simple API]  public SimplePropertyValue[] getAll()
sub getAll {
  my $this = shift;
  my @allPropertyValues = ();
  foreach my $propName (sort keys %{$this}) {
    my $value = $this->{$propName};
    my $spv = SimplePropertyValue->new($propName,$value);
  return \@allPropertyValues;

# [DDR Simple API]  public SimplePropertyValue getValue(PropertyName prop) throws NameException
sub getValue {
  my $this = shift;
  my $prop = shift; die('Got ' . ref($prop) . ' when expecting PropertyName') if ref($prop) != 'PropertyName';
  my $name = $prop->getName();
  my $value = $this->{$name};
  if (!defined $value) { die NameException->new("$name not found." ); }
  return $value;

# Not part of public interface specification
# Assumed to be implementation dependent and private
sub setValue {
  my $this  = shift;
  my $prop  = shift; # assume to be a PropertyName object
  my $value = shift; # assume to be a SimplePropertyValue object
  $this->{$prop->getName()} = $value;

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
package SimplePropertyValue;

# Constructor is not part of official specification
sub new {
  my $pkg   = shift;
  my $name  = shift;
  my $value = shift;
  my $this = {};
  bless ($this, $pkg);
  $this->{NAME} = $name;
  $this->{VALUE} = $value;
  return $this;

# [DDR Simple API]  public String getString() throws ValueException;
sub getString {
  my $this = shift;
  my $value = $this->{VALUE};
  if (defined($value)) {
    return '' . $value;
  else {
    die ValueException->new('no value exists for this property');

# [DDR Simple API]  public boolean getBoolean() throws ValueException;
sub getBoolean {
  my $this = shift;
  my $value = $this->{VALUE};
  if (defined($value)) {
    return $value?1:0; # Perl doesn't have an internal Boolean representation!
  else {
    die ValueException->new('no value exists for this property');

# [DDR Simple API]  public int getInteger() throws ValueException;
sub getInteger {
  my $this = shift;
  my $value = $this->{VALUE};
  if (defined($value)) {
    return 0 + $value;
  else {
    die ValueException->new('ValueException: no value exists for this property');

# [DDR Simple API]  public String[] getEnumeration() throws ValueException;
sub getEnumeration {
  my $this = shift;
  my $value = $this->{VALUE};
  if (defined($value)) {
    if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
      return $value;
    else {
      return [ $value ]; # put single value into a single-cell array
  else {
    die ValueException->new('ValueException: no appropriate value exists for this property');
# [DDR Simple API]  public float getFloat() throws ValueException;
# To Do
# [DDR Simple API]  public double getDouble() throws ValueException;
# To Do
# [DDR Simple API]  public long getLong() throws ValueException;
# To Do

# [DDR Simple API]  public PropertyName getPropertyName();
sub getPropertyName {
  my $this = shift;
  return $this->{NAME};

# [DDR Simple API]  public boolean exists();
sub exists {
  my $this = shift;
  return defined($this->{VALUE});

## Part 4                                                                      #
## Exceptions thrown by various DDR Simple API methods.                        #

# = = = = = = EXCEPTION CLASSES = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
package BaseException;

sub new {
  my $pkg = shift;
  my $message = shift;
  my $self = bless { MESSAGE => $message }, $pkg;
  return $self;

sub getMessage {
  my $this = shift;
  return $this->{MESSAGE};

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
package SystemException;
BEGIN { @SystemException::ISA = qw( BaseException ); }

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
package NameException;
BEGIN { @NameException::ISA = qw( BaseException ); }

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
package ValueException;
BEGIN { @ValueException::ISA = qw( BaseException ); }

## Part 6                                                                      #
## A custom implementation of the back-end logic that retrieves actual data.   #
## Actual implementations of this part would probably interact with a database #
## or expert system, or fuzzy logic or some other proprietary system.          #
## This example hard-codes the data in-situ and does not connect elsewhere.    #
## Only three of the DDR Core Vocabulary property terms are represented here.  #
## Context recognition depends solely on matching the User-Agent evidence.     #
## Three pseudo-devices are hard-coded in this collection of device data.      #
## Unknown/unavailable data is represented as 'undef'.                         #

# (Barely functional!)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
package CustomDDRImplementation;

# Intentionally inefficient storage of device descriptions.
# Intentionally poor device recognition.
# If you want professional implementations, make or buy them.
sub new {
  my $pkg   = shift;
  my $this = {};
  bless ($this, $pkg);
  $this->{VOCABULARIES} = [ 'DDRCoreVocabularyIRI' ];
  $this->{ASPECTS} = [ 'Device', 'WebBrowser' ];
  $this->{USERAGENTS} = [
    'EI-emu (Gekoo; X11; watzit)',
    'Mozthing1.2e (X11; en-US; v12)',
    'Opella99 (Dash2; en-UK; mod-4; patched) nosuch/1255'
  $this->{'DDRCoreVocabularyIRI'} = {
    'displayHeight' => {
      'Device'     => [ 260, 800, 140 ],
      'WebBrowser' => [ 240, 788, 136 ],
      'DEFAULT'    => 'Device'                       # Arbitrary choice
    'displayWidth' => {
      'Device'     => [ 180, undef, 280 ],
      'WebBrowser' => [ 160, 1012,  276 ],
      'DEFAULT'    => 'Device'                       # Arbitrary choice
    'imageFormatSupport' => {
      'WebBrowser' => [
        [ 'gif87',  'gif89a', 'jpeg', 'png', ],
        [ 'gif89a', 'jpeg',   'png',         ],
        [ 'gif87',  'gif89a', 'jpeg',        ]
      'DEFAULT'    => 'WebBrowser'                   # This is the only aspect
  return $this;

sub _getValueDirect {
  my $this       = shift;
  my $useragent  = shift; # just an ordinary string
  my $vocabulary = shift; # just an ordinary string
  my $property   = shift; # just an ordinary string
  my $aspect     = shift; # just an ordinary string
  my @agents = @{$this->{USERAGENTS}};
  my $lastUAindex = $#agents;
  my $i = 0;
  while ($i <= $lastUAindex && $agents[$i] ne $useragent) {
  if ($i <= $lastUAindex) {
    return $this->{$vocabulary}->{$property}->{$aspect}[$i];
  return undef;

sub getValue {
  my $this         = shift;
  my $evidence     = shift;
  my $propertyName = shift;
  my $aspectName   = shift;
  my $ua   = $evidence->get('User-Agent');
  my $voc  = $propertyName->getNamespace();
  my $prop = $propertyName->getName();
  my $asp  = $aspectName->getName();
  return _getValueDirect($this,$ua,$voc,$prop,$asp);

# returns all vocabularies (IRIs) supported by this custom implementation
sub getVocabularies {
  my $this = shift;
  return $this->{VOCABULARIES};

# returns all property names for the given vocabulary IRI
sub getPropertyNames {
  my $this       = shift;
  my $vocabulary = shift;
  my %v = %{$this->{$vocabulary}};
  my @result = sort keys %v;
  return \@result;

# returns all aspects supported by this custom implementation
sub getAspects {
  my $this = shift;
  return $this->{ASPECTS};

# returns the default aspect for a named property in the given vocabulary
sub getDefaultAspect {
  my $this       = shift;
  my $property   = shift;
  my $vocabulary = shift;
  return $this->{$vocabulary}->{$property}->{DEFAULT};

## Output                                                                      #
## When executed, the above program generates the following output:            #
##                                                                             #
## Evidence from the delivery context:                                         #
##   User-Agent: Mozthing1.2e (X11; en-US; v12)                                #
##   Accept: text/html, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */* #
## Getting specific software values for this context:                          #
##   Browser Display Height : 788                                              #
##   Browser Display Width  : 1012                                             #
## Getting specific hardware values for this context:                          #
##   Physical Display Height : 800                                             #
##  * * Caught NameException: displayWidth not found.                          #
## Getting all values for this context:                                        #
##   displayHeight is 800                                                      #
##   imageFormatSupport is ARRAY(0x1f8f19c)                                    #
## Getting image format support for this context:                              #
##   gif89a is supported                                                       #
##   jpeg is supported                                                         #
##   png is supported                                                          #
## Getting information via a single complex line of code:                      #
##   Device Height = 800                                                       #
## Getting information via convenience methods:                                #
##   Device Height = 800                                                       #
##   Device Width = 0                                                          #
##   Image formats = gif89a,jpeg,png                                           #
##                                                                             #