Here is an example constraint (changing only the reporting variable in one form) in various forms as a single constraint in an RDF graph. @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix shacl: ... . @prefix ex: . [ rdf:type shacl:Constraint ; shacl:severity shacl:fatal ; shacl:constraint """PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX xsd: PREFIX shacl: ... PREFIX ex: SELECT ?person WHERE { ?person rdf:type ex:Person . MINUS FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?person ex:offspring ?v . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?v rdf:type ex:Person . } } }""" ] . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix shacl: ... . @prefix ex: . [ rdf:type shacl:Constraint ; shacl:severity shacl:fatal ; shacl:report "SELECT ?this" ; shacl:classScope ""^^xsd:anyURI ; shacl:sparqlShape """FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?this ex:offspring ?v . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?v rdf:type ex:Person . } }""" ] . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix shacl: ... . @prefix ex: . [ rdf:type shacl:Constraint ; shacl:severity shacl:fatal ; shacl:report "SELECT ?person" ; shacl:sparqlScope "?person rdf:type" ; shacl:sparqlShape """FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?person ex:offspring ?offspring . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?offspring rdf:type ex:Person . } }""" ] . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix shacl: ... . @prefix ex: . [ rdf:type shacl:Constraint ; shacl:severity shacl:fatal ; shacl:report """SELECT ?this""" ; shacl:shapeScope [ shacl:property "" ; shacl:value ""^^xsd:anyURI ] ; shacl:shape [ shacl:property "" ; shacl:valueType ""^^xsd:anyURI ] ] . Here is a *partial approximation* of the issue example. @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix shacl: ... . @prefix ex: . @prefix : . :IssueConstraint rdf:type shacl:Constraint ; shacl:severity shacl:warning ; shacl:shapeScope [ shacl:property ""^^xsd:anyURI ; shacl:values ( ""^^xsd:anyURI ""^^xsd:anyURI ) ] ; shacl:shape [ shacl:and ( [ shacl:property ""^^xsd:anyURI ; shacl:cardinality 1 ; shacl:valueType ""^^xsd:anyURI ] [ shacl:property ""^^xsd:anyURI ; shacl:cardinality 1 ; shacl:valueDatatype ""^^xsd:anyURI ] # does not include optional bit yet [ shacl:property ""^^xsd:anyURI ; shacl:minCardinality 0 ; shacl:maxCardinality "unbounded" ; shacl:valueShape [ shacl:property ""^^xsd:anyURI ; shacl:values ( ""^^xsd:anyURI ""^^xsd:anyURI ) ] ] ) ] .