Comments on WCAG 2.0 Last Call Draft and Support Documents

Commenter: Gottfried Zimmermann


Affiliation: Invited expert on W3C PF

Date: 2006-05-22


Please ensure that the comments submitted are as complete and "resolvable" as possible. Thank you.

Document Abbv. (W2/UW/TD)

Item Number (e.g. 1.1)

Part of Item (Heading)
Comment Type (G/T/E/Q)
(Including rationale for any proposed change)
Proposed Change (Be specific)
 W2 Conformance Conformance claims - Conformance notes  T The note in section "Conformance notes" states conformance for the case of content negotiation. The requirement that only the page returned with no content negotiation needs to comply with WCAG 2.0 is too weak, with regard to content negotiation for alternate language delivery. A page should comply for all of its language versions.

As an example, consider a website where only the English version (default for content negotiation on language) is accessible according to WCAG 2.0. The website could claim conformance although all non-English users would get inaccessible web pages through their user agents.

Add to the note: "Exception: This note does not apply for alternative language versions being delivered through content negotiation. A Web unit conforms to WCAG 2.0 only if all its language versions conform."
 W2  4.1 4.2.1


 T These success criteria would make a web page with multiple language versions compliant, with only one version being conformant and the others being inaccessible. We need to exempt alternative language versions from this success criterion. This should be mentioned and the definition of "alternate version(s)" should be amended correspondingly.

Essence: An accessible page in Korean is not an equivalent alternative for an inaccessable page in Urdu.

 Add to 4.2.1 and 4.2.3: "This does not apply to alternate versions serving different languages."

Also, change the definition of "alternate version(s)" to exclude versions serving different languages, e.g.: "version that provides all of the same information and functionality in the same natural language and is as up to date as any non-conformant content".