Canvas W3C/WHAT WG diff analysis
To be considered during Canvas Sub Group call on 14 APR 2014
Summary of features we will not be supporting in L1
Since we are removing these features from L1, but they still existing in L2, there is no need to file any bugs.
- Nested Regions (ref to parentID, a count of hit regions)
- Custom Cursors
- Unbacked Regions (label)
- fillRule (should we support this, at least nonzero, how are we currently determining pixels in path?)
- Support for Touch events
Summary of broad changes to W3C spec
Do we want to file bug reports on WHAT WG for any/all of these?
Features found only in WHAT WG we might consider in W3C spec
Items that exist in WHAT WG spec that do not exist in W3C and are not related to features we removed.
The control represented by a region (not in L2 either)
- If control is no longer a supported interactive canvas fallback element, then return nothing and abort these steps. (we would remove the "supported" distinction)
Clear regions that cover the pixels
Garbage collect the regions
- Do we want to add support for Transforms back in?
- We do not address clipping the region at all (not in L2 either)
Editorial bug
The region for a pixel
- Should the phrase "set of pixels" be "path"?