Mail Archives

Mailing list for the BPWG "Content Transformation" Task Force
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period re-sorted messages
July 2010by threadby authorby subject1
January 2009by threadby authorby subject43
December 2008by threadby authorby subject67
November 2008by threadby authorby subject90
October 2008by threadby authorby subject69
September 2008by threadby authorby subject66
August 2008by threadby authorby subject9
July 2008by threadby authorby subject49
June 2008by threadby authorby subject45
May 2008by threadby authorby subject46
April 2008by threadby authorby subject53
March 2008by threadby authorby subject39
February 2008by threadby authorby subject61
January 2008by threadby authorby subject31
December 2007by threadby authorby subject17
November 2007by threadby authorby subject17
October 2007by threadby authorby subject58
September 2007by threadby authorby subject49
August 2007by threadby authorby subject16
July 2007by threadby authorby subject4