Mail Archives

[important] Personalization Task Force renamed as WAI Adapt TF, we start to use this archive on May 20th, 2022. If you want to find archive previous to May 20th, 2022, please find it at
Access mail archives by date, thread, author and subject
period re-sorted messages
March 2025by threadby authorby subject17
February 2025by threadby authorby subject10
January 2025by threadby authorby subject8
December 2024by threadby authorby subject7
November 2024by threadby authorby subject16
October 2024by threadby authorby subject8
September 2024by threadby authorby subject16
August 2024by threadby authorby subject13
July 2024by threadby authorby subject7
June 2024by threadby authorby subject6
May 2024by threadby authorby subject17
April 2024by threadby authorby subject14
March 2024by threadby authorby subject15
February 2024by threadby authorby subject15
January 2024by threadby authorby subject8
December 2023by threadby authorby subject6
November 2023by threadby authorby subject20
October 2023by threadby authorby subject15
September 2023by threadby authorby subject7
August 2023by threadby authorby subject13
July 2023by threadby authorby subject15
June 2023by threadby authorby subject15
May 2023by threadby authorby subject10
April 2023by threadby authorby subject10
March 2023by threadby authorby subject14
February 2023by threadby authorby subject6
January 2023by threadby authorby subject21
December 2022by threadby authorby subject22
November 2022by threadby authorby subject40
October 2022by threadby authorby subject24
September 2022by threadby authorby subject8
August 2022by threadby authorby subject36
July 2022by threadby authorby subject13
June 2022by threadby authorby subject24
May 2022by threadby authorby subject4