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ETSI candidate to ICANN Board "PSO seat"

Dear Vlad, dear PSO PC colleagues,

I already indicated in our last teleconference that there was a candidate
from ETSI interested on applying for the ICANN Board vacancy from the PSO.

I am aware that the deadline for sending his nomination was fixed for the
15 July but both my holidays and the ones of the candidate have made us
missed the deadline. Nevertheless I am sure that we can apply some
flexibility and therefore I give you now in advance his name and
affiliation and he will send to Vlad his complete CV before the end of

The candidate is Mr Francisco Da Silva, Director of Standardization in
Portugal Telecom. He is chairman of the ETSI General Assembly, member of
the ETNO Board, member of Joint Presidents Group of the ICTSB and quite
well known internationally. All the IP activities in ETSI have happened
under his chairmanship and he has an excellent reputation on diplomacy and
hability to get consensus.

I will be delighted to give more details about Mr Da Silva in our
teleconference today and you will finally get his full written CV for
further consultation.

Until late today on the phone. Kind regards,

Azucena Hernandez
Telefonica de España
 Desarrollo de Red
Tel: +34 91 5846842
Fax: +34 91 5846843
GSM: +34 609425506
E-Mail: azucena.hernandezperez@telefonica.es


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