Dear Protocol Council Members, Please find for your consideration and comments the draft Report for the PSO General Assembley 2002. Thank you, Best regards, Vlad P.S. The second e-mail is the temporary one for Azucena, who is attending ICANN Meeting in Bucharest. <<PSO-GA-Report.txt>>
Report of the ICANN Protocol Standards Organization (PSO) General Assembly 2002 June 19, 2002 Reported by: Vladimir Androuchko, PSO-PC Secretary for August 2001-August 2002 Members of PSO-PC being present --------------------------------- Azucena Hernandez / ETSI representative Brian Moore / ITU-T Representative APOLOGIES --------- Richard Hill / ITU-T Representative Geoff Huston / IETF Representative Mike St.Johns / IETF Representative Martin Duerst / W3C Representative Daniel Weitzner / W3C Representative Report ------- 1. OPENING Mr. Brian W. Moore acted as Chairman and opened the PSO General Assembly 2002 by welcoming the participants (over 20 attendees were present) and expressing thanks to the management team and delegates of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group, for accommodating the PSO GA in conjunction with the TSAG meeting. Mr. Moore has then welcomed the ICANN Vice President, Mr. Andrew J. McLaughlin, introduced the members of Protocol Council being present and thanked the Director of TSB, Mr. Houlin Zhao for joining to represent the ITU-T. Mr. Moore proposed to the attention of the attendees the Agenda of PSO GA 2002. 2. INTRODUCTION AND ACTIVITIES OF THE PSO SIGNATORIES Each signatory of the PSO MoU present at GA offered an introduction on their activities: 2.1. ITU-T - Mr. Houlin Zhao presented the ITU-T's work since the PSO GA 2001. The Director of TSB offered an overview of the Alternative Approval Procedure (AAP) for ITU-T Recommendations. ITU-T Workshops organized in the developing countries were discribed. The importance of cooperation among SDOs was highlighted. Mr. H. Zhao presented his views on the ongoing ICANN Reform. 2.2. ETSI - Mrs. Azucena Hernandez presented ETSI structure, ETSI Technical Committees, Projects and Partnership Projects with IP related work items. ETSI role in collaboration with ICANN was presented. 2.3. W3C - Mr. Daniel Dardallier, W3C Director for Europe presented the W3C achievements and described the working areas of W3C. W3C views on ICANN PSO were presented and it was confirmed that The next PSO General Assembly wil be held by W3C, however the place and time is not yet decided. 3. STATUS REPORT ON PSO-PC ACTIVITIES Vladimir Androuchko explained the PSO purpose, scope and duties, then gave the status report on the PSO Protocol Council activities for the 2001-2002 period. Plans for election of the ICANN Board Member have been summarized as follows: - June 1st 2002, Opening the Call for Nominations - July 15th 2002, Closing date for Nominations - September 15th 2002, PSO-PC to notify the ICANN Board of its selection - October 1st 2002, Beginning of the Term of the new ICANN Director 4. INVITED PRESENTATIONS Mr. Moore has then invited the guest speakers to give their presentations: 4.1 ICANN Vice President, Mr. Andrew J. McLaughlin, has offered a presentation on the ICANN framework and its development . The presentation proposed was divided into two parts: the first part of the presentation was dedicaed to ICANN's standards, status reports, and it's activities as a service organization to the Protocol Coummmunity. The second part of the presentation was dedicated to the ICANN Reform and how it is related to the future of the PSO and the Standards Organizations that are Members of PSO. 4.2. Mr. Roy Blane, ITU-T Study Group 2 Chairman has offered a presentation on ENUM organizational perspectives, highlighting the ITU responsibilities and national consideration issues. 5. OPEN DISCUSSION Mrs. Azucena Hernandez said that ETSI as a Standard Development Organization should be considered as a part of the PSO but also, as a part of TAC, if it would be decided to replace the PSO with Technical Advisory Committee. Mr. A. McLaughlin agreed and highlighted the fact that ICANN needs to take advice from the Standard Developing Organization. As a concrete example of advice needed, as an example of the subject where ICANN needs such advice, Mr. Andrew J. McLaughlin explained that it would be foolish not to take an advice of those people on the relevant technical issues. Mr. Phil Davidson asked Mr. Andrew McLaughlin to say a few words on how he sees the role of governments, involved in the reform process. ICANN's Vice-President answered that there is a disconnect between Government Advisory Committee and ICANN process, it seems that GAC could become more effective if it could be enforced by governments, and they should be more informed about what the ICANN is doing. ICANN needs to get out of the business of ccTLDs management, even having a small role their, and already the process is going on. The GAC should help ICANN to figure out how ICANN can decentralize and localize the ccTLD policies, and governments have to figure out themselves how they want to rationalize their relations with ICANN. Mr. H. Zhao noted that for the moment he did not see any reaction from any government concerning the ICANN Reform. Mr. McLaughlin replied that ICANN is interested in getting a technical advice on standards, and ENUM is a standard, so the project is to figure out the a well defined and well established channel to get an input and information in both directions. Mr. McLaughlin mentioned that ICANN should not be involved in ENUM, and Mr. R. Blane confirmed that this is an issue where IETF is involved and the collaboration is ongoing well. Another question, that Mr. A. McLaughlin was asked dealt with the projections on the possible outcome of the next ICANN Meeting in Bucharest. ICANN Vice President explained that he is waiting for an outline of what ICANN Reform may look like. Robert Show, from ITU Strategic Planning Unit, mentioned that the distribution of the name servers should be considered in the future. 6. The PSO GA Chairman, Mr. Brian W. Moore, has thanked all the participants for joining and declared the PSO General Assembly closed. NOTE: The audio archive of the webcast is accessible through: or: The copies of all presentations together with the PSO GA Agenda can be found at: