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Draft proposal: Broadening the scope of the PSO

Dear PSO PC colleagues,

I volunteered in our last teleconference to prepare a first draft proposing
a broader scope for the PSO within the ICANN future structure. Please find
it enclosed.

I understood that the paper should be sent to ICANN well on time before the
ICANN meeting in Bucharest to allow discusion on it. On that basis I kindly
invite you to send me your comments before Friday the 7th in order to
prepare a new version next Monday.

I have used plain text format for the document  as it seems the be the
prefered one for the IETF and W3C colleagues.
I honestly prefer Word as it allows revision marks and spelling check. I
have not a clue how to make revision marks in ".txt" documents.

Kind regards,
(See attached file: Broadening the scope of the PSO.txt)

Azucena Hernandez
Telefonica de España
 Desarrollo de Red
Tel: +34 91 5846842
Fax: +34 91 5846843
GSM: +34 609425506
E-Mail: azucena.hernandezperez@telefonica.es


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