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RE: Draft Minutes Teleconference 14 March 2002


Please add that is was agreed the Geoff would draft an initial paper for
discussion regarding the ICANN board request for technical guidance on the
number of TLDs.

Thanks and best,

Richard Hill
Counsellor, SG2
International Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 20
tel: +41 22 730 5887
FAX: +41 22 730 5853
Email: richard.hill@itu.int
Study Group 2 email: tsbsg2@itu.int

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Androuchko, Vladimir [mailto:vladimir.androuchko@itu.int]
> Sent: Monday, 25 March 2002 10:06
> To: pso-pc, ITU (MLIST)
> Subject: Draft Minutes Teleconference 14 March 2002
> Dear Protocol Council Members,
> Please find attached for your comments and consideration the 
> draft minutes
> of last Teleconference.
> Please, consider particularly the Annex A  [Question -  will 
> the candidates
> be asked to take account of the criteria in Annex A when 
> submitting their
> CVs or shall we ask for this information as a follow up after 
> receiving the
> CVs?]
> Many thanks for your comments.
> Kind regards,
> Vlad
>  <<PSO-Minutes 14March.2002.txt>> 