Dear Protcol Council Members, Please find attached for your consideration and comments the draft minutes of the conference call of 4 February 2002. Best regards, Vlad <<PSO-Minutes4Feb2002.txt>>
ICANN Protocol Standards Organization (PSO) February 4, 2002 Teleconference Reported by: Vladimir Androuchko, PSO-PC Secretary as of August 2001 PARTICIPANTS --------- Steve Bellovin / IETF Representative Martin Duerst / W3C Representative Leslie Daigle / IETF Representative Tapio Kaijanen / ETSI Representative Brian Moore / ITU Representative ******************************************* Regrets: Richard Hill / ITU Representative Azucena Hernandez / ETSI representative Daniel Weitzner/ W3C Representative Minutes 1. Protocol Council Members analyzed the possible dates for the next Protocol Supporting Organization General Assembly. Brian proposed to hold it during the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group Meeting, this Meeting is held twice a year and the next one will take place in June 2002, from 17.06.02 to 21.06.02 inclusive. Initially, it was proposed to start the General Assembly on Wednesday, 19 June 2002, in the afternoon. The ITU-T will provide a paper on one of it's Internet-related topics of studies and the other members of PSO were invited to think of giving a paper if they so wish. PSO secretary was tasked to draft a report for GA and will circulate it for comments among Protocol Council Members. The Protocol Council Members will further discuss the Agenda and the date of the General Assembly. 2. The initial discussion on the handover of the PSO-PC Secretariat was started. Protocol Council Members asked W3C to confirm if they are going to take it on. It was agreed that W3C Representative would discuss it within the W3C. 3. Discussion on the external communication of PSO-PC occurred. It was decided that in case of consensus and if the common position is achieved, the communication will be sent through the PSO-PC secretary. If there is no consensus, and one of the Supporting Organizations is willing to send it’s comments/contributions, this will be done directly by the Organization concerned. 4. After thoughtful consideration of the Proposed Revision to Bylaws, Protocol Council Members agreed to support the proposal. The proposal has been posted on the ICANN web site at: The secretary was tasked to inform Mr. Louis Touton on the decision of Protocol Council. 5. The next PSO-PC conference call was scheduled for the 14th of March 2002, 13h30 CET.