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PSO Report to ICANN

Dear Protocol Council Members,
Please find below for your consideration the draft letter to Mr. S. Lynn concerning PSO-PC Report to ICANN as well as the modified version of the report. If you agree with the text of the letter and with this version of the report, I'll send these to Mr. S. Lynn by Friday, 9 November.
Do you wishe this report to be posted on the PSO website?
Thank you for your guidelines.
Best regards,

Dear Stuart,
Based on the teleconference decisions and on the e-mail discussion, the Protocol Council decided to send a
written PSO report for the year but declined the offer to give a PSO report
on security issues and each organisation will speak during the discussions
as they feel fit.
Please, find attached the written PSO Year Report to ICANN.
Sincerely yours,



Title: Protocol Suppporting Organization - home page
Protocol Supporting Organization

 Status report on Protocol Supporting Organization Protocol Council Activities
(November 2000 - November 2001)

Members of the PSO-PC are:

ETSI representatives: Mrs. Azucena Hernandez, Mr. Tapio Kaijanen;
IETF representatives: Mrs. Leslie Daigle, Mr. Steve Bellovin;
ITU representatives: Mr. Brian Moore, Mr. Fabio Bigi;
W3C representatives: Mr. Philipp Hoshka, Mr. Daniel Weitzner;

PSO Website is located at:

PSO Significant Dates:

In its 2nd year of existence, PSO-PC is continuing to play the advisory role to ICANN. The most important activities are presented below.

February 2001 – Completely restructured the PSO web site:
9th Audio Conference achieved:

-Analyzed the procedure of appointing PSO members to the Independent Review Nominating Committee (IRNC);

-Discussed the organization of the PSO GA (agenda, invited presentations, speakers, web-cast)

March 2001 – At ICANN’s request, analyzed the proposal for revision of the registry agreement for the .com/ .net/ .org with regard to potential protocol-related technical issues and provided recommendations to the ICANN Board Meeting (Melbourne);

At ICANN’s request, appointed two PSO members to the IRNC:

Mr. Houlin Zhao (for a three-year term) and Mr. Tim Berners-Lee (for a two-year term);

April 2001 – 10th audio conference achieved:

Decided the timeline for this year’s PSO nominations to the ICANN Board (the two-year term of Mr. Vinton G. Cerf expired October 1st 2001 and he was re-elected);

June 2001 – PSO activities presented at ICANN Meeting (Stockholm);

11th audio conference achieved:

-Finalized arrangement for the PSO GA;

-Analyzed procedure for nomination to the ICANN Board;

-ITU nominated Mr. Vladimir Androuchko to serve as the next PSO-PC Secretary as of August 2001;

July 2001 2nd PSO GA hosted by ETSI in Sophia Antipolis;

Introduction and activities of the PSO signatories were presented by:

· ITU-T – Mr. Houlin Zhao
· IETF – Steve Bellovin
· W3C – Mr. Philipp Hoschka
· ETSI – Mr. Gerry Lawrence

Two ICANN Directors, Mr. Helmut Schink and Mr. Hans Kraaijenbrink were present and gave a joint presentation

All presentations are available at: http://www.pso.icann.org/PSO_GA_2001/PSO_GA_HOME.htm

Preparations to hand-over of PSO-PC Secretariat from ETSI to ITU, for the period August 2001-August 2002;

August 2001 ITU-T formed Secretariat to PSO-PC

Transition of the PSO website & exploder lists from ETSI to ITU

September 2001 13th audio conference achieved:

At ICANN’s request, PSO Position on the Alternative Roots elaborated

Mr. Gerry Lawrence took retirement; ETSI nominated Mr. Tapio Kaijanen as a Member of PSO-PC

14th audio conference achieved:

PSO Position on the Alternative Roots Issue reconsidered and reconfirmed, it can be viewed at:


On At-Large Study Committee’s request, PSO Comments to the At-Large Draft Report on the At-Large Membership are thoughtfully analyzed

October 2001 – 15th audio conference achieved:

PSO Comments to the At-Large Study Committee Draft Report on the At-Large Membership to ICANN elaborated and can be viewed at:


Security issues in the Internet were discussed

The issue of the Nominee to the ICANN Internationalized Domain Names was raised and the decision will be taken later on

Selection of the PSO Nominee to the ICANN Board

June 1st 2001 Opening the call for nominations

July 15th 2001 Closing Date for Nominations

Sept 15th2001 PSO-PC notified ICANN Board of its selection

Oct 1st 2001 Beginning of the Term of the new ICANN Director


The three Directors selected to the ICANN Board by the Protocol Supporting Organization are:

Mr. Philip Davidson
Mr. Helmut Schink
Mr. Vinton G. Cerf
