Dear Vlad, dear PSO PC colleagues,
I agree with the report and suggest that the specific URL in our website
where the 2 positions from PSO PC on Alternative Roots and At Large can be
found, are included after the paragraphs of the report referring to them.
As for the procedure to send to Mr. Lynn, I support your approach,
indicating that the PSO PC considers unnecessary to make any verbal
presentation in Marina del Rey of its activities during the last 12 months
but would appreciate to get the attached report posted at the ICANN meeting
web pages for general information (I am sure that native English speakers
can find a better wording!)
Kind regards,
"Androuchko, Vladimir" <> con
fecha 07/11/2001 10:19:04
Por favor, responda a "Androuchko, Vladimir" <>
Enviado por:
Destinatarios: "pso-pc, ITU (MLIST)" <>
Dear Protocol Council Members,
Please find attached the draft PSO-PC Report to the ICANN meeting.
Modifications suggested by Azucena and Brian are included.
What will be your further instructions? Should I send this report, after
your agreement, to Mr. S. Lynn with a word saying that Protocol Council
decided not to make a verbal presentation as it was written in the e-mails
of Brian and Azucena?
Thank you for your guidelines.
Best regards,
(See attached file: PSOREPORT.doc)
Microsoft Word 4