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Re: Comments to the ALSC

Dear Vlad, dear PSO-PC colleagues,

Thanks a lot for your work on merging the 2 available contributions (ETSI
and IETF) to the ALSC report.

Since our last teleconference, ETSI Board members have made further comments
to the ETSI contribution on the light of making it more acceptable to other
PSO PC members. I detected some problems for Leslie and Steve accepting the
bullet points related to having 6 seats for each SO in the ICANN Board. ETSI
proposes to delete them and just keep a general point : same number of seats
per SO (3 like now or even more if needed). I enclose a revised version of
the document submited by Vlad.

I have also rephrased the introduction to make it clearer (as for a
non-english native reader).

Both Tapio and myself are happy with this enclosed revision but we are ready
to keep negotiating to get a single PSO PC reply.

Kind regards,

At 11:10 5/10/01 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear Protocol Council Members,
>As you have decided during last conference call to merge the comments of
ETSI and IETF to the ALSC Draft Report on the At-Large membership, please
find attached the draft merged version for your consideration and comments.
>Best regards,
> <<PSOCommentstoALSCDraftReport.doc>> 
>Attachment Converted: C:\Eudora\Attach\PSOCommentstoALSCDraftReport.doc

azu rev PSOCommentstoALSCDraftReport.doc

Azucena Hernandez
Desarrollo de Red
c/ Emilio Vargas, 4. E-28043-MADRID
Tel: +34 91 5846842
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E-Mail: azucena.hernandez@telefonica.es