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Re: Minutes of the 28 September Teleconference


thank your for preparing these minutes.

Two comments:
- My understanding was that the deadline for reaching consensus
on the At-Large study report comments was October 20, and not October
15 as stated in the minutes
- The section on the alternate route statement does not contain
the alternative wording supported by W3C, IETF and ETSI, although
a proposal that has rough consensus already exists (see Steve's

I would suggest that we either do not put any concrete wording 
in the minutes, or hold back sending out the minutes until 
Steve has updated the alternate wording.


"Androuchko, Vladimir" a écrit :
> Hello,
> Dear Protocol Council Members,
> Please find attached for your consideration the Minutes of last conference
> call.
> Best regards,
> Vlad
>  <<Minutes28Sept.doc>>
>   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                         Name: Minutes28Sept.doc
>    Minutes28Sept.doc    Type: WINWORD Fichier (application/msword)
>                     Encoding: base64