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Re: Alternative Roots Issue

Dear Steve, dear PSO PC colleagues,

I fully support the propose words provided by Steve.. 

Kind regards,
At 14:49 21/09/01 -0400, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
>In message <905DD86907DAD3119DE70000778D770F04E41246@mailsrv1.itu.ch>, "Androuc
>hko, Vladimir" writes:
>>Dear Protocol Council Members,
>I'm not sure I'm responding to the proper version of this note -- I 
>received three very similar notes, and two recall notes.  (It would be 
>nice, I might add, if the "recall" notes cited the Message-Id of the 
>message being recalled.)
>Anyway -- we really need to rework the wording to make it clearer
>and less ambiguous -- or at least less subject to willful misreading.
>At the Montevideo meeting, John Klensin repeated the basic message
>of RFC 2826 by pointing out that the formal, mathematical definitions
>of things like "trees" and "roots" do not permit even a meaningful
>discussion of multiple roots in the DNS.
>Here is some possible alternative language, derived from Leslie's
>earlier suggestion.
>	The Internet currently operates using a tree-structured
>	name space known as the DNS.  Of necessity, such a name
>	space must have a single, authoritative root.  Moving to
>	a model that would not require such a single, authoritative
>	root would require replacing the present, working DNS with
>	some other system.  Such a replacement would require the
>	development of a new naming paradigm, as well as the
>	protocols and software to implement it.  Developing and
>	deploying such replacement protocols would take years, and
>	would have enormous potential for disruption of the Internet.
>	The PSO does not see any technical benefit in such an
>	effort.
>It says essentially the same thing as our earlier wording -- that
>one can conceive of different ways to do name resolution -- but
>points out the costs.  While there has been little explicit
>discussion of the earlier, ambiguous, text within the IETF, some
>who have seen it and the proposals based on it have reacted very
>strongly.  For the Protocol Council to fail to take action in this
>area would probably invite a unilateral response from the IETF.
>		--Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb
>				  http://www.wilyhacker.com
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