Dear colleagues, During the last conference call (4 September 2001) everybody agreed on the following provisionally statement: "Pending discussions to be held at the occasion of ITU-T Study Group 2 Meeting (Geneva, 4-09-01 to 14-09-01) the following statement was provisionally agreed: "The Internet DNS currently operates using a Single Authoritative Root Server System. Although, it would be technically possible to devise and standardize a fully compliant alternative multiple root server system, there appears no technical reason for changing from the present working system, as this would require the development of a new set of protocols for use by the DNS. " This statement was included in the Minutes approved by all of you and posted on the PSO web site. Also, in the approved Minutes, it is stated: "The secretary will inform ICANN of this opinion immediately after the meeting of ITU-T Study Group 2. However should the ITU-T Study Group 2 view not be in line with this opinion the matter will be brought back to the PSO-PC for further discussion." ITU-T SG 2 opinion says: "Study Group 2 has noted the PSO statement and has no objections to it. However, Study Group 2 notes that there may be other issues in addition to technical reasons such as administrative and national sovereignty considerations." These are the facts to summarise the situation and I think we have to act accordingly, unless you want to discuss this again at our next conference call. Best regards, Fabio.