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Re: Alternative Roots Issue

Dear Vlad, dear PSO PC colleagues,

I have a couple of comments to make to your message:

- firstly it should be sent to Stuart Lynn and not only Louis Touton.

- I suggest a unified text with the final statement from PSO rather than 2
statements, one from ITU SG2 and another one from the rest.

I make here a proposal for the unified text based on the 2 paragraphs:

"The Internet DNS currently operates using a Single Authoritative Root
Server System. Although, it would be technically possible to devise and
standardize a fully compliant alternative multiple root server system, there
appears to be no technical reason for changing from the present working
system, as
this would require the development of a new set of protocols for use by the
DNS. Additional issues such as administrative and national sovereignty
considerations reinforce the benefits to keep the present Single
Authoritative Root Server System.
As a conclusion, the PSO PC supports the content of RFC 2826. "

What do your think?.
Kind regards,
At 15:00 17/09/01 +0200, Androuchko, Vladimir wrote:
>Dear Protocol Council Members,
>Here is the draft text that I intend to send to Mr. L. Touton. 
>Please, give me your comments.
>Best regards,
>Dear Mr. Luis Tuton,
>As it was agreed during the last conference call of the PSO-PC,
>Members of the Protocol Council were waiting the results of ITU-T Study
>Group 2 on alternative roots issue.
>Please, find thereafter the conclusion reached at their Meeting (Geneva,
>4-14 September 2001):
>"Study Group 2 has noted the PSO statement and has no objections to it.
>However, Study Group 2 notes that there may be other issues in addition to
>technical reasons such as administrative and national sovereignty
>Here is the provisionally agreed statement of the Protocol Council of 4
>September 2001:
>"The Internet DNS currently operates using a Single Authoritative Root
>Server System. Although, it would be technically possible to devise and
>standardize a fully compliant alternative multiple root server system, there
>appears no technical reason for changing from the present working system, as
>this would require the development of a new set of protocols for use by the
>DNS. "
>Best regards,
Azucena Hernandez
Desarrollo de Red
c/ Emilio Vargas, 4. E-28043-MADRID
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E-Mail: azucena.hernandez@telefonica.es