-------- Original Message -------- Subject: At-Large Study Committee draft report on At-Large Date: Fri, 24 Aug 2001 12:40:38 -0700 From: Denise Michel <dmichel@atlargestudy.org> To: djweitzner@w3.org, brian@bwmc.demon.co.uk, gerry.lawrence@marconi.com,azucena.hernandez@pop3.telefonica.es, ph@w3.org, leslie@thinkingcat.com,Fabio.Bigi@itu.int, smb@research.att.com CC: Pindar Wong <pwong@atlargestudy.org>,Oscar Robles <orobles@atlargestudy.org>, Tom Niles <tniles@atlargestudy.org>,Ching-Yi Liu <cliu@atlargestudy.org>,Olivier Iteanu <oiteanu@atlargestudy.org>,Esther Dyson <edyson@atlargestudy.org>,Pierre Dandjinou <pdandjinou@atlargestudy.org>,Chuck Costello <ccostello@atlargestudy.org>,Carl Bildt <cbildt@atlargestudy.org> The At-Large Study Committee will be releasing its draft report regarding At-Large membership on Monday, August 27. The Committee members are eager to hear the PSO's perspectives and would like an opportunity to discuss the ALSC's draft recommendations as soon as possible. The ALSC final report will be submitted to the ICANN Board by November 14. We would be pleased to make arrangements that are convenient for you to brief the PSO and receive input (conference call? meeting with the PSO Council? mailing list discussion?). In addition, I wanted to make sure the PSO is aware of the ALSC's Montevideo outreach meeting, which is scheduled for September 7, 10:00 -12:00 and 17:00 - 19:00. The meeting will focus on the ALSC's draft report and the PSO membership's participation would be appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you. Denise Michel Executive Director At Large Study Committee www.atlargestudy.org 1+408.867.1986 dmichel@atlargestudy.org