Dear all, Here is a redraft of Gerry's letter. Please let me know if you agree that we send this or propose changes. Brian. Dear Mr Lynn, As you know, the ICANN PSO held its Second Annual General Meeting on the 11th July at the ETSI Headquarters in the South of France. It was well attended, with all four of the PSO member organisations being represented, and two European based members of the ICANN Board also present (Mr Hans Kraaijenbrink and Mr Helmut Schink). The number of attendees was slightly up on last year, at a total of 60. A report of the meeting will appear shortly on the PSO website, where you will already find copies of all the presentations given. We had also included on the agenda an item involving the ICANN staff in order to give an opportunity for ICANN to inform people about recent issues and to allow people to ask questions. Last year, in Pittsburgh, we had Mr Louis Touton in attendance, and we were disappointed that ICANN staff were not able to be involved this time. We are obliged by our MOU to hold our GA, not in conjunction with an ICANN meeting, but hosted by an SDO in conjunction with one of its own major meetings. In recognition of this and recognising that it may be difficult for ICANN staff to travel to Europe attempts were made to involve ICANN staff via a conference bridge. However there was no response to this proposal. The members of the PSO Council wish to express their disappointment that it was not possible to find an arrangement allowing ICANN staff involvement in the second PSO GA and we would like to work with you to find an soultion for the GA next year. Yours sincerely, =========================================================================