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Re: Draft Letter to Stuart Lynn


In message <80256A8C.00309680.00@marconicomms.com>, Gerry Lawrence
<Gerry.Lawrence@MARCONI.COM> writes
>Do we all agree to send the following letter to the ICANN CEO?
>Letter follows:
>Dear Mr Lynn,
>As you know, the ICANN PSO held its Second Annual General Meeting on the 11th
>July at the ETSI Headquarters in the South of France.  It was well attended,
>with all four of the PSO member organisations being represented, and two
>European based members of the ICANN Board also present (Mr Hans Kraaijenbrink
>and Mr Helmut Schink).  The number of attendees was slightly up on last year,
>a total of 60.  A report of the meeting will appear shortly on the PSO website,
>where you will already find copies of all the presentations given.
>What was disappointing was that no member of the ICANN staff attended.  Last
>year, in Pittsburgh, we had Mr Louis Touton in attendance, and we believe it
>sends the wrong signal to the rest of the world if ICANN staff are only going
>attend the PSO GA if it is held in America.  We are obliged by our MOU to hold
>our GA, not in conjunction with an ICANN meeting, but hosted by an SDO in
>conjunction with one of its own major meetings.
>The date of this year's GA was known well in advance and our secretary made
>several attempts to get an ICANN staff member to attend.  She also booked an
>audioconference bridge in case someone could attend by telephone, but none of
>your staff responded positively to this.
>The members of the PSO Council wish to express their disappointment at not
>having the involvement of one of the ICANN staff in our second GA, and strongly
>encourage you to make plans for a staff member to attend next year's GA.
>Yours sincerely,
> Steve Bellovin              IETF Representative
> Fabio Bigi                      ITU Representative
> Leslie Daigle                IETF Representative
> Philipp Hoschka          W3C Representative
> Azucena Hernandez  ETSI Representative
> Gerry Lawrence           ETSI Representative
> Brian Moore                  ITU Representative
> Daniel Weitzner           W3C Representative
>*****************************  Letter Ends
>Kind regards,

B W Moore
Lucent Technologies
Tel: +44 1206 762335
Fax: +44 1206 762336