Dear Livia, dear PSO colleagues, I confirm my participation in the next PSO-PC teleconference in my normal company telephone (the one on the list). I agree with the draft agenda prepared by Livia and have some additional points: - Answer to the At-Large Membership Study Committee (ALSC) Chairman on their Discussion Paper - Preparation of a PSO-PC position on "Protocol aspects related to the Alternative Root issue" to be sent to the ICANN Board. - Designation of a PSO-PC Council member as "chair" and decision on time frame for that "chair" activities. Kind regards, Azucena At 01:35 PM 17/07/01 +0200, Livia Rosu Lunguran wrote: >The next PSO-PC Teleconference will be held on Friday, 27 July 2001, >starting at 15:00 CET. >Estimated duration: 1 hour. > >Vladmir Androuchko will join us in order to get an in-depth insight into how >to best handle the upcoming PSO-PC teleconferences. > >The names marked with asterisk below have confirmed their participation: > >Livia Rosu +33 4-92-94-43-67 * >Vladimir Androuchko +41 22 730 63 11 * > >Steve Bellovin +1 973-360-8656 >Fabio Bigi +41 22 730 5860 >Azucena Hernandez +34 91 584 6842 >Leslie Daigle +1 514-633-8963 >Philipp Hoschka +33 4-92-38-79-84 >Gerry Lawrence +44 2476-56-2965 >Brian Moore +44 1206-76-2335 >Daniel Weitzner +1 617-253-8036 > > >I will call each of you (confirmed participants) as usual, so please confirm >your availability and let me know if your number will change in the >mean-time. > >Otherwise, the TOLL-FREE call-in number to add yourself to the >teleconference in progress is: +33 (0) 800 58 79 04. > > >Draft suggested AGENDA follows: > >1. Introduction > >2. Results/organization of the PSO GA held on 11 July 2001 in ETSI > >3. PSO advice on names to join the New TLD Evaluation Process Planning Task >Force (as requested by ICANN) > >4. Collaboration with the Names Council on the assessment of the Whois >system and development of policy recommendations (see Names Council >Resolution Regarding Whois) > >5. Discuss nominations to the ICANN Board and assessing candidates' >strengths against the evaluation matrix of criteria > >6. ITU taking over from ETSI the PSO Secretariat > >7. AOB > > >Should you have other suggestions for the agenda, please send them to me. > >Best regards, > >Livia > ************************************************* Azucena Hernandez Telefonica Subdirección General de Desarrollo de Red c/ Emilio Vargas, 4. E-28043-MADRID Tel: +34 91 5846842 Fax: +34 91 5846843 GSM: +34 609 425506 E-Mail: ************************************************ İİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİİ