Greetings, Please find enclosed the minutes of the PSO teleconference held on 21 June 2001. As requested, I have also attached to it the last year's procedure of evaluating nominees' CVs and their applications (as Annex A). Please let me have your comments and suggestions. Thanks, Livia <<PSO-Minutes-21June2001.txt>>
ICANN Protocol Standards Organization (PSO) June 21, 2001 Teleconference Reported by: Livia Rosu, PSO Secretary PARTICIPANTS --------- Steve Bellovin / IETF Representative Fabio Bigi / ITU Representative Azucena Hernandez / ETSI representative Philipp Hoschka / W3C Representative Gerry Lawrence / ETSI Representative Brian Moore / ITU Representative APOLOGIES --------- Leslie Daigle / IETF Representative Daniel Weitzner / W3C Representative Minutes ------- 1. The PSO Council has discussed the ICANN's recent resolution (see ICANN Meeting held in Stockhom, 1-4 June 2001) on creating the "New TLD Evaluation Process Planning Task Force" which will recommend processes for monitoring the implementation of the new TLDs and evaluating the new TLD program, including any ongoing adjustments of agreements with operators or sponsors of new TLDs. In this light, ICANN has sought PSO advice and requested the PSO Council to provide nominees willing to serve on the new Task Force. The PSO-PC members have decided to come back with proposals (2 individuals) on the PSO-PC exploder and confirm to the ICANN Board by the latest 11 July 2001 (the date of the PSO GA). 2. The PSO Council has thoughtfully considered a comprehensive proposal from Azucena on defining a clear procedure for reporting on PSO matters to ICANN meetings. The proposal implied the support of the PSO Secretariat and created a template structure of the presentation to be given by the PSO Council members with the occasion of every ICANN meeting. Gerry reminded that he attended the ICANN Annual Meeting last year and gave an impromtu presentation of the PSO activities, using as a basis the overview offered to the attendees of the first PSO General Assembly hosted by IETF in Pittsburgh (August 3rd, 2001). The proposal from Azucena was welcomed, as the PSO-PC supported the need for a well-coordinated preparation on reporting to ICANN. However, it was not agreed to report on the activities of each of the SDOs on a regular basis, but if any of the organisations has important information to give about its work in relation to ICANN activities, then this can be slotted into the presentation. It has been agreed to use the proposed framework, while adjusting its items on a case-by-case basis, and have the report prepared in advance of the ICANN meeting. If there is nothing to report, then the Secretary will arrange for the item to be deleted from the ICANN Agenda prior to the meeting. 3. The PSO Council has analyzed again the procedure of nominations to the ICANN Board and its related aspects. The PSO website has published on June 1st 2001 the open call for nominations from the public at-large to the ICANN Board (for the term begining October 1st 2001). Livia has reported that no nominations have been received so far. The PSO-PC has agreed to use the last year's well-defined procedure for evaluating CVs and analyzing applications (see ANNEX A below). It has been highlighted that July 15th 2001 is the closing date for nominations, to be forwarded to the PSO Council. 4. Livia gave a complete update on the PSO GA preparation: Full-details for the PSO GA on 11 July 2001 are published on the PSO website at: Two ICANN Board Directors (Helmut Schink and Hans Kraaijenbrink) have confirmed their availability and willingness to join the PSO GA participants and offer their presentations under the Agenda Item 4 (ICANN structure and development/Future of ICANN). The PSO Council members have expressed the need to also have an ICANN staff representative to attend and explain the internal structure of ICANN and other matters. Livia highlighted the scope of the PSO GA, to give a report of the PSO activities, but also to enable a fruitful information exchange and experience sharing on the latest IP-related topics, e.g. IPv4/IPv6 migration. Gerry suggested the possibility to invite/encourage presentations about interoperability testing, achievements, milestones, etc., to be given by experts from ETSI, IETF, EP TIPHON, etc. He added that Livia should check whether the ETSI bake-off manager can give a general presentation of the ETSI "Bake-off" service and the IPv6 activities within ETSI, with a possible timeframe for a potential bake-off on IPv4/IPv6 migration. Fabio has informed the PSO-PC that Mr. Houlin Zhao, the ITU-TSB Director will replace him on the PSO GA Agenda Item 2.1, to give the presentation on the ITU activities. Livia will update the agenda on the PSO website accordingly. It has been agreed that Gerry will chair the PSO GA and guide participants and speakers through the whole range of presentations and discussions. Livia was tasked to request the participation of an ICANN staff member, at least by phone, for the General Assembly and especially for Agenda Items 4 and 5. ETSI has excellent audio-conference facilities and also the webcast access will be provided to the public at-large. It was mentioned that the ICANN Board could follow the webcast and then intervene by phone, as necessary. 5. The PSO Council has then analyzed the ISO consideration of applying for membership of the ICANN PSO. In this light, a representative of the ISO/IEC JTC1 will attend the PSO GA in July 2001, in order to meet the PSO community and analyze the dimensions of a possible ISO involvement. If they wish to procede further, ISO shall then explain how they meet the membership criteria as defined in the PSO MoU and subsequentely send a formal request to the PSO Council. 6. It has been reminded that July-August 2001 is the period of handling over the PSO Secretariat to another PSO signatory. As a result, Fabio has officially announced that ITU will take over this task for the August 2001-August 2002 period and that Mr. Vladimir Androuchko (ITU-T) will assume the continuity of Livia's function. In order to ensure a smooth transition, Mr. Androuchko will attend the PSO GA hosted by ETSI on 11th July 2001 and will consider together with Livia the best way to transfer the existing PSO archive and all the related responsabilities of the PSO Secretary. 7. The next PSO-PC teleconference was proposed for Friday, 27 July 2001, at 15:00 CET. ================================================================================ ANNEX A: PROCEDURE for evaluating nominees' CVs and analyzing their applications ================================================================================ During its teleconference of 7th September 2000, the PSO-PC agreed to use the following criteria as a general basis for assessing candidates'strengths: 0. Specific background data requested a. Internet technologies b. International standards or other international development bodies c. Other corporate Board of Directors d. Government bodies (local/international) 1. Internet culture a. Vision - ICANN & Internet b. Develop appropriate partnerships with wide variety of organizations b1. Experience with wide variety of organizations b2. Adaptable, in the light of ICANN's evolving role (demonstrated breadth of experience) 2. Accountability - to Internet community and Society at large a. Public accountability/openess (e.g. Board experience) b. Legacy regulations (understanding/appreciate/awareness of differences between and across countries) c. Internationalization (experience/demonstrated awareness) 3. ICANN as organization a. Business model - experience with business/financial plans (theory and practice) 4. Other relevant technologies a. Experience with telecom b. Experience with convergence between IP world and traditional telecom world 5. Complementarity (extent to which candidates' background/skills complements the other two PSO-appointed ICANN Board Members). ====================================END========================================