Dear Azucena, I agree that we need to have a procedure to ensure that the PSO reporting to ICANN is better prepared and not just hope that someone spots the need and prepares something. However I am not so sure that your idea to report to ICANN on achievements of the four standards bodies is required or would be welcome. Such reporting is appropriate for the PSO GA but the audience at the ICANN public meetings would not be interested in such details. The other two supporting organisations are much more involved at the ICANN proceedings as their role is firmly in the scope of ICANN discussions but our role is mainly advisory and the details of our standards work would be of little interest to the ICANN attendee unless it is firmly connected to the naming and numbering issues. However this is just my view. Let's discuss it on the 21st. Brian. In message <>, Azucena Hernandez <azucena.hernandez@POP3.TELEFONICA.ES> writes >Dear PSO colleagues, > >It seems that, up to now ,there have been good individual actions from >members of the PSO council in order to ensure that the participants in ICANN >meetings get some report from us. > >In my opinion, it would be better to have an agreed procedure with >involvement of the PSO Secretariat (Livia now and whoever will be in the >future) for the next ICANN meetings. > >Please find below my proposal for having an agreed procedure for reporting >on PSO to ICANN meetings for discussion in the next PSO Council >Teleconference (21st June). > >**************************************************************************** >**************** >PROCEDURE FOR REPORTING ON PSO TO ICANN MEETINGS >**************************************************************************** >**************** >One month before each ICANN meeting the PSO Secretariat will request >attendance plans to the meeting from the PSO Council members. > >If nobody plans to attend, then the PSO Secretariat will contact the ICANN >Director to indicate so and therefore to remove the "ICANN PSO report" from >the Agenda of the ICANN Public Forum. > >If at least 1 member of the PSO Council plans to attend the ICANN meeting, >then he/she will take care of the presentation of the PSO activities. > >The powerpoint presentation itself will be prepared by the PSO Secretariat >based on inputs from all the PSO Council members. The items covered in the >presentation will be: > >1.- Report on the activities of the PSO Council since the previous ICANN meeting >2.- Report on the PSO GA (if any) >3.- Announcement of forthcoming PSO events (if any) >4.-Major achievements by each PSO standards organization (very brief, 1 >slide per organization - IETF, ETSI, ITU, W3C). >5.- Major forthcoming events and milestones from each standards organization >(very brief, 1 slide per organization - IETF, ETSI, ITU, W3C). > >Each standards organization will provide the PSO Secretariat with the >specific highlights to be included in the points 4 and 5 of the >presentation. Once the full presentation is ready, it will be circulated to >the PSO Council members for agreement and further sent to the ICANN >headquarters by the PSO Secretariat for inclusion in the ICANN web site and >practical availability in the ICANN meeting session. > >The PSO Council member/s attending the meeting will give the verbal >presentation and answer the questions from the ICANN Public Forum, if any. > >END > >I will appreciate your comments and suggestions. >Have a nice weekend. >Kind regards, >Azucena >************************************************* >Azucena Hernandez >Telefonica >Desarrollo de Red >c/ Emilio Vargas, 4. E-28043-MADRID >Tel: +34 91 5846842 >Fax: +34 91 5846843 >GSM: +34 609 425506 >E-Mail: >************************************************ B W Moore Lucent Technologies Tel: +44 1206 762335 Fax: +44 1206 762336 =========================================================================