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FW: NAIS Interim Report

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Courtney [mailto:rob@cdt.org]
To: secretariat@dnso.org; pso-secretary@etsi.fr;
Cc: hph@online.no
Subject: NAIS Interim Report
Importance: High

Dear S.O. Secretariats:

The NGO and Academic ICANN Study has recently released the Executive
Summary of its Interim Report. Could you please help distribute this
notice to your Supporting Organizations?

Thank you,

Rob Courtney
NGO and Academic ICANN Study

* * *


In preparation for the upcoming ICANN meeting in Stockholm, the
NGO and Academic ICANN Study is releasing its Interim Report on last
year's At Large election and on the future of the public role in

The Executive Summary of that report is available online at
http://www.naisproject.org/ or, for those without Web access, by
e-mail to info@naisproject.org. The full Interim Report will be
available online shortly. Translations of the Executive Summary in
Spanish, French and Chinese will be available later this week.

The Interim Report is preliminary in nature. NAIS will publish its
Final Report, with recommendations, in September. We welcome
comments, and look forward to continued discussion on this topic.

The NAIS Project

* * *

The NGO and Academic ICANN Study (NAIS) is a collaboration of experts
from around the world, formed to explore public participation in
ICANN and the selection of At-Large Directors on ICANN's governing
board.  NAIS mirrors ICANN's own study effort, and was created to
provide an independent examination, global in scope and grounded in a
belief in the importance of public representation.

For more information, please visit http://www.naisproject.org/ or
contact info@naisproject.org.


Rob Courtney
Policy Analyst
Center for Democracy & Technology
1634 Eye Street NW, Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20006
202 637 9800
fax 202 637 0968
pgp id: 0xAD7123FB