Please find attached a short summary of key decisions/actions taken during the 11 April 2001 teleconference. Should be anything wrongly noted, please let me know. For those who couldn't join us: this notes are only to keep track of our tasks, so it won't be published on the website, obviously. I wish you all a nice Easter holiday! Best regards, Livia <<Key-Decisions-11April2001.txt>>
ICANN Protocol Standards Organization (PSO) Key Decisions/Actions @ April 11, 2001 Teleconference Noted by: Livia Rosu, PSO Secretary PARTICIPANTS --------- Steve Bellovin / IETF Representative Fabio Bigi / ITU Representative Leslie Daigle / IETF Representative Gerry Lawrence / ETSI Representative Brian Moore / ITU Representative APOLOGIES --------- Bridget Cosgrave / ETSI Representative Philipp Hoschka / W3C Representative Daniel Weitzner / W3C Representative Key Decisions/Actions: ------- 1. The PSO Council has analyzed the framework for nominations to the ICANN Board of Directors. The following timeline has been agreed: - June 1st 2001, Opening the Call for nominations from the public at-large to the ICANN Board (for the term begining October 1st 2001) - July 15th 2001, Closing date for nominations (to be forwarded to the PSO Council) - by latest September 15th 2001,PSO-PC to notify the ICANN Board of its decision, according with the ICANN bylaws ("at least 15 days written notice" prior to October 1st) - October 1st 2001, Begining of the term of the new ICANN Director 2. When the call for nominations will be open (June 1st 2001), the candidates shall be only requested to provide their CVs to the PSO Council. The PSO Council members shall then use the previously agreed set of criteria for evaluating the candidates' strengths. 3. The next PSO-PC teleconference was proposed for 21st June 2001.