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(2) Update on 11th April PSO-PC teleconference

Next PSO-PC Teleconference will be held on Wednesday, 11th April 2001, at
15:00 CET.
Estimated duration: 1 hour.
The names marked with asterisk below have confirmed their participation:

Livia Rosu                      +33 4-92-94-43-67  *
Steve Bellovin                  +1 973-360-8656  *
Fabio Bigi                      +41 22 730 5860  *
Bridget P. Cosgrave             +33 4-92-94-4211
Leslie Daigle                    +1 514-633-8963  *
Philipp Hoschka                 +33 4-92-38-79-84 regrets
Gerry Lawrence                  +44 2476-56-2965  *
Brian Moore                     +44 1206-76-2335  *
Daniel Weitzner                 +1 617-253-8036

Please get back to me if your number will change in the mean-time.
TOLL-FREE call-in number to add yourself to the teleconference in progress:
+33 (0) 800 58 79 04.


1. Introduction

2. Conditions for nominations from the public at-large for ICANN Directors

3. AOB

Should you have other suggestions for the agenda, please send them to me.

Best regards,