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Additional Melbourne Meeting Topic: Proposed Revisions to Agreementswith VeriS (fwd)

Looks like a good approach to me.

In message <80256A03.0067442E.00@marconicomms.com>, Gerry Lawrence
<Gerry.Lawrence@MARCONI.COM> writes
>I would support Leslie's approach but would suggest to refine the words a bit
>I have spent the whole afternoon reading the details of the proposal with
>Verisign, and trying to read the public comments but they are coming in thick
>and fast.  Louis Touton in his e-mail to the Protocol Council invites us to
>"provide any comments and recommendations it chooses to offer."  In view of some
>of the high emotions running through the public comments, some of which seem to
>me to be open to some sort of follow-up litigation, I would like to disassociate
>us from having to make anything other than technical comments on any protocol
>issues that might occur as a result of splitting the three registries.  I would
>not like to see later any comments that the PSO did not comment against the
>proposals, which could be interpreted as for example we favour the continued
>running of .com by Verisign as in the proposal.
>So maybe we could take Leslie's words to read something like this:
>"The PSO has considered the proposal only with regard to potential
>protocol-related technical issues as a result of splitting .com, .net and .org
>into three registries, and can see no problems with this approach providing that
>the stability of the DNS resolution is protected. "
>---------------------- Forwarded by Gerry Lawrence/MAIN/MC1 on 02/03/2001 06:17
>pm ---------------------------
>Leslie Daigle <leslie@THINKINGCAT.COM> on 01/03/2001 04:58:39 pm
>Please respond to Leslie Daigle <leslie@THINKINGCAT.COM>
> cc:      (bcc: Gerry Lawrence/MAIN/MC1)
> Subject: Re: Additional Melbourne Meeting Topic: Proposed
>          Revisions to              Agreementswith VeriS
>          (fwd)
>I think I would phrase it rather as -- having reviewed it, I don't
>see any issues in it for the PSO to raise concern over.  The one
>concern we might have is in terms of stability of DNS resolution
>over .com/.org/.net, and they do seem to be aware of that to any
>extent we might offer input.
>Steve Bellovin wrote:
>> I personally don't see any particular need for the Protocol Council to
>> comment on this.
>> ------- Forwarded Message
>> Message-ID: <3A9E5287.BF690F5E@icann.org>
>> Date: Thu, 01 Mar 2001 05:45:43 -0800
>> From: Louis Touton <touton@icann.org>
>> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.7 [en] (Win98; I)
>> X-Accept-Language: en,ja
>> MIME-Version: 1.0
>> To: smb@research.att.com, Fabio.Bigi@itu.int, leslie@thinkingcat.com,
>>         ph@w3.org, bridget.cosgrave@etsi.fr, gerry.lawrence@marconi.com,
>>         brian@bwmc.demon.co.uk, djweitzner@w3.org
>> Cc: Livia Rosu <Livia.Rosu@etsi.fr>
>> Subject: Additional Melbourne Meeting Topic:  Proposed Revisions to Agreements
>>  with VeriSign
>> Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>> To the Protocol Council:
>> Today ICANN posted on its web site
>> <http://www.icann.org/melbourne/proposed-verisign-agreements-topic.htm>
>> a proposal for revision of the registry agreement for the .com/net/.org
>> registry.  Details of the proposal are explained in the topic paper at
>> the URL set forth above.  One aspect of the proposal is to separate the
>> contractual arrangements for the three TLDs; the topic paper provides
>> links to proposed registry agreements for each of them.
>> The proposed revision will be discussed at the 12 March 2001 Public
>> Forum in Melbourne.  The Board expects to consider the matter at
>> Melbourne, but to take action on this topic in the weeks after the
>> Melbourne meeting. In connection with the Board's consideration of
>> this revision, the Protocol Supporting Organiation is requested to
>> provide any comments and recommendations it chooses to offer.
>> Best regards,
>> Louis Touton
>> ICANN Secretary
>> ------- End of Forwarded Message
>>                 --Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb
>"Winters never cease."
>   -- ThinkingCat
>Leslie Daigle

B W Moore
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